General cannabis hemp cultivation information and discussions that don't have a particular forum.
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- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
hey all, i have been reading were people get one of those spray bottles and make up some of ther ferts in it and spray there mj, wont this burn the plant and i have been running my light for 16 hours a day but have turned it up to 24 as i want to send to bud soon will dose this sound ok, i will be turning it back to 12/12 in about a week or so all these questions mite sound a bit dumb to some ppl but when you know vere little about in doors like me i can ask some dumb questions bong on aussie ozmade
Last reply by Tom, -
Second hand Grow Gear
by Guest sabator- 6 replies
Hi guys A thort just occured to me. What do the police do with the hydro gear they confiscate when they bust a commerical set up??? It seriously wouldnt suprise me if they re sold it....... If so does any one know were they sell it at and when?? I live in vic just so u know....i am not dumb enoth to buy it my self...... a close freind who doesnt grow can for me............... Also apart from the tradeing post are there any hydro shops/ stores that deal in second hand gear??? Just that its so much cheaper.. Thanks for any help.... Reguards The SABATOR
Last reply by BlackBeauty, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
hi, i work in the construction industry and was just wandering if you could use the reflective material [insulation ,on new houses , the shit they put between the timber and the bricks ] for lining the grow room ? cos , it's free for me ! it says it's heat resistant , and looks the part , but hey i'm asking any-one who knows - would it work? cheers .
Last reply by everest, -
hey all can anyone pls give me an idear what strain this mite be it is from an unknow seed, it is 25days old i was thinking of budding at 35days dose this sound to soon, i am asking because when i use to grow outdoors i would force bud at about 6 weeks and allways worked out well for me but this indoors is a diffrent thing i have read and heard so many diffrent things any and all help would be grate thanks ozmade bong on aussie
Last reply by Tom, -
Clones/ lights
by Guest sabator- 5 replies
Hi guys and girls. I have had two grows now with shit results. I have only managed to muster 2 oz each run off 4 plants under two 400w hps lights. I am convinced that i am useing a pritty shitty strain. I come to this conclusion as i have a decent set up and my plants seem very healthy. Based on this i plan to send off to spc and get myself some clones. The only problem is i have no idea how to plant them once i get them? As i have never been involved with clones b4 only seeds. so........ How far under the light (400w). What media? (they will b in soil eventually) What nutes/ hormones? any other suggestions? I really have no urge to kill $150 buxs. one last q…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Can anyone tell me how deep MJ seeds should be planted in soil? How long does it take to emerge from soil? high_hoper
Last reply by high_hoper, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
what's the way to go with that sort of cash . I've some growing experience but not with mj , but i'm pretty confident, i'l do ok - with your help . soooo, what indoor set up would you recommend , before i blow me cash and get me arse busted . thanks for the help folks and the welcolm to these fine pages , i'm stumpt for words
Last reply by boe~pimp, -
- 2 replies
I have a plant on the inside of a window in my bedroom and It seems to be growing slow, I have friends that planted the same time i did and there plants are 3 times the sieze of mine. My Question is...... At night time, I always put the aircon in my room on, and the unit is very close to the plant, could this be stopping the plants growth?
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 2 replies
there are these things called dutch pots whcihc are being sold at grow.com for 455 bucks with light(400 Watt High Pressure Sodium light kit), 400 Watt UltraSun lamp , that's kinda steep. Should i get the normal kit without a light for 225 and buy flouros, or build my own one, Please Help crzc
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 0 replies
http://www.fctraders.org/members/albums/album35/DSC00642.jpg g13 hpF2 bred from originals from sensi Mr Nice g13hp, to date have all shown low pheno spread , have used 1 as mom these are her clones at 6wks. http://www.fctraders.org/members/albums/album35/DSC00641.jpg this is bronze F2 b/c from original P1 male super skunk at 28 days http://www.fctraders.org/members/albums/album35/DSC00646.jpg st#3 from Spice of Life, selected a very early maturing male , showed sex while still in veg a very vigorous plant that I have kept as a P1 male because of these traits. This cross was with Greenhouse White Widow, I used a bushy pheno that had very atypical widow crystal…
Last reply by rodwal, -
- 3 replies
Just out of interest How tall do you all let your plants grow? I'm going to aim for 1.2 metres. Cheers Holyreality
Last reply by DOM, -
- 5 replies
hey ive got and outside grow @ the moment of 5 plants and at the end of this month im going on holiday for 1 or 2 weeks and wanna make sure my plants are ok when im gone. Because it can get pretty hot throughout the day they need watering every second day. So far ive got a plastic water tank thing that holds 9-10lt and drilled a hole in the bottom and put some irregation pipe into it. Sort of a drip system and the end i crimped it and put a pin hole for the water to come out. The result is a small water drop that continuosly drips slowly out. I tryed it on some rose bush in a pot last nite and in the morning the dish it sits on was completely full off water (The w…
Last reply by OldmanMozz, -
- 3 replies
Confused about the difference between the two ? Visit this link, it should clear things up http://home.c2i.net/freddiefreak/E/..._ff_01_2002.htm
- 1 reply
Hey, i'm planning on growing soon as a few of you know, and i'm wondering if i should make some clones from a mother and have a seperate scrog, unless it's more hassle than it's worth... advice would be coocrzc p.s.i'm a firsat timee grower
Last reply by Tom, -
Indoor Satvia 1 2
by Cypress- 13 replies
Hi All, Pic was takin about 4 or 5 weeks ago, I've had him/her under a 12/12 cycle for 1 week, 2 days, and it's getting rather large. I've read that a satvia's flower cycle can last upto 20 weeks!!!! If this is the case, how much larger might I expect it to grow?? Currently it stands at 54cm. I've recently (last weekend) lined the cupboard it's growing in with aluminum foil (dull side out) to try and increase the amount of light getting to the plant, but it's rather noisy now (i've got a desk fan on continuously to try and keep temps down), can anyone suggest a quick/cheap way to cut down on the racket? I'm growing under 3 fluro's, two 20 watt, one 24 watt, the 2…
Last reply by Cypress,