Cannabis Paraphernalia
Discuss the tools and accessories essential for optimal cannabis consumption. From quality assurance to ease of use, make informed choices for your needs.
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hey friends So just made a nice batch of bubble hash So I'm looking for some advice on a glass bong/ all the accessories i would need Please try to include things i will need e.g cleaning products/ jet torch thingy. I really have no idea I was thinking about the DhOP range
Last reply by Razz0r, -
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
Come one come all! A topic for everyone to share their Tips & Tricks for rolling joints!
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 420 Crew
- 23 replies
Come and share your creative flows for making magically beautiful bongs! Share the best and worst bongs that you have made in the past and what too avoid when making a home made one! What materials did you use? Come and share and help fellow stoners get their creative juices going!
Last reply by The Stoned Jester, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hey Guys... Just wondering.. Are there any glass blowers or glass workers in the house?... Or does any body know any glass blowers??... Either here or over seas is cool. I have a few bong ideas I wanna get made up. cheers.
Last reply by The Stoned Jester, -
- 10 replies
Due to a neck/spine injury that's been getting worse, my hands shake and I am finding it impossible to roll a joint. I used to rest my elbows on the table, but now even that's not working!. I much prefer smoking joints over bongs as I find it more relaxing. What is the best rolling machine? (that doesn't roll them too tight) Thanks
Last reply by The Stoned Jester, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Well this christmas certainly bought some pleasant surprises, not the least being a new vaporiser... a Storz & Bickle " Mighty". To say that this new vape is anything but a game changer would be to understate how amazing it is to be able to take a tabletop quality vaporiser with you as you travel through your day. I never thought I would see the day when I would be able to carry a bong in my pocket, which is powered by batteries, and I could use it in my daily life, with just a modicum of discretion. I have been using the mighty for two days now, having bought it from the wonderful people at Ozbongs. First impressions....solid build, pocketable in front jeans pocke…
Last reply by wiggins, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Finally got around to my dad's place to pick up my package from Ozbongs. I'd like to thank them for everything, speedy delivery - I ordered Thursday night and it was there by Monday morning. Also the packaging! all glass pieces individually wrapped in bubble wrap and then protected by cardboard and more bubble wrap! Throw in the 420 Member discount and the price was pretty sweet too! Definitely will order though you guys again. Cheers
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 5 replies
Has anyone seen or in fact tried these before? They look pretty cool, excuse the pun, but I am not sure on the price tag for what is essentially a few bits of polyurethane. I think I may manufacture my own to see what it's like and if it's good I may invest. Here is the link for anyone who's interested though.…
Last reply by Stix87, -
My new bit of kit i got for MG, Nectar Collector Havent used it as yet have nothing to give it a test run with. That wont be long though and i will give it a good work out...
Last reply by grow for me, -
- 5 replies
Allo All, So along with my current project - I have learnt many things and read up on huge amounts of information. Apart of that reading has been on Vapes. Since the use of our beloved plant is not totally legal - yet - I believe the information in friend groups never really went past using a bong, rollin up a J or bucket bongs. At least in my group - sure we made cookies and cakes and stuff. also got our hands on oil once and hash once I believe - but thats it. So the reading about Vapes really got me thinking about it and of course its better then a bong from a health point of view. There is also the other side where many have gone on about the flavour and w…
Last reply by Razz0r, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
I want one Video of bong in action.
Last reply by DailyTokin, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
I purchased the Pollen Extractor in February 2015 from here for $142 The first problem was the motor woudn't stay on low so I had to duct tape it to keep it at low speed. I then ran it 3 times for approx 15 minutes each by which time the supporting plastic bracket on one side had broken. It looked like it would still work ok so I gave it another 15 minutes which fucked it completely. As I paid via Paypal, I contacted the company and sent photos. They were very understanding and this was their response. Thank you for forwarding the photos, for sure that…
Last reply by Dingo-2008, -
How much demand for genuine ROOR would there be in Australia? A couple of months ago I received a phone call out of the blue from Martin Birzle who is the owner of ROOR in Germany and we have emailed a few times since. From the phonecall I learnt that Martin and his company were not only fully aware that fake ROOR products were being imported and distributed all over Australia, but they were also intending to lodge paperwork with the Australian government and then take legal action against the importer when that paperwork was approved. I don't know what stage this legal action is at but I have noticed that some of the online sites have removed their fakes? He also…
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 6 replies
Hey everyone, Purchased myself a TrimTray for $85 including postage. gave it a test run the other night - I cut up 2 branches of Bubblegum over the trim tray [not manicuring, merely snipping buds off stems and plucking some shade leaves] - and ended up with 1.5g of kief. I'm pretty happy with this investment. I did consider some other options - I really liked the OG Worker Bee - but this was a nice compromise of function and $$.
Last reply by asterisk, -
- 0 replies
For nearly four years i have used a Vapolution glass on glass vaporiser. My vape isnt very technical, not even close to digital, and at the lower end of the cost spectrum. Ive tried some pretty amazing vapes, epsecially the ones made by Storz and Bickel. But i still love mine. Why? Because i can put fresh wet herbs straight from my garden into my vape and oh boy, the flavour is just amazing. I dont have to chop it either. And i get a great resin product in the glass piping that really packs a punch. It takes a bit of getting used to, but i am happy with my purchase.
Last reply by DailyMedz,