Cannabis Paraphernalia
Discuss the tools and accessories essential for optimal cannabis consumption. From quality assurance to ease of use, make informed choices for your needs.
- 5 replies
I'm looking at buying a Volcano Vaporizer but I am confused about which model I want? I'm confused as to what the difference is between a Easy Valve Starter Set & a Solid Valve Starter Set? The price is the same - so which one do I want and why? Jimbo
Last reply by flatcat_auz, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
just bought a new Bong after my old one cracked while washin it this morning.. Went with a Double Stem Ice Perculator from Blaze.. setting me back $110 Smokes up a treat..
Last reply by JaykeSucks, -
- 9 replies
Hi everyone, I was wondering if i moved interstate again, what would be the safest way of getting my pieces across? I have 5 glass bongs that i would like to keep with me. I was thinking ither, posting them to my destination, after a good clean with Iso and Rock salt, or packing them in postage box and taking them on as luggage? Also will Iso and Sea salt remove all traces of cannabis? If not, is there anyway to remove all traces? Bottom line, i really don't want to lose my pieces, so peoples opinions and perhaps experiences would be greatly appreciated thanks.
Last reply by whatsmynameagain, -
- 4 replies
Hey Guys, spoke briefly about my issue in my first post. But need some help. I had another 2 vapes today using my Vaporite "Remote" here it is... So I've been packing the "bowl" with about 0.2-0.5g of green, setting the temp tonight at 150*C or 302*F and gradually worked down from there. The first hit I got the slight 'popcorn' taste/smell and definately burnt a bit, after turning it down to 130C still seemed to burn, then 125C it seemed to do nothing. I've been taking the bowl off each pull, and some pulls i do get a lovely taste but still not sure on a few things... 1: Does anyone else have this model and can th…
Last reply by CaptainFingers, -
- 13 replies
Ok so u get that knock at the door the one every grower dreads, an angry cuntstable/orifice with a search warent of corse if you are growing you are gonna loose that but i ask what is the go with your bongs and pipes? obviously if you are in a state where such apparatus is illegal then the cops will most likely take it off you but im in Victoria and just wonder what would happen to my pride and joy. Do they seize them all? do they only seize them if they are being "used"? If its clean, sitting on a shelf on display is it still gonna get confiscated? I would like to believe that if the bong is clean, and on display on a shelf it would be like any other thing in the …
Last reply by Sylar420, -
- 5 replies
hi there all, After reading up and Paladins awesome review on the Arizer Extreme Q vape i decided to get one off ebay for the lady so she had something other than the peace pipe to smoke through and her doc also recommended she use a vape rather than a pipe if she was gona continue smokeing weed? interesting i thoiught a doc not outright opposed to dope! but yea in the end had the toss up of a volcano at $600 or the AEQ for $290 so decided for what it could do the AEQ was the way to go. Would just like some tips i can pass on to her so she can get the most of it. I assume she will use the whip more than the bag. Has any ideas on to how hot to set the temp? cleaning and s…
Last reply by Sylar420, -
My new glass 1 2
by Sylar420-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hi there guys my birthday present came in yesterday and thought id post it up, Its a Manifest Glass Works custom fire and ice with a worked 8arm tree perc, worked spash gard and worked center of the base and matching bowl. It was bought though chicokush and took 5 days of worrying weather it would arrive in one piece or not hahahaha but all was good and even got a glass spoon pipe as a freebie!
Last reply by JohnnyBlazeJnr, -
- Admin
- 5 replies
Hi all.. Used to be on here eons ago..After 40 years of hanging off a billy i finally bought a vapouriser. But am having trouble using it..I'm setting the temp at 270 degrees, which is at the lowest end of their recommended range, but i'm still cookin the yahndi.. I need assistance from someone expert on this machine..
Last reply by Rattrap, -
- 16 replies
Getting vaguely worried but probably only because that's just the kind of guy I am. Had a bong shipped from the states via USPS airmail. I can track it on the USPS site. So basically it's been 8 days, and this is the 4th day it'd be in customs. Just wondering how long everyone else's packages from overseas took and if they tracked it in this manner and saw it get held up or anything like that.
Last reply by Sylar420, -
- 7 replies
i like the purple days or is it daze anyway a friend had it at their place and it worked really well. i hear good things bout the volcano but not spending all that. what do you use and is it the best youve had?
Last reply by wietlover, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
I just bought one and I think my pouring experience would be much better if the little bit at the end would come off it seems to be glued on or something how do I get it off? thanks
Last reply by DarkSpark, -
Milk Shots 1 2 3 4 14
by 420Downunder-
- 420 Crew
- 137 replies
post your milk shot pics, I'll start with a few;
Last reply by cone head, -
- 5 replies
Just want to know if anyone hear has bought one of these pipes or owns one? The have a vid on you tube of one being crafted and seem like good value for money, they are made in the Chezch republic not in a Chinese sweatshop. Before i get reply's like "how dose it compare to a RooR" ill just put it to u that i am not gona spend 300+usd on a RooR bong! as cool as they are and as nice as they look i just cant justify it. hear is the Bongin website if you wanna take a look, lots of cool pieces on offer and the you tube vid of one being made why dose he make it look so easy?
Last reply by aussie made glass, -
- 5 replies
hey guys well the other week me trusty bong smashed i didnt do it it was the wife!!! sacralige where i come from.. so anyways with the bong bans etc atm i wasnt paying the extorted prices they charge for roor brand i didnt want to take the chance with glass in mail so i have come up with this 316 grade marine stainless steel,shoty,stem she works and smokes smoothe well the smoothness could come back to the pot we smoke... anyways was interested in seeing wat other folks use4 take care and stay safe bil
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Hi there all After seeing one of the bongin brand pipes broken (on youtube) and the paper thin glass they have used to make it i have decided if im gona buy a new pipe it may as well be quality. Ive looked at aqua labs technology web site as well as bit freak and was wondering what other bong stores out there sell quality pipes? ive done a google search and all i seem to find is the same old crap i can get hear in oz, I did see that weed star have some good pipes and have 5mm glass and am reading nothing but good things about them, they seem like a mid range kind of pipe. So can you guys post the online shops that sell quality plz sylar420 out
Last reply by Sylar420, -