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Anyone know how long it takes to post stuff from America?

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Hey guys Im sorta in the same boat now, i decided to buy a decent pipe and ended up choosing a Manifest glass works custom fire and ice with an 8arm tree and diffuser stem! Got it from ChicoKush.com and those guys seem grate and helpful too.


I know that customs will of course have a sticky beak at it and prob rip a bud through it grown from all our lost seeds just to make sure it passes, Reading this thread that can take anywhere from 3-10 days


CK sent me the tracking number which is cool and i can see that it left the USA on the 18th of July via the USPS tracking site but i don't know what to do now? do i keep going to the USPS tracking sight to follow it or do i go to the Aussie post site to track it? Never orderd something from the states that needed a tracking number.



with my USPS parcels the web site tracking has been quiet accurate in updating me along the way so just keep track of that and get ready for your parcel when it comes out of customs and "out for delivery" or something along that line.. Sometimes the aus post people can be a bit slack scanning the barcode as it moves through the domestic postal system but you should see it arrive and clear customs etc. I have had a couple of packages caught up in customs from a couple of days to a week but never any dramas, they just open it up and have a geeze, leave a card saying they checked you item out, re pack it and it continues on its way and aus post will deliver it. I have only ever had a drama with one package from the UK and those guys just resent the order and that is out of 15+ odd packages of random things for smoking..

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Hey guys just had an eye out on the USPS site and with the tracking number got the following:


.At Foreign Delivery Unit, July 22, 2010, 6:22 am, AUSTRALIA

.Out of Foreign Customs, July 20, 2010, 3:56 pm, AUSTRALIA

.Into Foreign Customs, July 20, 2010, 3:44 pm, AUSTRALIA

.Arrived Abroad, July 20, 2010, 3:44 pm, AUSTRALIA

.International Dispatch, July 18, 2010, 4:49 pm, ISC SAN FRANCISCO (USPS


Looks like its at my gpo and should get the red slip to go and pic it up soon lol cant wait to see it but im out of the country for work so the closes ill get is a pic from the wife.

Will have to christen it when i get back home......in 4 months 20 days but who is counting. Ill put up pics when it gets in, also put up a milk shot of her first rip!


strange enough it only spent 12 minutes in customs! this must be a first lol

Edited by Sylar420
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Well i got my new pipe today, all in one peice and packed realy well! even got a glass pipe freeby in the deal that i wasnt expecting! am so wraped with chicos coustomer servis. Ill get a good pic of it and post it up and also do a review of chicokush aswell.


Nice work. Despite the paranoia. I can tell you as a fact Customs do not search everything and they don't have drugs dogs at every sorting center in Australia. The show Border Security is a total fucking Joke. It's designed to scare the fuck out of most Moron's who actually believe everything and everyone they come in contact with. So in most circumstances it's working just fine.


I work in the Aviation industry. I have personally tested the screening process. Carried 12 seeds in my wallet. It went through the scanner just fine. They only look for metal objects.....go figure.


Here is another one. If you really are worried about getting a bust. You can smear the outside of a tin with Sticky bud resin and leave that for the dogs to smell, leave a packet of rolly papers inside (make sure no pot frags inside). Provided you are NOT growing.....The dog will find the tin in a fucking heartbeat. The cops will stop looking. They are lazy remember.

If they had a tip off for growing then it doesn't matter what you do, the dog will find it. And if you are stupid enough to sell it and the cops were tipped off then they will of course still keep looking.


In my younger days I was raided after an altercation with a flat mate. I had the dummy tin with the rolly papers in the tin. All clean of course. The tin was in the fruit bowl, my pot was in a bowl on top of the water heater in the garage. The cops predictable as they are searched the place and found the tin very quickly. The fuckers spent most of there time looking through my Porn Collection. But in reality they soon lost interest after finding the empty tin. They pulled apart my Rolly papers and found nothing because they were placed there for a reason. They were so lazy they didn't even go into the Garage.


Needless to say the flatmate who was sure I was going to get busted was very surprised I didn't.

She still doesn't know to this day just why the Differential in her car blew up 3 months later. Her gearbox didn't like having any Oil in it either. Karma can be such a bitch sometimes.


Here is one if you want an absolute fool proof method of hiding pot. Put your pot in a Plastic Zip lock bag place that bag in another zip lock bag. place that into a tuperware container full of water. Make up a bleach and water solution and wash the tuperware container and your hands, then and this is also important,. wash in clean water, and then hide the container. THE DOG WILL NOT SMELL IT. My brother's mate was a dog handler. P.S. It's best to use washing up gloves when handling the pot to get it into the zip lock bag. Then remove the gloves and follow through from there.



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Ive got one of those fancy vacuum packing machines that suck all the air our of the bag then heat seals the end leaving the bag 100% air tight, I use it when i cure my own meat.


Ive often wondered what would happen if i put an ounce in a bag vacuum sealed it, put that sealed ounce into into another vacuum bag and resealed it just to be sure no smell gets out. Would dogs be able to smell though 2 layers of plastic?(any one who has seen one of these bags will know they are thick maybe 3 times thicker than a zip lock bag) As far as seeds go i dont think they could smell them, Yes they are from the cannabis plant but they have no thc an no smell to them especially after sitting in a baggie for god knows how long. I wonder if i wrote the address on a letter just after Ive had a chop and licked the stamp after Ive had a bowl then posted it wouldn't the dog smell that?


Maybe that's why some seeds don't make it through? just a theory, if the guy at the seed bank is a smoker and the envelope came into contact with cannabis it might be enough to set the dog off?

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