General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 5 replies
a+ one s+age in our lives,we are all newbies some of us ages ago,some mos+ recen+ i fall in 2 recen+ ca+agorie since joining u ppl some 7-8m+hs ago,i feel now u have shared a weal+h of knowledge 2 +he poin+ where s+ill a newbie bu+ have ac+uallee learn+ some+hing (lewbie i spose) since we're a+ +ime of ear where we share feelings ec+ i would like 2 +hank each and ev/one of u 4 broadening mi mind in process of canna cul+iva+ion was in a dark place when came across u ppl,cancer recoveree,depression,chemo madness and radia+ion u peeps showed me wi+hou+ judgemen+ or +all poppee sidrome and mainlee wi+h humour +ha+ i+'s ok 2 be a fuck up and no ma++er how much life sux, some …
Last reply by greenqueen2, -
- 6 replies
Hey everyone, I'm fairly new to growing and would just like to make sure what im doing here is ok for germinating. It would be great for some feed back or even to hear what you do to germimate. [emoji1] Hope you all have a great holiday Its wet paper towl inside a plastic bag (its going to be kept open)
Last reply by micmac, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Hey guys I realize this might be an extremely stupid question but i just want to make sure im taking the right steps... i was just wondering what exactly should i put my germinated seed into? a small seedling pot/cup or just shove it into a main pot? Also what mix should i have for both of these pots if needed? Please let me know if any of these ingredients i purchased will or will not work and the steps i should take from seed to seedling! thank you for your guys time! PS: Im growing outdoor auto
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- 10 replies
hi guys. i have just finished my first grow a month or so back. results were good but the grocell tent i was using already has a broken main zipper. so my question is what brand of tent do you guys recommend me to buy that will last? im looking at a gorilla tent but are they worth the extra money? i would rather buy once cry once (to late i know).
Last reply by zymurgist, -
- 24 replies
Howdy Folks, I am thinking seriously about purchasing one of these setups off ebay and was just wondering whether any of you have used this setup before and what your opinions might be? There are 2 setups that i am looking at, one using 9 liter pots and the other using 19 liter pots, would it be worth going for the larger one or would the 9 litre be sufficient? Also i see they are using the clay balls in these setups, does anyone know if that is all you can use or would some coir do the same job, It seems pretty exe using the clay balls with the larger setup, In fact i think the balls would cost more than the whole system. I will post a couple of links to the ones i am lo…
Last reply by zeuss, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
Hello, Does anyone here use environmental stress or nutrients to intentionally change the sex of their own plants to male? If so, how did you go about it? I've only managed to create hermaphrodites and sadness. I'd like to try and create my own seed from a particular mother plant I keep, by turning some clones into males.
Last reply by ooodog, -
Hey guys just wondering what light cycles you use for veg and flower ? Would love to know Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Tunkers, -
Hi guys So i was having a discussion with another grower friend of mine , about establishing mother plants for cloning. He was telling me that you should only use reg seeds, sex them and then use the strongest fem as your mother. Because he seems to think that if you clone off a feminised seed the resulting clones would be hermaphrodite..... I have two mothers from different seed companies that are both from fem seeds and have done two lots of cuttings off each mother , out of 20 or so clones every one rooted and was female. No signs of hermies at all.... So i guess what i want to know is.... Does anyone have any experience with getting hermaphrodites from cloning fem s…
Last reply by AutomaticSlim, -
- 12 replies
So I'm following a guide that uses cfls and coco coir as well as nutrients it says i need to make sure I get 20% extra run off of water every water, what kind of pots would allow me to get this runoff ? I'm going to be growing in a small tent, still undecided whether i'll use auto's or photo plants all help will be much appreciated! I'm a total noob so there will be a ton of questions.
Last reply by maryjaneclouds, -
- 1 reply
While I wouldn't want to be a regular poster on this thread I'm wondering if anyone has any failed grows they have to tell us about and what they would do differently because of what they learned. I watched a sad grow on youtube and to his credit the guy has left it up as an example. I can't figure out what he did that was so wrong and I think his end result while it wasn't a normal win, still generated something interesting. It was so interesting I think in his position I might have moved one of the plants outside to see what became of it. It looked so uncannabis like ie a weeping plant that it could have gone stealth till it got to where it was wanting to go. H…
Last reply by Tunkers, -
one on one 1 2
by Oldpom-
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Hi Guys, very new to this at my age but health problem is the main reason I am here. I really need to have a one on one with someone who can guide me step by step through the set up of an indoor system. This is purely for medical purpose and not making money (I know that does not make a difference in the eyes of the law) but, I want to continue living and on my terms. I am in Victoria and really desperate to get some advice from someone who understands a first timers problem.. Thanks in advance
Last reply by Oldpom, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
i see my seeds have started pre flowering but i cant tell if there males or females? heres a few pics of 2 plants and there pre flowers....what do use think they are? cheers medicalgrower....
Last reply by micmac, -
Im looking for some advice on drying Harvest for me is in 3 weeks. Im living in WA so its a hot dry climate. I can only dry in my shed and no way to really control temp in there. What is the best way to dry in order to get the best end product As always much appreciated in advance Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by micmac, -
- 10 replies
Hey everyone is there a nutrient company in Australia selling ph stablized nutrient? Mumwilma setup is going from 6.2 to 5.4 overnight....I don't know what th eissuemis everzthing else is fine...
Last reply by micmac, -
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
What do u think of these nutes and where are they made?
Last reply by Itwasntmemr, -