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How long until I'm harvesting?

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im not against it either, but have questioned wether the matter you wash away breaks down or is filtered out through natural processes, and as the drying room most use is probably not sanitized does the wet bud become re contaminated, if youve ever smoked fish or some other meat there is no shortage of stuff going on your food or into the air, some science results would be nice

Some science would be lovely. Although science has said that terpenes are the essential oils of a plant. Oil doesn't just desolves because it touched a bit of water. Nor are they that fragile they all break off at a single touch. If that was true, how would we harvest them? You'd deadset lose more terpenes and cannabinoids when you grind or chop up. They aren't all gonna make it to ya brain, unfortunately. I doubt anymore would be removed in a h2o2 water solution than touching them. The human skin excretes oils that can fuck with the oils on the buds morr than water or hydrogen peroxide could. I don't particularly want to wear gloves. I like sticky fingers. I'm not a germaphobe, but I feel a bit yuck knowing that shit is on my buds. That's like purposely swallowing if a fly goes in your mouth, you know it's there but you do it anyway. Might not cause much harm, but is anyone willing to light a fly up in their cone peace and smoke it knowing it's there?


Maybe you would, maybe I would, but I'd prefer a fly fresh from a bath than one that's been decomposing on your plant with it's shit everywhere. If you find bug shit through ya cereal, are you still gonna eat it? Worse that can do is give you an upset tummy, just like smoking a bit of dust and bug shit might just make you cough, but maybe that will manifest one day into something serious. Especially if you're smoking bud from an indoor set up where there was foliar feeding with chemicals first. Alright for us folk that can smoke what we grow but we aren't all that lucky.


Only think I'm suss on is the lemon. I use lemons to clean the residual bath oils and skin oils from the inside of my bath, however I also have to use salt as an abrasive for it to really actually clean it. Wouldn't use the bottled stuff, only fresh. Preservatives in the bottled stuff wouldn't be good.


Fuck it! Let's make it a full on experiment! Most buds left alone, one dunked in just water, one in h2o2 and rinsed with water, some in lemon and bicarb and water rinsed with water, and some with the entire mixture.

Edited by evatil
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must be, not enough bongs ? to many bongs? ahh fuck it il just have another bong lol


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Not enough, mate. My supplier's supplier went to have a bit of adult timeout, so I'm on Struggle Street and waiting for my buds in an envelope on my fishtank light to dry. Shit will go quiet then. Just want to go to sleep because I'm exhausted but can't without having a smoke or a tablet and I hate how groggy the tablets get me the next day.
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Everyone suggests silly things a time or two hundred in their lives, doesn't mean it stops good information from ever coming from them again. Microwaving is a bad idea for drying properly but I doubt he's doing info on how to cure an entire harvest in a microwave. Probably just showing you how to do it better when you're in a pinch. I wouldn't know, haven't seen it.
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