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Lets have an Australia wide march in each capitol city

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I know business groups use lobbyists as does any organisation or group pushing for changes to the law or the likes of trade acts.


I will see what I can find out what services are available to an ordinary citizen like me or a group pushing for legal Cannabis.


Squeaky wheels get the oil so we need to squeak up!

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Actually, I'm sure I had a conversation with someone on this very subject just recently, where you can get assistance from a public organisation for lobbying causes which have little capital.... gotta ask the missus if she remembers....


You know what's really weird when you think about it... cannabis is a multi billion dollar industry, mostly because of prohibition mind, but it would still be a respectably sized industrial organisation if it was legalised, and their is no money for lobbying.... sick eh?


Well, that's not true really, there are many organisations which lobby for cannabis reform, just not many in australia with anything like the respectability that groups like NORML have in the US....


The HEMP party is probably the closest we have, and that seems (to me) to be dominated by hippies and left wing radicals and has recently been deregistered by the AEC on account of not enough members....

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another good angle is the fincancial one. We all know what a great crop it is. We all know what a boon it would provide to the economy. The other thing is all we have to do is make it legal and we have a place in a very niche market - the only other place is amsterdam - and think about it like this


Amsterdam is a beautiful city - ancient, cosmopolitan, a centre of european trade for centuries. Home of some of the world's greatest artists, thinkers, business minds and visionaries, a place of great history and interest. And all people think about is "You can smoke weed there!" It's such a big thing to people that it overrides everything else the place has going for it. Weed smokers from all over the world go there just for it.


Imagine if that was here! Imagine the tourist dollars.

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Great, but we'd have to make sure this isn't used for hysterical claims like increased use etc. There's a lot of proof that use either goes down, or isn't affected, by the regulatory model - so we'd need to be pushing that up front as central to this argument for economy/tourist benefits.
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To the first.... If a protest movement wasn't concerned about the result they wouldn't protest would they.... they'd hold a love in and winge at each other....


The point is about getting in the right state of mind that is most likely to sustain your activism.


Activism is a thankless job, and often doesn't achieve any results.


If you set out expecting support, or only working because you expect success, you are setting yourself up to crash and burn. Much better to enjoy the journey, then your activism will continue on regardless, which is more likely to end up in the result you desire.


Its an ancient philosophical principle that applies to a lot of things in life, and is a common thread in traditional eastern religions as well as new age philosophies. And I think there's a lot to it.


I am not saying you should not try to achieve everything you want to achieve, just that its a mistake to make the result the basis of your actions. You should enjoy the journey to the result, whether or not you get there should be unimportant. This way, its less likely you'll get disillusioned and quit when you don't seem to be making any headway next year, or the year after that, because you are enjoying what you are doing.

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Here's the link to the thread I was thinking of. Lots of reading lol although great studies to use as ammo, especially as a couple were funded by government :P



...but that's office bitch work :doh: I'll be joining 10 000 protestors/activists/ferals/skippy punters/criminals/european backpackers/cops/ganja fairies :P bare footed outdoor growers/hardcore indoor hydro freeks, for the longest running organised street march and show of civil disobedience weekend in Australia, it's on 1st weekend of May every year until prohibition ends :D

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Thought i'd better try 'n explain things a bit better, before I get mis-interperated.


Using the term 'Nimbinite's' is generalizing too much. I have no beef of which way one prefers to exist. Weather it be hippie, pollie or just your average joe, each to their own.


Nimbin and it's culture is something that should be recorded, preserved and fought for. As it's ONE of many diverse cannabis cultures existing within Australia.


Now, what jack's me off is when anyone living or representing nimbin get's on their soap box and pronounces Nimbin is the heart and/or voice of the cannabis culture within Australia. Admittedly, it's a well known one. But it's not be all or end all. The sooner this false perception is bought to an end, the better the chance for general all round reform within Oz, i tend to believe.


You only have to walk down any reasonably busy street in this great land of ours, and there's a fair chance you'll walk pass 50 odd stoners in no time 'n not even know it. That to me, is my perception of a Aussie stoner.


So what i'm suggesting for Nimbinites, is to protect and preserve their history on a local level and not use cannabis call as a tool, to rape and pillage it just to your own benefit. Nimbin displays a false interpretation of the Aussie cannabis culture, as a whole, and i can't help but think it's damaging the cause, while they act in such a way.


So all the power to the Nimbinite's to defend 'n preserve their culture. But please, don't be spruking on my behalf about the delusional views you hold about Nimbin representing the Australian Cannabis Culture.


By the way. I do have a reasonable understanding of Nimbin's take on it all. As it's been a local town that i've frequented over the last 22 or so years.


If Nimbinite's were to ask me my opinion on how to turn things around for the better, for the region. I'd suggest to clean up the Meth scene on the streets (used to be H). It's a shame to see such a small town have such a fkd up problem. While Nimbin has that under-tow, it's gunna be a battle to be taken seriously, in this day 'n age.


Peace to all. :P

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