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Lets have an Australia wide march in each capitol city

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you call me piss weak? You are the one taking shots mate. and you do it time and time again.


mightier than thou crap? thats your perception, and its wrong. I'm sorry you took my comments as some sort of ego trip or personal attack, because thats just not the case.


also I think its pretty piss weak of you to insult me in the forums like this, since we talk in chat almost every day, and you have never said anything like this to me.


damn shame IMO.

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OK this is turning into a fight between us and everyone appears to be getting of topic. OK I do not like the way Nimbin has handled the whole fight either, however at least they have been putting one up, more than the rest can say.


So lets start finding things we agree on and stop fighting each other on stupid childish things. So what if you don't agree with Nimbin, what have you been doing to change the perception the world has on Hemp? Has in fact anyone here other than the Nimbinites done squat? So unless you have something constructive to say, keep you Nimbin opinion to yourselves.


This is about moving forward, not dwelling in the past, wining the fight against the laws not against each other. Now if there is anymore crap from either side I will remove the topic and will not bring it up again, the mods will not need to step in.

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I think the simplest slogan is "I use cannabis and I VOTE!"


And I'm sorry littlbit but I just have to respond to this piece by pipeman, and then I'll shut the f@#% up.


The external results of what you are doing should be unimportant.


You can't save the world, and to try to do so will do nothing but create conflict with others and with yourself.


To the first.... If a protest movement wasn't concerned about the result they wouldn't protest would they.... they'd hold a love in and winge at each other.... The point of protesting something is that you're making your view known, even if that view isn't taken in by the majority simply having it opened up to society can make a big difference as to how it's perceived. It can go both ways, positively or negatively, depending primarily on how the movement behaves and acts in public.


Do you think that the civil rights movement in the US shouldn't have been concerned with the external results of what they're doing? Or that it wasn't important? It's pretty much the same thing here. Without people standing up then nothing changes.


Doing nothing is not the same as staying neutral.


And to the second;


Who says we're trying to save the world? We're just trying to change a law with no basis in fact. Happens all the time. Most frequently with a new government or a concerted and serious protest/reform movement or both.


All I want is to be able to grow and smoke without being concerned that a policeman will break down my door and confiscate all my hard eared possessions. That's a police state and it pisses me off. If someone likes it that way, fine. If someone doesn't like it that way but isn't willing to actually do anything about it, then don't bitch about how useless it is for others to try....


Personally, I write LTE's, (several of which have been published), talk to everyone and sundry who'll listen about the utter hypocricy of the present laws and use talkback radio as a medium too. I would love to see more regular cannabis users doing the same... An editor rarely ignores a well written argument about something topical, and even something that isn't current flavour of the month. And if the media (who we should try to make our friend not our foe imo) outlets get enough people poking them about something, they see dollar signs in controversial issues and will run it.


Now I've got that off my chest on a monday morning with little sleep, how about a show of hands of those willing to get together at a public place for a meeting of a pro-cannabis organisation in Perth?

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Hey Luke well at least you said it without getting nasty, those other two need their heads banged together to see if we can knock some sense into them. I love their individual stands, but wish they could find a middle ground to work from instead of just finding differences they will never agree on.


Like you both hubby and I talk to anyone and everyone who will listen and even some who don't really want to, however we are both professionals and we mix with a very strange group of people from all walks of life. We have managed to convert a number of especially older people who are now using at least an oil we make for pain. Every person we can get even a little on side is one step closer to freedom, and that is the message we all need to think about.

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Cheers littlbit, yeah, I sometimes come off a little high and mighty, but I like to think I'm a reasonable human being who holds opinions as strongly as anyone else and would argue my point as strongly, (but hopefully politely) as possible. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean their idiots.


Most of the time that is... :P


But in reference to one of my previous comments, everyone should check this out, it's the article relating to a british study which tried to define the various mean harms associated with drugs... I'll post a simplified diagram as well which shows where things come out in science, not prohibitionist propaganda.... It's a PDF file though, so if you're on dial up it might take a mo to load but well worth the read.




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This is an exciting thread.


The clear objective must be to change the legal status of cannabis from illegal to legal.


It seems to me a two pronged attack is required.


1 To get the truth about the merits of Cannabis into the public arena.


2 To get the truth of the merits of Cannabis into our politicians heads.


This will not be an easy task but certainly not impossible.


I have a question for anyone au fait with the political process in OZ.


How does one go about getting a lobbyist to work for us?

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