Australian Cannabis News
Australian cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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- 0 replies
After gathering my jaw from the floor I was amazed to find most of "social prejudices" I believed about hemp are false and has been manufacture to influence politics, manufacturing and primary produce to the incredible determent of the planets ecosystem. These lies concerning the flowers narcotic effects are so deep set that even people who regularly smoke mull are afflicted. I was also deeply disturbed by how these lies are directly endangering the planet and the future of all life on Earth. What am I talking about? The cause is a web site called “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” By Jack Herer and a story about the NORML Director’s recent encounters with the DEA. The lies?…
Last reply by Kimba, -
- 3 replies
Source: Date: 14 Feb 2003 --- BRUSSELS - Belgium is set to permit the use of cannabis, following the passing of the country's new drugs law Thursday. Cannabis users will be allowed to have the drug for personal use, providing they possess no more than 5 grams. They are allowed to cultivate one cannabis plant. However, smoking of cannabis in public and in the presence of minors remains illegal. Users who cause problems for neighbours will face prosecution. Parliament approved the new drugs law by 75 to 40 votes, with four abstentions.
Last reply by sols, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
hi all just saw on the news that today 3 nsw men were arrested and remanded in custody for a plantation of 8000 outdoor mj plants only days away from harvest..there was also a shed nearby setup with drying racks and cryvacs to package it all this will add to nsw drought prob.....bummer
Last reply by sc0pe, -
- 0 replies
POLICE have seizd millions of dollars worth of cannabis plants BULL SHIT following raids on a number of properties south of coffs harbour. Officer from the state crime command drug squad last week raided properties in Ellenborough,Kempsey,Valla ,Kew and Bowraville.AS a result, more then 6000 plants were seized. SORRY TO ALL YOU GUYS
Last reply by BananaEd, -
- 1 reply
Burke fuels dope fire February 08, 2003 Opposition Leader Denis Burke said yesterday Territorians should be allowed to decide for themselves whether they smoke marijuana. He said the Government was misguided in its determination for police to target marijuana use. "The vast majority of marijuana use is recreational use," Mr Burke said. "It's harmless and the Government should concentrate on issues that are a concern to the community." As the former commander of 2nd Cavalry Regiment based at Robertson Barracks, Mr Burke said he tolerated marijuana consumption by his troops. "There are many people that will not drink alcohol, but will have the occasional smoke,…
Last reply by pipeman, -
Inside Scoop 1 2
by Oz-
- Admin
- 14 replies
Heard through a reliable source today that they heard straight from the horses mouth, that NSW Police are currently targeting electricity & water usage in their war on cannabis... Just thought I would mention it with the recent busts that have occurred.
Last reply by Buddy, -
- 1 reply
By ELISSA HUNT, Magistrates' Court reporter February 05, 2003 FOUR detectives were charged yesterday with drug trafficking in the latest corruption claim to hit Victoria Police. Drug charges: from left are Det-Sgt Glenn Saunders, Sen-Det Peter Alexander, Sen-Det Stephen Campbell, and former Det-Sgt David Waters. Picture: John Hart The four policemen, including two detective sergeants, were all based at St Kilda. They are accused of trafficking $100,000 worth of cannabis. Charged are Det- Sgt David John Waters, 42, who was discharged last month, and serving officers Det-Sgt Glenn Saunders, 33, Sen-Det Peter John Alexander, 36, and Sen-Det Stephen Russell Campbe…
Last reply by Ferre, -
- 1 reply
by Simon O'Brien Printed in Issue:20 April 2002 Simon O'Brien, Western Australian Legislative Council member for the South Metropolitan Region and Shadow Minister for Drug Abuse Strategy, recently visited South Australia to investigate that State's experience with liberalised cannabis laws. His visit to South Australia was prompted by the WA Labor Government's announcement that it would pursue the decriminalisation of the possession of small amounts (up to 25g) of cannabis, and the cultivation of up to two plants. A summary of his report follows. South Australian experience The decriminalisation of cannabis in South Australia, in particular, its cultivation, has…
Last reply by boulder, -
pissed off in SA 1 2 3
by budsta- 20 replies
Just thought I'd mention that as of today new legislation in SA has now made it totally illegal to grow even one plant hydroponically. 1 outdoors is still OK I think but the Advertiser yesterday stated hydro now illegal even fa one bloody plant! What the hell is happnin in this state? We are going backwards. They say it will stop house break-ins - well why not target the breaker inners not the growers. I mean if bottle shops are targetted by thieves will they ban bottle shops? Yours, exceedingly pissed off, Budsta. Laterz...
- 5 replies
Hydroponic suppliers targeted By EDITH BEVIN February 01, 2003 Some Territory hydroponic equipment suppliers are being investigated by police over their suspected role in the cultivation of drugs. One Darwin supplier has already been summonsed over his alleged role in supplying equipment for growing cannabis. Police are known to be looking at other hydroponic suppliers. "We suspect that there are some hydroponics suppliers involved or assisting in the illicit manufacture of drugs," Drug Squad Senior Sergeant Les Martin said. "I'm not going to name people. "But we suspect there are some suppliers that are well aware their equipment is being used for the man…
Last reply by Ferre, -
- 7 replies
anyone here about that bust on that crop in cooma? there geting tuff on the way up to qld near grafton they were searching for weed think the sugar farmers are growing now for income.thats what i have herd
Drug seize
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 2 replies
any1 see the drugs seziure in melb yesterday arvo on tv..? and can any1 give me info on it..?
Last reply by Buddy, -
- 4 replies
Lib push on drug-drivers January 23, 2003 A DEVICE that can test for illegal drug use could help police combat people driving while under the influence of drugs, the State Opposition said yesterday. Infrastructure spokesman Brett Whiteley said the device, which only needs a swab of saliva, could hold the key to testing drivers suspected of being under the influence of illegal drugs. "The Cozart RapiScan, or a similar device, may be applicable for testing drivers who police reasonably believe may be under the influence of drugs such as marijuana," Mr Whiteley said. "Clearly the technology is available, or at least is on the horizon, to enable police to accurately a…
Last reply by Brainstorm, -
- 8 replies
Tassie workers face new saliva drug test By DANNY ROSE January 21, 2003 A GROUND-BREAKING machine that can detect recent drug use in saliva samples in just 12 minutes has arrived in Tasmania. And its owner _ a Hobart private detective firm _ is marketing it to Tasmania's major employers. The Bellerive-based firm Thomas Whayman & McCarthy unveiled the Cozart RapiScan device yesterday. It could be in action on the state's worksites, under the name Integrity Sampling (Tas), by next week. Firm partner Colin Thomas said it was the "perfect workplace tool" as it detected drugs within about 24 hours of testing. Conventional drug-detection methods require a two-da…
- 1 reply
A new front has opened in opposition to the war on drugs--a religious front. Several newly formed groups are contesting our prohibitionist, anti-drug strategies because they restrict religious freedom and "cognitive liberty." Drugs alter consciousness and "the right to control one's own consciousness is the quintessence of freedom," reads part of a manifesto of the Journal of Cognitive Liberties. The journal is one of many projects of the four-year-old Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics, a California- based, non-profit group that promotes intellectual freedom. The group defines cognitive liberty as "the right of each individual to think independently and aut…
Last reply by whynot,