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pissed off in SA

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Just thought I'd mention that as of today new legislation in SA has now made it totally illegal to grow even one plant hydroponically. 1 outdoors is still OK I think but the Advertiser yesterday stated hydro now illegal even fa one bloody plant!

What the hell is happnin in this state? We are going backwards. They say it will stop house break-ins - well why not target the breaker inners not the growers. I mean if bottle shops are targetted by thieves will they ban bottle shops?

Yours, exceedingly pissed off,






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I hear ya mate!!


I'm also pissed off. I was just planning my first grow which was gonna be one plant! Now I gotta worry about all the risks in stealthyness even more. And to add another whinge.. The main reason I wanted to start my grow was because it's so damn hard to get decent pot these days. "Prohibition is the problem, Not the Soulution" As that guy from "Hemp SA" said. Anyway, enough whining from me.. Keep Tokin peoples.

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Down here in Tassie the laws don't seem to differentiate between soil and hydro and the courts seem to be losing interest in convicting personal growers.



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g'day; sa law says 1 plant grown outdoors in soil only.

is that 1 plant per house or 1 plant per person?

if 1 plant per person, then its time to move all your mates in.

hydroponic plants are far more potent than soil grown plants,(according to "experts").


if you grow 1 only, plant outdoors i will bet $100 that plant will be male or hermaphrodite.

you must remember not to bring outdoor plant inside at night too, if you do it will be deemed as being "hydroponic".

this is exact reason why australians must start protesting, unless we protest our democratic right we will continually be trodden on.

protest is the only way of getting our opinion to those who matter.

we dont need new reform party we already have the "Australian Marijuana Party".

a vote for reform party is wasted if they win full power. but it will never win. it may however get lots of votes forcing the major parties to start to act sensibly.


unless we protest formerly we will never win.

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Guest bacchus
hi guys...for anyone able to tune into triplej radio, there will be a story/discusison on hydroponic dope and legislation in south australia after 11am this morning....

this story is due to start shortly for those interested....

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hi all

....the laws here in s.a yes do realy suck but just to steer people in the right direction it isnt legal to grow 1 outdoor plant per house hold...they r saying that u can grow 1 plant outside per house hold and recieve an on the spot fine....but if you grow 2-any number u will b prosicuted for cultivation for intent to sell and b expeated to go front court........



in my opion banning totall hydroponics isnt going to stop home invasions if anything it will increase them as well as push up price and push it more under ground.


imo..the goverment should legalise it in controlled surcomstances eg..1 plant per house hold in or out

in doing so would kill the price on the market stop home invasions cause we can all grow our own ...and then they can spend there police resources for catching criminals not us smokers/growers.............cheers :P

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