Australian Cannabis News
Australian cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
from I wonder if the trips to Amsterdam were tax deductible.
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
from What country did I wake up in this morning? What next? I'm a bit too angry to comment on this atm.
Last reply by Beans, -
busted scrog 1 2
by spaceleaf-
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
nsw cops busted a massive indoor scrog grow worth $365000 bucks.they were so tall the cops could walk under neath it. the grow had about 8 or so lights ,what looked to be 1000w . i seen footage on chnnel ten news. i bet the growers a spewin, they were freakin huge.
Last reply by sunnycoaststoner, -
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Author: ABC News Date: 08/08/07 Source: ABC News Copyright: © 2007 ABC
Last reply by Elf ex planet hairy, -
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Terror bill allows 'secret' police raids Wednesday Aug 8 12:06 AEST The Senate has passed a bill which will enable police investigating serious crimes to delay telling suspects that their properties have been searched. The Crimes Legislation (National Investigative Power and Witness Protection) bill, which will now be debated in the House of Representatives, would allow federal police to apply for delayed notification search warrants. Police would not have to inform suspects for at least three months, and in some cases several years, that a search had occurred. The warrants could be issued to police investigating federal crimes carrying sentences of 10 years or mo…
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 1 reply
- 949 views Driver in crash that killed seven 'was affected by cannabis'
Last reply by 420Downunder, -
- 420 Crew
- 23 replies
Interesting article by some wank job in today's Sunday Mail. He seems to sway back and forth with which side he is on the argument, but he makes some pretty fucked up inconclusive statements. I thought I should write a letter to the editor, simply because it pissed me off so much that I thought it warranted one. The letter I sent reads: "This is in response to Terry Sweetman's disheartening and misinformed article titled "Drug epidemic is making us all sick". I'm sorry to hear that your perspective and opinions have been influenced so sickly by your prejudices and fear of the unknown. Sadly, this is the main view held by a society of double-standards. Judging by y…
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 8 replies
Pity it doesn't damage stupid reporting. "YOUNG rats high on cannabis suffer far greater memory loss, and more lasting changes in brain function than doped-up adult rodents. Research by Sydney scientists has also found the drug is a turn-off for grown-up rats. However, the wisdom of age comes too late. "Cannabis produces much greater long-term changes in adolescent than adult rat brains," said Iain McGregor, professor of psychopharmacology at the University of Sydney. His research team used sophisticated cages - more like three-room houses - for the experiments. Each room was given different wallpaper …
Last reply by themanwhoinventedmeh, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
SEVEN people have been arrested at the airport of a remote Aboriginal community for allegedly trying to smuggle drugs and alcohol into the "dry zone". Four females - aged 24, 41, 44 and 54 - and three males - aged 21, 21 and 52 - were followed by police on a flight from Darwin yesterday afternoon. They were arrested on Groote Eylandt where police allegedly found a combined total of 281 grams of cannabis, with an estimated value if sold by the gram in a remote community of $28,100. They also located a combined total of 4,350ml of Bundaberg Rum, 2,100ml of Jim Beam, one Rum and Cola and Bourbon and Cola can and a four litre cask wine inside the luggage. The Top End …
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
MORE children of drug addicts should be removed from their parents and adopted out, Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop believes. Ms Bishop, who is chairing a parliamentary inquiry into the impact of illicit drug use and families, believes the current system is skewed towards the interests of drug-using parents rather then their children. "We hear the mantra everything is done in the interest of the child, but evidence I've taken in, not only the inquiry I'm doing but other inquiries, show that lip service is paid to that but it's not in the interest of the child," Ms Bishop has told the ABC's Four Corners program. Ms Bishop said she wanted to see better opportunities for the…
Last reply by Al Fish, -
- 7 replies
MELBOURNE has one of the highest rates of drug-induced crime in the nation. Drug tests on police station detainees found three-quarters were affected by drugs including ice, heroin, ecstasy and cannabis. One third of Melbourne watchhouse detainees were affected by heroin -- a greater rate than anywhere else. The results, from a survey of 4555 detainees across the country, reveal potent links between drug use and crime. The Australian Institute of Criminology report also found abuse of the amphetamine ice had stabilised, but not fallen, after years of rising use. Ice, or crystal meth, has been blamed for rising violent crime and mental health problems. It has s…
Last reply by onthejob, -
- 3 replies
Police have charged a man over the discovery of an estimated $500,000 worth of cannabis in a house in Sydney's south-west. Officers made the find after they were called to a home at Kingsgrove on Wednesday over reports of a fire. It is alleged they found 160 cannabis plants growing in a sophisticated hydroponics set-up. A 36-year-old man has been charged with cultivating a commercial quantity of cannabis and diverting electricity. Author: ABC Date: Sat Jul 21, 2007 Source: ABC Copyright: © 2007 ABC You just can't get away with that any more, the power companies can trace power theft with ease now.
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 1 reply
A MAN appeared in court yesterday charged over a multimillion-dollar cannabis crop. Van Son Tran, 36, of Lansvale, faced Parramatta Local Court on a string of drugs charges, including cultivating cannabis. The charges follow a police operation that spanned three years and which involved raids on several houses in Sydney's south-west. Cannabis plants worth $3.24million were allegedly seized during the operation. Tran was described in court by police as a "key figure in an organised criminal syndication". The latest raid occurred on March 6 on two houses. In a property at Fairfield, police allegedly found two rooms and a garage filled with 143 cannabis plants, w…
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Author: AAP Date: July 20, 2007 - 6:07AM Source: The Sydney Morning Herald Copyright: 2007, AAP "Cop price" analysis: 11.5kg = 25.35lbs. 25.35lbs for $100,000 = $3944/lb or $246/oz. For once an almost realistic "cop price" estimate- but ppl moving poundage like that are not likely to see that sort of money. Bulk rate of about ~$2K/lb sounds more likely.
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- Admin
- 2 replies
Author: Richard Bowden Date: 18/07/07 Source: AHN Copyright: © 2007 by AHN Media Corp
Last reply by gas, -