Guerrilla Growing
239 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Well well well.... looks whos finally turned 18 Yes yes its me... i joined oz stoners like 2 years ago, and was told to piss off n come back when i was 18... so i respected the legality of the issue and dissapeared... anyways now im back! Still a virgin grower, but really wana grow :thumbsup I still live with the folks and dont wana get them in any shit... so i cant grow at home! Today i took the dog for a walk (hes a dogue de bordeaux) around the wetlands near my house.... anyway there are SOOOO MANY awsome spots i found! I found one that was like right near a swamp.... is it ok to grow in like swampy territory...will the plants drown? This particular spo…
Last reply by Spurious, -
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
thought it wouldnt be doing the pics justice to shrink them much more , so heres a few links to my patch .....
Last reply by []ndika, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hey all, Did a bit of bush bashing the other night, this seems like a good grow location. Nice cleared area, good camoflauge, shitty soil, that wont matter tho, ill be bring my own. What you think?
Last reply by Tom, -
- 3 replies
Hey there stoners, quick question for yall Is it too late to be planting out clones in NW TAS? strains are a mix of G13xHashplant (sensi), G13xBlueberryxNorthernLights and BubbleberryxKush and all have very healthy root systems. Cheers
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
ey, just wondering i wanna grow but its not possible for me to grow at home. I got some seedlings coming up and i was wondering would it be ok to put them into pots and leave them in the backyard of an abandoned place neer me? or should i put it inside someone elses back fence? or maybe even in a park or something like an allyway? is there anyone who can help me? i live in the suburbs. cheers.
Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
- 2 replies
heres a few pics a mate gave me, various strains at 4 weeks flower
Last reply by kellman, -
- 1 reply
Eh alls do you think there is any chance of gettin busted if I have about 8 plants in the back yard in a row, theyll be tied down and all but the surrounding area is basically dry sand literally!!! yellow. Once things get started there and they start getting watered, weeds and other stuff will grow around It too wont It. Whats a good method to stay safe?
Last reply by sLiM sHiFty, -
- 23 replies
High all, I was thinking of boobie traps and stuff and thought well if i set some up and they kill or mayne someone stealing my plants,im in the shit. idea 1. So i was thinking "what would stop me if it were me stealing the plants. So i had an idea of making a trip wire from fishing line tied from backyard fence to the white string that hangs out the top of party poppers you buy from the supermarket,that is held in place by a tent peg. Now i know what your thinking u i diot that wont blow them up. But its not that,its the noise they make.If i were in someones backyard bout to get my hands on there big fat buds and one of them went off i would be over the fence as quick…
Last reply by OpticalRush, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
- 1.4k views This was found on the NSW police site.
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 2 replies
My grow site is to be placed close to a creek bed (this is way out bush, so not dodgy), what do you think of using a gravity fed dripper line to constantly water my plants?, the drippers don't let out a huge amount of water per hour, so I don't think it would make the soil soggy. Any suggestions?, criticisms? Thanks, Tazwhacker
Last reply by kellman, -
- 2 replies
:rolleyes:who,s tha man now .? :: things u find in the $2.00 shop.
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 1 reply
Going to get up early tomorrow morning and check out an old orchard,it is completely overgrown and has a fence around it already. Bonus ! So i am going to get the the ground ready to put plants in at the end of August. Got to go early as where i am going gets hot real quick,the only possible problem i can see in the future is carrying the water. :angry: After i get back,i will let ya's know how it went and how much space i have actually got.And how cover and stuff i got. Cheers.
Last reply by novice grower, -
- 2 replies
Hey all, As most of you know, the police payed a visit to my little crop last year and removed 5 of my 7 beautiful girls, thinking back I have come up with some good advice for people considering growing outdoors. Where ever you place your crop, make sure you have an excuse to be their ie, this year mines going into the national parks and I shoot on a farm that borders the park, so perfect excuse! Also if the plants are in pots, dig the pots into the ground and don't leave any impliments around! I also found by having 2 or 3 plots around the one you can avoid the obvious green patch, sticks out like dogs balls from the air! Anyway, this might not be too helpful but…
Last reply by novice grower, -
- 9 replies
I had a fucking stupid dream last night among other dreams e.g. public exicutions of Jonny,legalisation of weed ect. back to the point I dreamt that I got raided by fat, pink, pig faced coppers . As they came in I was running out the back door with a back pack full of bud and my bong while throwing muticoulerd smoke bombs behind me and some how after what felt like runnig about for hours I escaped and then my imagination wonderd onto something eles that I can't remeber. Just hope it dosent come true Some how I think this might help to escape if you got busted. I mean if the coppers can't see you and are sufficating on smoke while your legging it through the bush w…
Last reply by Chev, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
hangliders or even the ultra-light version with an engine combined with a gps could be a very dangerous tool for the modern day ripper... u think about it, ur flying over a 100 plant crop, press 1 button and u have the exact location and can go back at any time...scary shit
Last reply by Tom, -