Pests and Diseases
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
537 topics in this forum
- Admin
- 1 reply
Hi all Im less than 2 weeks away from harvest and my plants have just started showing signs of spidermite. I’d like to spray them now if possible before they reach plague proportions but I’m worried about the chemical showing up in the taste of the buds. So far I have been recommended the two sprays in the pictures, but does anybody have any firsthand experience using these? Or a product I could use to flush the chemicals from the plant afterwards?
Last reply by Oz, -
- 4 replies
Hi. First time post. Presuming the worst but hoping all is not lost. Harvesting and noticing browning areas on the bases of what I’m assuming are the glumes perhaps? It doesn’t appear to be very infested yet to the naked eyes, but I’m assuming it’s only a matter of time. Can any one tell me if this is botrytis, and that in this early stage is it still salvageable? Thanks. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by missrachael, -
- 3 replies
Hi All, they list multiple different bugs for spider mites: lacewings, tiny mite feeding ladybirds (Stethorus spp.), predatory gall-midges (Feltiella spp.) and a variety of predatory mites (including Phytoseiulus persimilis and Neoseiulus californicus) Anyone had any luck with bugs in hydro and killed the spider mites? What bug/s did you use?
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 7 replies
A couple months ago I made up a 200L batch of no-till type organic soil and put it in a big sub-irrigation planter (Vegepod). The garden is in a tent and the tent is in a under-house storage space. I've checked it a few times for moisture, but mostly left it alone to cook the soil until I am ready to plant seeds. Yesterday, I checked it again because I just started sprouting some seeds. In the last 2wks ants have invaded the tent. 1000's of tiny dark ants, enjoying my warm soil and water source. Same little bastards that find a single dirty dish in my kitchen. I know they won't eat my plants, but having a big nest in my indoor garden doesn't sound like a good thing…
Last reply by Veritas629, -
- 17 replies
Hey crew Thought I’d give some info back to the group since I’m always asking questions and not the best grower so can’t give a lot back to the community I’ve been using Bugs For Bugs To obtain Californicus predator mites for the control / prevention of spider mites each grow .... Just got an email which they’ve now researched and released to the public for mites that control fungus gnats Check it out if ya interested Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Cyclone, -
- 5 replies
I've got a plant at 7 (of 9-10) weeks flower. I had 1-2 (max) caterpillars in probably 30-40% of the buds last week. I got rid of all of them, as far as I know. They did leave behind a decent amount of droppings in and around some of the buds. Today I went over each and every bud with a literally toothpick, opened up each part gently. Hardly found any droppings there anymore, but collected and removed what I did find. I found one single caterpillar, tiny baby, in one bud. Squish. But the rest of the plant looked clear... should I be good to go to harvest and smoke as normal, then? Or are the buds that previously had caterpillars in them a big risk? I have a hopeful fe…
Last reply by brick, -
- 4 replies
Hey folks, Been noticing some patchy light trails about 2mm wide showing up over my leaves over the past few weeks, its a White Lightning, outdoors in central Vic and probably in its last 2 weeks of flower. Started out on a few of the lower shade leaves but spread across most of the bigger leaves now. Plant had been sprayed with a neem solution leading up to flowering but none for the last 8 weeks or so. Looks like little trails where whatever these bugs are have been tunnelling inside the leaves or eating it through from the underside. When I look on the underside of the leaves I can see some tiny bugs and eggs, can't really see them without the jewellers loupe but…
Last reply by micmac, -
- 2 replies
gday peeps just chasing some info on using diatomaceous earth to kill a few bugs in soil. Noticed a few bugs in my soil when watering, I'm growing in gro. So I've placed a nice layer over the top of my soil and have been bottom feeding for 3 days now. So how long do I keep the diatomaceous earth on top of my soil and when its done its job I can just water it in ? Any help greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Westoz1987, -
- 2 replies
Hi there, I found this strange discolouration on a leaf one day, then it spread to another. At the moment its effecting about ten leaves, old and new doesn't seem to make a difference. It has also spread to another plant. What is it? (top of effected leaf) (underside of effected leaf, looks normal) Many Thanks Chris
Last reply by Serrated edge, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, I have had a hell of a time with skippy this year. I had my best plant completely enclosed with chook wire and the roos pulled it through the side and demolished it. I have surrounded my remaining girls with enough chook wire to fence off Victoria, fingers crossed. Has anyone had any success deterring roos and wallabies or is the only solution to fence them off like colditz ? Thanks Mick
Last reply by seedsmanspain, -
- 3 replies
Hello fellow growers, Just wondering if anyone has a one stop shop solution spray for bugs and fungi. I guess it can be one for bugs and one for fungi. But just stuff that I can grab at Bunnings or Flower Power. Or even online? I don't yet have any issues, so no rush, but just being cautious.
Last reply by theweedman, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hey guys. I’m 3 weeks into flower, and this pest/larvae is in my reservoir Growing in clay balls, 15 on 30 off. They seem to clump together when pump and air is off. They are tiny. Pic is zoomed in as far as I could. Any idea what they are? Treatment? Thanks Dhu
Last reply by micmac, -
First time
by shez93- 8 replies
Hey, So I’m growing my first plant, it’s outdoors and I need help, my plants got all these white dots appearing and I’m not sure what it is and how to get rid of it, can anyone help me please!? Also some tips and pointers would be awesome! Thanks guys Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last reply by afgahn bob, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I've got a couple of plants growing outside & was wondering what I can use to control pests on them. I'm having trouble with what looks like very small grasshoppers eating the leaves & was wondering what I can spray on the plant to help control them without harming the plant itself? Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Greenthumb19, -
- 25 replies
It’s about that time of year up here in SeQld that Mildews and moulds attach themselves to our plants for the outdoor growers. Mostly going unnoticed until halfway through flower........sigh. Keep a close eye, starting some sort of pest management programme if you haven’t already may see our plants starting flower pest free......touch wood. Trying to keep them healthy. Let us know what you guys/girls are using .......if anything. Hoping for a good year for us all.
Last reply by itchybromusic,