Book Reviews
Whether it's a cannabis cookbook, a trippy novel, or enlightening non-fiction, share and explore book recommendations with the community.
120 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
can you guys give me some reputable sites that i can use as a sorce for my inf im writing a report on the history of mj in north america from early settlers days and indian usage ato modern day pot farms in houses basically i need good sorces for my paper gov and edu sites if possable but it doesnt have to be it just has to be backed up on my reference page
Last reply by Infinitee, -
pot report 1 2
by fsagertyaef- 10 replies
The legalization of marijuana has been a longstanding issue in the media ever since it was made illegal with the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. Cultivation of marijuana or, more properly speaking, the hemp plant, was outlawed because of the threat that it showed to the cotton industry and the lumber industry, both of which had a very large influence over the federal government at the time. Before 1937, marijuana was available over the counter, and was known as American cannabis. It was sold for a variety of purposes, including some of the same ones that doctors in a few states can prescribe medical marijuana for today, such as pain and nausea. Today, it is known to be effec…
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 0 replies
Has anyone here got/read this book? its packed full of amazing pictures, growing tips, how to make your own cannabis beverages, and loads of need-to-know useless information. Has anyone got the original (spliffs) and is it worth going out and buying? im only asking because im a cheapskate and dont want to waste valuble funding on a crap book, hehe... i only bought spliffs2 cos it was 1/2 price :smoke
Last reply by jethroqwalrustitty, -
- 0 replies
I suggest you all read Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouack. It is about a buddhist man living in california climbing mountains and hitchhiking around the country. It is definately my favorite book. :yingyang
Last reply by PinballWizard, - Worth a read? :mellow:
Last reply by jonx, -
Hell's Angels 1 2
by dirty-
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
just finished this little beauty! Sonny Barger is one of the "original" hells angels. He basically built the club to where it stands today, and revolutioned the way the world sees bikers and the way the 1% world run their clubs. This is a self narated story of his biker life. Sonny is a very likeable and personable dude, and this is a very easy and entertaining read. the book covers everything through his establishment of the Oakland chapter, through the trippy LSD hippy era, the legendary rolling stones concert, his run ins with the law, murders, drug deals and jail time, as well as his throat cancer whether all the story's are true or not, I don't know, but I al…
Last reply by theprojector, -
- 5 replies
Marabou Stork Nightmares - Irvine Welsh Fucked up story about a fucked up guy, irvine welsh has a nasty fucking mind, at the same time as very clever, hard to follow, alot is written the way glaswegian folk speak, I dinnae ken alot of his shit at first, But it all starts soaking in, cant help reading his books with a scottish accent in ya head. Hes best shit is the non-drug (or less-drugs) stuff I reckon. Sick ending. 10 cones Filth - Irvine Welsh Even more fucked up story about a more fucked up guy, This is a detective story, the most fucked up detective story ever, the main focus being his declining genital health and the huge tape worm inside him, very fucking …
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 420 Crew
- 28 replies
Hi I read John kaminski's internet essays, and while I don't agree with everything he says, he does an excellent job of exposing the lies we are told by the media, particularly about Sept 11 and the war against "terrorism " and weapons of mass destruction. Isn't it strange that the country with the most weapons of mass destruction (USA) is the country that wages war against a country that ACTUALLY HAS NO weapons of mass destruction? Ok I know everyone is probably sick of hearing about it, but if you want a good read...go to the John Kaminski Website. Amother intersting (Australian) website is Srenedipity (just do a search...I wasn't sure about the rules for posting links…
Last reply by Spurious, -
- 2 replies
Mr. Nice by Howard Marks, an old book now I gather, but new to me. An absolutely wonderful book about a bloke that was alleged by the DEA to be one of the world's largest marijuana smugglers. An inspirational book that spans many years of "scamming"; moving grass and hash from one part of the world to another. From the late 60s until the eighties, Howard Marks bought and sold quantities of smoko in the mega tonns, as if he was buying a newspaper. The book is an auto-biography. Easy to read, exciting, and very enlightening. It rekindled my dreams/memories of thai sticks and blocks of hash that just don't happen anymore. Howard Marks' life experiences also reknews my…
Last reply by poohart, -
- 1 reply
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Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 7 replies
Controversy of Zion, by Douglas Reed: was written in 1956. Reed was a foreign corespondent for the London Times, and he covered WW2. He was sacked for submitting anti Zionist articles (because the Times, and all other major newspapers were and still are owned by Zionists). He goes right back to the Old Testament, and with huge amounts of data and archive material sets out to illustrate that the world is, in fact run by Zionists. Quite a heavy read, but I get the impression there's alot of really intelligent members here who would get through it really quickly. It really is worth a read no matter what political label you pin on yourself.
Last reply by deejayvee, -
This book is by David Irving (the same guy who was not allowed to speak in Australia, because they reckoned he's an anti semite). Anyone who is silenced, obviously has something to say that worries the establishment...and to me, that means it SHOULD be read. Firstly, the guy is not an anti semite, and second, it's a really good book about what happened in the Hungarian Uprising of 1956. Those people were so oppressed by the communist regime...very sad. I know it sounds dull, but is absolutely rivetting. It makes you look at the world today, and realize we may not be far from that situation ourselves (that is, living in a police state and losing our so called inalienabl…
Last reply by pixel, -
- 0 replies
A few weeks ago I bought 'The Jack Brabham Story' Autographed Edition for $70 odd AUS dollars. It's a great book and also a great investment if you get the Autographed edition. Besides the above, it is by far the best book I have read. It goes into alot of detail about his life before and after his Grand Prix/Formula 1racing career. It's amazing what you'll learn that you previously didn't know in just a few pages. I already knew alot about Sir Jack, but nothing compared to what I know about him now. If your a racing enthusiast of any era, wether it be modern F1, V8 Supercars or even IRL, you'll enjoy this book immensely ! It's a 'must have' for any real motorsport en…
Last reply by Awol/CoA, -
- 3 replies
nice little read about 'comets' that render mankind blind, and then these man eating plants take over the earth. pretty neat sci fi book , I give it a B
Last reply by risingsun, -
- 0 replies
i think its the only book i actually read.... anyone read it? its pretty dank.
Last reply by stonerjay,