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This book is by David Irving (the same guy who was not allowed to speak in Australia, because they reckoned he's an anti semite).

Anyone who is silenced, obviously has something to say that worries the establishment...and to me, that means it SHOULD be read.

Firstly, the guy is not an anti semite, and second, it's a really good book about what happened in the Hungarian Uprising of 1956. Those people were so oppressed by the communist regime...very sad.

I know it sounds dull, but is absolutely rivetting. It makes you look at the world today, and realize we may not be far from that situation ourselves (that is, living in a police state and losing our so called inalienable rights) :)

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Well Pipeman, I think his point is that there have been many holocausts, and the one people refer to as "THE" holocaust, did not quite happen the way the establishment and "history" books would have us believe.

Anything that is going to evoke sympathy for the Zionist cause will be done to death in the media year after year and in every medium known to man. When something is reinforced to that extent, it makes me ask "why?".

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Yeah he certainly is made to look that way in the media, that's for sure, but once I read his books, I changed my mind entirely, and it was then that I realized that what he writes about makes the media's carefully constructed image of him (that of a bigoted lunatic) look like complete lies. I guess that's why they shut him up and expelled him from the country. We couldn't have the fact that certain things we're told by our government aren't true, now could we? No that would never do. :)

Revisionist historians traditionally look like lunatics because they question everything we have been brainwashed to believe is true. I'm glad there are books like "Uprising" and "Dude Where's My Country", because they make you realize just how much bullshit we've been fed over the years. It's good to question things and not just take whatever the media tells us as truth....that's why we need books and websites that make us look at things from angles other than the "stock standard bullshit for the masses" ones. :)

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It sounds like you are the one who has been brainwashed. Just cause something goes against established ideas doesn't mean its not the work of a nut job, which seems to be the logic you are clinging to. Focus more on the facts than the emotion or else you'll get too smart for yourself and trip over that pretty dress.
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Oh hell yeah I agree, pipeman... you can't believe something just because it's in a book...I just think it's good to get a few different angles on things before you make up yer mind about what you think may be the truth. Revisionists can be just as bigoted as the person/people whose ideas they are attempting to refute.

Yes, I'm brainwashed; I can't argue with that, but aren't we all to varying degrees? What I'm trying to do is to undo as much of the brainwashing I can, and I do that by reading and discussing (like I'm doing with you now). Maybe I'll succeed by the time I'm 50 :P

Yeah things aren't black or white; they're usually some shade of grey :)

P.S The thing about facts is that it's impossible to know what really went on in situations unless you were actually there. People who write about the facts as they see them always colour it with their own personal agenda or beliefs ..and yeah brainwashing. So if you can show me where you find the facts, I'd be grateful!! :)

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P.P.S yeah you're right about tripping over a long dress, so I changed. :)


you'll get too smart for yourself and trip over that pretty dress.


What actually does getting too smart for yourself mean? I've always wondered about that...I mean can you be too smart? :)

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You been smoking cranky weed today Pipey! :)


I have heard of this guy, and like Pipe, my first reaction was that he was a serious nut job, but......without reading his stuff, or reading a broad range of reviews and discussion on his ideas, I should remain open minded.

Pixel have you read / researched much about the accuracy of Irving's ideas?

It's gets a bit bitchy when academics start arguing over minute details, but one would hope that in this world of free speech you would be able to get a fair idea if someone has some valid points, or whether they are a raving loon! If you do some digging let us know what you find.


I do agree however, that sometimes the voices of truth are sacrificed at the altar of the status quo.

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Yeah I know what you mean, Expansion...my first reaction was like yours and pipeman's.

To answer your question, yeah I read a hell of alot... the accuracy of his ideas? Well I have read 3 of his books, "Uprising", "Hitler's War" and "Churchill's War". The last 2 are about WW2 from the points of view of both Hitler and Churchill (seen through the eyes of Irving :)). I've read book reviews and also articles written by some very anti Irving people (like Paul Dewitt) Dewitt, just to give you an idea is a member of the "True Israelites" which is an extreme religious cult. I actually got a message from this guy on a forum,which said that black people were "no better than animals", and he also said to me "death to you and your nigger mates, you scumbag".

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it's pretty hard to find unbiased writing about the accuracy of Irving's ideas because it's such an emotionally sticky issue (race always is eh?)....so I just take what I read on board and try to formulate an even handed opinion (which is very hard).

One thing I do know for a fact, and that is there have been thousands of books written about Zionism and there are also hundreds of websites about it too. Some are outright racist and anti Jew (which I am not) and some are alot more even handed.

I guess I'll just keep reading.


I do agree however, that sometimes the voices of truth are sacrificed at the altar of the status quo.

Very well put....I guess the truth is out there somewhere, but not easy to find eh? :)

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