Book Reviews
Whether it's a cannabis cookbook, a trippy novel, or enlightening non-fiction, share and explore book recommendations with the community.
120 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
- 5.1k views have a read of that kids book, i was really getting into it until it said i had to buy the book to read the rest
Last reply by ledzep317, -
- 7 replies
So I have recently visited the Hydro shop a few times and the owner is a great guy who has many years of experience. I'm sure some of the older members are familiar with this book, however I thought I would make a more Comprehensive post about its content. The Author of the book is none other than Jorge Cervantes, he has dedicated the book to Steven McWilliams who killed himself after spending over two decades fighting the California and international medical marijuana Laws. Anyway, he sold me this book, it was quite dear, $75. (Worth it tho & cheaper online. It is called the MARIJUANA Horticulture The Indoor / Outdoor Medical Growers Bible And honestly I have …
Last reply by Tony2224, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
hey guys just after some opinnions im contemplating a food dehydrator hoping it will assist in bringing dry time down wats the opiinions on this theory?? all help is appreciated take acre bil
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 1 reply
Check out this book. It's got built in links for easy reference / navigation. It's a tome of very interesting info.... If you've heard of the plans for world government, but would like more proof, then you'll definitely find it here. You can also get it here I noticed some of the links didn't work so I republished it. The_Atlantean_Conspiracy___IN_BITS.pdf
Last reply by Kali Mist, -
- 7 replies
this is a great book, probably the best book in the world I reckon. Its a big epic about the history and production of hashish, a very technical work for researchers kinda thing, I doubt you'll laugh or cry reading it, but fucking interesting shit, very interesting. Alot of technical data and graphs and charts to explain all kids of things, almost gets a bit too scientific at times, but the history bits are fantastic reading, It would be great if he wrote the same kind of thing on the history of traditional cannabis smoking cultures.. Its worth buying for the colour photo section alone.but lots of nice black and white photos as well, photos of dope fields as far as th…
Last reply by thc24, -
- 3 replies
and watch peep show on abc2 its fucking hilarious. Anyone else on here a fan?
Last reply by DeeW, -
- 8 replies
anything by orwell. he is magic. every single word of 1984 struck me with its absolute brilliance. animal farm is equally great, but the extra depth to 1984 makes it truly an amazing read. so many of the books that i resented on principal in high school are now some of my fav reads!
Last reply by cannibear, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Both great reads and should not be missed
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 8 replies
Just wondering would anyone have a copy of this they were willing to part with? Sorry, I dont see the point in going out and spending 30 or 40 bucks on something you are only going to read once (I cant read books more than once ). I would be more than happy to pay for it, or pass it on to someone else on the board who hasnt read it yet maybe? Even an Ebook of it would be great .. I have a Howard Marks DVD of a stand up performance he did a couple years ago talking about the book and his experiences as well if anyone is interested (I can mail you a copy if you like). Thats about the only thing i have to trade sorry Anyways, just thought Id put the question out t…
Last reply by SukonmiSkunk, -
- 8 replies
First of all, there is bit of controversy surrounding certain events described in this book, but as Frey explains in the insert supplied, it is a memoir of his time as a 23 year old, recovering from serious drug addiction in a rehab centre. I don't think anyone expects his memory to be perfect. That aside, I found the book extremely easy to read, written in a style I haven't seen before, it reads like the thoughts in his head. Sometimes flowing, sometimes repetitous. His language is real, so if you're offended by coarse language don't fucking bother reading it! He swears a lot, but then so do most of us! As someone without an addictive personality, but with several …
Last reply by 2minspast420, -
My botanical library 1 2
by Guest Eikel- 14 replies
While the internet is an amazing resource for the exchange of information, I feel there's still nothing like picking up a good book and having a read. In that light - here's my current collection, or the ones I've actually read, I have a few more that I haven't had time to read through yet. So.... what's in your collection?
Last reply by DrDee, -
- 3 replies
Hi folks, I was reading some of the book comments and decided to add a couple of my own...this is sort of multi-media. Towing Jehovah (Jim Morrow) is a fantastical story about an event that turned the tides in human behavior. The corpse of God was found floating in the ocean. It was huge, like two miles long. What to do? The Vatican sent a priest to attend to a rescue operation to save God's body from rotting. They hired a Supertanker and crew to tow it to the arctic for cold storage. It was an eventful trip and along the way, subtle and not so subtle changes started appearing in humans who were aware of God's death. I'll go no farther so as not to spoil …
Last reply by DrDee, -
- 13 replies
The book is by Robert A. Heinlen. He wrote 'starship troopers' and 'red planet', this book was written in the 60's and it influenced alot of people (Jim Morrison and Bill Hicks to name only a couple), its about a human baby left on mars after something bad happens to thier ship, he is raised by the martians, and himself becomes a martian by environment. Then at the age of 27 or so he is brought back to Earth, and sees human society in a completely unique and profound way (Heinlen is a genious, he was writing about things like sattelites and microwaves 30 years before they were ever invented), I dont want to give too much away, but its a beautifully written book, its very…
Last reply by grok, -
Shantaram is a book by Gregory David Roberts. I bought the book last year after hearing a radio interview with the author. The book is based on his real life adventures and is about to be made into a movie starring Johnny Depp. Hopefully they won't fuck it up. The novel covers his time in India and Afghanistan while on the run after escaping from prison in Australia. The Afghanistan bit is especially interesting considering what is going on there now. This is a long novel (almost 1000 pages) but one of my favourites. It's got adventure, philosophy, crime, poverty, love, suffering, violence, war, redemption and a fair bit of drug use (hashish, and a little heroin addiction…
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hiya forum readers, I just wanted to put the word out that we here at StickyPoint have recently launched a small readers survey on the website. There are a series of questions about your interactions with the magazine, as well as your opinions. You can choose to remain completely anonymous if you prefer. There is a small competition that we are running in conjunction with this survey... we have 5 x 1 year subscriptions (5 issues) of the magazine on offer. To be eligible to enter all you need to do is complete the survey and provide us with your email address at the bottom. Thanks everyone, your feedback is very much appreciated.
Last reply by Nooby, -