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Towing Jehovah, True Hallucinations, and more


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Hi folks,

I was reading some of the book comments and decided to add a couple of my own...this is sort of multi-media.


Towing Jehovah (Jim Morrow) is a fantastical story about an event that turned the tides in human behavior. The corpse of God was found floating in the ocean. It was huge, like two miles long. What to do? The Vatican sent a priest to attend to a rescue operation to save God's body from rotting. They hired a Supertanker and crew to tow it to the arctic for cold storage. It was an eventful trip and along the way, subtle and not so subtle changes started appearing in humans who were aware of God's death. I'll go no farther so as not to spoil it. He's incorporated it into a trilogy, but not necessary to read them all. This one is the middle one and the only one I've read. Great read, thought provoking and fun.


Also wanted to mention the talking book by Terence McKenna called True Hallucinations. It's a published (text) book as well, but the talking version is complete with music, sound effects and is read by McKenna himself. It's about a group of hippies who took a field trip into the Amazon seeking entheogens. While there in southern Columbia, Terence and his brother concocted a wild experiment using a variety of drugs and vocal manipulation to "freeze" the dna in their body allowing them to access all human information telepathically. Yahe and harmalines and the sacred mushroom allowed them to proceed and wild events including true telepathic communication and a UFO contact experience occured. Best experienced stoned.


My favorite part is when he and a lady friend smoked dmt at the peak of an LSD experience and made love on the roof of the building he lived in near Kathmandu. Purple transdimensional goo started pouring from every orifice of their bodies as they howled in shamic and sexual ecstacy. And there's more...


And finally, there was a two disk series of music and soundscapes called 50 years of sunshine, in celebration of the 50th anniversery of lsd. Timothy Leary from his deathbed is involved briefly. Great music designed to simulate and give the feel of an LSD trip. Again, best stoned.


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Here are some other books to recommend - I'm not going to write a review for each one as I have yet to read all of them but Google the title/author and you'll be sure to find something written about it:


Susan Blackmore - The Meme Machine

Deep Economy - Bill McKibben

The Way of Zen - Alan Watts

Disappearance of the Universe - Gary Renard

Supernatural - Graham Hancock

Cosmic Game - Stanislav Grof

Out of It - Stuart Walton

Freedom from the Known - Tom Wolfe

Power vs Force - David Hawkins

Electric Koolaid Acid Test - Tom Wolfe

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Thanks Black Beauty,

I'll check some of those out. I've read Electric Koolaid Acid Test by wolfe and it's quite a romp. It's about the Merry Pranksters, a group of San Francisco hippies led by Ken Kesey...I must break here to note Kesey went on to become a sucessful writer and two that I've read are:. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Sometimes a Great Notion. I'll write something up about those two on a different thread perhaps.


The Merry Pranksters fixed up an old bus, painted it all Psychedelic and named it Further. Neil Cassidy, zen mongrel and driver and Kesey held it all together as the bus toured the country spreading the word of LSD and the freedonm thqt they felt at finding their home outside mainstream society. It's a wonderful account by a madcap author of an important part of history. How Kesey and Tim Leary met and didn't share vibes. Certainly dated but it's where much of the whole movement started. There in Sf. And Wolfe is a briliant documentarian and storyteller.



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