Book Reviews
Whether it's a cannabis cookbook, a trippy novel, or enlightening non-fiction, share and explore book recommendations with the community.
120 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
Hey all Im trying to find "Botanical Latin" by William T Stearn, published in 1970 if anyone has this book i would be super greatfull if you could scan the pages relating to Cannabis and post em in here please The book is one which the NSW Agronomists use to help identify cannabis when analyzing for the police. Cheers Me
Last reply by STONEDAJ69, -
- 4 replies
just started to read this book, seems like the type of book i can give to the oldies once iam done reading it.
Last reply by Tsigle, -
- 1 reply
My all-time favorite book. Nothing that I have read since has compared to it besides John dies at the end. Two books I consider a must-read. Mind blowing when sober, I haven't read it while stoned though.
Last reply by Frank Reynolds, -
- 2 replies
got this book for yr11 literature class. fuck its boring. just thought id post how musch i hated it. i didnt get past the second page, but it was pretty bad
Last reply by ConvexConepiece, -
- 2 replies
Thought I'd kick off my visit here with a post of book recs I consider suitable for this audience. White Noise by Don DeLillo. Don't know what to say about this one. Beautiful language and countless striking observations on life and death. An odd, dark tinged read that should appeal to your most analytical side. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. Possibly the most classic spiritual tale of the 20th century. also Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse. Electric Kool Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe (think this has already been recommended here, but it's one of my favourite books so I am going to put it out there again). Anything you can get your hands on by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Timequake…
Last reply by JaykeSucks, -
- 4 replies
hey guys i wasnt too sure if we had this link available here so heres the link to the site,and some chapters to read if its inappropriate or in wrong place can some1 move it? cheers and enjoy bil
Last reply by rollingnumberspassingtime, -
- 5 replies
remember readign this years ago and it filling me with excitement and the want to go on an adventure ! gonna give it a re read then read the follow ons ! i wanna find the manuscript! i wanna find the truth ! anyone read it ? p.s dont watch the movie its terrible!
Last reply by Psychonaut, -
I own this marvelous book, Richard Dawkins lays out his personal critique of religion and belief in god and never misses with any of his points, first and foremost he is an evolutionary biologist/geneticist, and claims that the fact of evolution was enough to convince him at a young age that there was almost certainly no god. What do you think of this book if you have read it? If not what is your opinion of the so called "new athesits", authors like Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennet? If your not familiar with them hop onto youtube and watch some of the debates they engage in, its really quite facinating.
Last reply by Nooby, -
- 0 replies
Author: Phillip S. Smith, Writer/Editor Date: 5 January 2011 Source: StoptheDrugWar
Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Ok, this will undoubtly sound like the most boring thing ever, but hear me out... Anyways, a few years ago I was in a long term (over 10 year) relationship that broke down, and was left thinking "What the fuck do I do now?". So while I'm pondering that question with the help of a bag of reasonable weed, I almost accidentally stumble upon a series of Philosophy lectures (I've always enjoyed philosophy based literature), and I'm not kidding, the guy doing the lectures has changed my life. He sounds a bit like Mr Garrison from South Park (think texan), and is completely awesome. Highly recommended, and it makes you smarter to boot! Each lecture is 6 or so talks, each bei…
Last reply by ozweeder, -
- 26 replies
Many people, (myself included) first started smoking when they were younger, still lived at home, and had to "sneak" smokes and hide it all from their parents. No one likes getting caught, so I figured I'd just share what I've learnt so far in my stoning life with everyone, in case some people are having trouble with keeping their smoking from their parents/room mates/family/work etc. Lots of you will probably know all of this already because most of this info is stuff easily found on the net, and the rest is just common sense. I just figured that this might save people some time, and it might be useful to some people. First of is what I like to call "scent management"…
Last reply by four winds, -
- 2 replies
Did a bit of google searchin' and this place came up and i just may have to stay around. Wanted to know if there are any recommended books about Pot growers or dealers or smugglers or whatever in Australian history? any help is good thanks.
Last reply by AvaDGardner, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hi everyone. I'm just wondering if anyone has a copy of this book for sale or maybe you know someone here in Australia that sells it. I've been trying to get my hands on a copy for ages now and I'm desperate. Any help would be sincerley appreciated guys. Kind Regards Dal
Last reply by AvaDGardner, -
- 8 replies
Max Brooks...World War Z...anyone read it? I highly reccommend it you ever get sick of zombie/living dead movies that have unrealistic things happening just to forward the plot and then not following through on the idea? Why are the zombies always destroyed or contained? What if the infection got out into the general public? This book is the answer.....told as eyewitness accounts of a worldwide outbreak of zombie disease.. how it spread through the population of the worlds countries...failures and successes in the war... social and political ramifications of this happening... ...America...france...japan...nth and sth korea...russia...latin america...china....…
Last reply by Paladin, -
- 6 replies
What book does everyone recommend to buy as a fully comprehensive guide to the uses of cannabis medically? I am looking to buy a book to enlighten me on this whole topic, down to the finest details. Please dont post any internet articles ! I am after a real, paper book to lay down with and enjoy Cheers from over west!
Last reply by rohs,