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The God Delusion


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Fearful that my post may be taken down as some sort of vague excursus into analism, I just wish to advise that if you're interested I can supply a non-sectarian method for opening the Third Eye. Guaranteed not to work if you don't do it. Easy, minimal time investment and free. After you open your eye you will know that spiritual entities exist. Then you can postulate on their nature. Anyway, just contact me.



Ahh, Cheers for adding that, Al. You had me worried for a bit about the 3rd eye..

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Ahh good old religion.....


I think the word " GOD " has been used out of context too much over the last 2000 years or so.


GOD is in everything that exists, and is the nothingness that it all comes from.

God has been given this identity and made into an intellectual " IDEA " something for the human ego to cling on to.


In the end , what you carry in your mind , heart and spirit will be your judgment.


As for the " Third EYE " and keeping that clean ....well as Bill used to say a lot, Psilocybin is the squeegee to keep the third eye clean.

Of course you can also do this without drugs, simple breathing meditation.

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The 'banner' posted by 420 Heli only points out disbeliever's poor opinion and misguided interpretation.


That poor Jewish Zombie (yes, Jesus was a Jew who created a mad sectarian branch of Judaism, eventually called Christianity) never asked nor promised any of those things.


Unto you I deliver a New Covenant (replacing the Covenant of the Arc, Ten Commandments, Moses), love one another as my Father loves you.


or in a more modern interpretation:

Party on dudes, and be excellent to each other. (courtesy Bill and Ted)


Faith is a different thing than religion.


EDIT: fixed capitisation

Edited by BaronS
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BTW Fibro, I disagree.


God the Creator is NOT _everything_, though He may be responsible for everything.


Before all existed there was the void, and God spoke the word of God, and so became His creation. This _totally_ agrees with modern concepts about creation (the Big Bang), and includes such ideas as 'super strings', 'multiverses' and Darwin. God the Creator set in place the rules by which His creation exists, he then sat back to see what happens.

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The idea of 'worshipping the wrong god' is flawed. Whether you apply a label of 'god', 'allah' or 'vishnu' doesn't matter to the deity.

ideas along the lines of wasting time going to church and wasting money giving to organisation are also flawed by the premise that 'a believer be involved in formal religion'.


I said I believed in God, not that I was silly enough to follow wierd rituals designed by people with no grasp of reality.


If you only believe in some sort of a creator (deism) then why would you use pascals wager which presumes the whatever god does exist demands people believe in him and punishes those who dont? That premis is just assumed and not substantiated...

Isnt it more likely that this deity would reward virtues over blind faith or bet hedging?

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Yes Fibro. The adherence to formal religion is a block rather than an assist.


The 3 Judaistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Moslems) are responsible for most of the atrocities that have been committed to each other. It's not an argument over God, all 3 agree on that score. They want to kill each other because of interpretation.


really fucked up individuals.

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The 'banner' posted by 420 Heli only points out disbeliever's poor opinion and misguided interpretation.


That poor Jewish Zombie (yes, Jesus was a Jew who created a mad sectarian branch of Judaism, eventually called Christianity) never asked nor promised any of those things.


Unto you I deliver a New Covenant (replacing the Covenant of the Arc, Ten Commandments, Moses), love one another as my Father loves you.


or in a more modern interpretation:

Party on dudes, and be excellent to each other. (courtesy Bill and Ted)


Faith is a different thing than religion.


EDIT: fixed capitisation


Faith is belief without evidence, or belief when reasons fail.

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That's a classic, using Reason and Religion in the same argument :whistle: ..... I see the Zeitgeist thread got bumped today as well, it debunks Chrisitianity in about 20 minutes and shows it for what it is, a pagan worship of the sun and stars with a bit of politics thrown in, just like countless other stoneage camp fire stories errrr sorry religious beliefs Edited by bufo marinus
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