Nutrient Problems
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
280 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
I've posted a similar question in my grow journal, but I'm not sure it will get many views there and might be better off in the troubleshooting section. Looks like I might have my first nutrient problem on my first grow (DWC, Mills nutes, NL#5), single plant, further details here) . We are 6wks from the day the first bud started to flower. I reduced my nutes to about 970ppm this week in anticipation of flushing next week or the following. Still following the Mills feed chart as it hasn't steered me wrong yet, but on the low end of the recommend dosage. I see some brown or rust color spots that seem to start at the central vein of the leaflets. Only a few leaves affected…
Last reply by Veritas629, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hi all. We've had some hot weather here in SA but on the hottest days I've put shade cloth over my girls. They did get a little thirsty on a couple of occasions so this might just be the plants drawing moisture in. However I'm wondering if this could be a nute problem. Northern Light. 50L pots. Were in Tomato, herb and vege mix alone in 30L pots but now it's getting closer to flowering I put them into 50L with garden mix, no added nutes as I'm adding my own nutes to the medium. Feeding with Power Feed, Rock brand root tonic. Foliar spray of seasol and chilli garlic repellant when needed. I only spray in the evening with no direct sunlight. Thanks everyone :-)
Last reply by pedro de pacas, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hi guys first time poster. I hope someone can easily help me out. I have these rusty spots on my leaves followed by yellow leaves not long later. I bought a digital soil ph meter and it shows a ph of 6.5. I did some googling and i think its a magnesium issue. So i bought some charlie carp from bunnings and added at half strength. Now its been a week and they are still getting worse. So ive turned to you guys for some advice as to what be my next move. Thx guys pics bellow. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by creedy976, -
- 7 replies
hi guys i wanted to know if anyone can tell me why after calibrating my ph meter im reading a ph of 3 after i add canna aqua even if i dont put my acid in
Last reply by Bazza, -
Hello everyone, I have just popped 2x white widow, 1x AK 47 and 1x bubblegum; 1x white widow and 1 x AK 47 have already died soon after sprouting. The AKs seed wouldn't come off and it smothered it, I attempted removal but it was to late, and the white widow shot it's tap root out the top of the medium, and germinated upside down, again it was to Lahore before I knew what had happened. all were from ILGM. This is my first attempt and I seem to be hitting an issue. I'm using coco ilas the medium, it was thoroughly washed with tankwater with a ph 6.3, Im still awaiting an EC metre. I haven't used any neuts as yet. The bubble gum is bent over at of this morning, and the whit…
Last reply by The Stoned Jester, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys just after some advice.This is my second outdoor grow and third grow overall so I'm still pretty new. I have two plants going this season outdoors on my parents property, a GH Super Lemon Haze & Barney's farm Critical Kush. The Kush has been flowering for around 5 - 6 weeks and the SLH for probably 4 weeks. I am only able to get up to feed them once a week or so and have been using mainly Seasol powerfeed and half strength liquid potash since flowering. I checked them earlier in the week (Monday) and they looked fine but I checked them today (Saturday) and they have a ton of yellow leaves. So I'm not sure if this is a nitrogen deficiency or something else…
Last reply by Auqadoll, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys, So the first pics a from a few days ago which i narrowed down to nitrogen she was due for a feed via the powerfeed instructions. 40-50ml in 9ltr can i fees other plants i got with it as well.. Did that waited a few days and i gave her a shot of powerfeed (30ml in 2-3L of water). Come home to her looking all upset and not well....think ive just giving it a overdose of Nitrogen??? Any tips on how to go about fixing this amature mistake haha first time growing and just dont want to fuck up but by all means i am learning on the fly thats for sure!! 1) Am i feeding the right nutes?? 2) is Ph an issue at all coz ive been fee…
Last reply by ldocustoms, -
- 18 replies
Still trying to get a solution so I'm reposting. Skunk. Grew from seed, mid Oct 2017. Hand watered x2 day. (Nutes then fresh water in the evening) Tap water pH 7 Nutes at 6.5 when mixed. Run off approx 5.5 Tomato and veg mix w/ 20-25% perlite. LST Don't know PPM/EC Outdoor 25L pot. Rock root tonic, Rock Resinator and Rock bloom as per directions. Seasol every 2nd feed. Mid to later flowering - maybe 6 weeks? No amber trichomes as yet. Ok...I did ask before but got no help so I'm trying one last time before I pull my hair out. This is beginning to spread. I don't know if it's normal at this stage of flowering or not. It's the brown spots that are beginning to spread t…
Last reply by greenqueen2, -
- 2 replies
Just noticed this on my baby... Plant began it's life mid Oct 2017. She's a Skunk from Seedsman, well into flowering but I couldn't be precise as to how long it's been. All I can say is that I feed in the AM with Rock nutes for flowering (Resinator, Root Tonic and Bloom.) and water with just water at night. These spots are only affecting the leaves around my buds...but there's also discoloration in some of the leaf stem, which I've circled. Other than that the plant looks healthy. (There is old traces of N burn but I have that under control as it hasn't happened again since I gave her a good flushing.) PS, I've never added Cal or Mag once to my girl. Should I even bother …
Last reply by T!CTAC, -
- 4 replies
So I know this is probably the wrong forum to ask on, but does anyone know why my tomato plant has yellow spots on the leaves? the photo quality is shitty i apologise, I am actually trying to grow cannabis I'm not trolling But seriously I'm worried about my cannabis's companion [emoji23] I've stopped feeding nutes and have been feeding just normal tap water. If I'm killing this tomato plant I don't have much hope for the little girl (hopefully), it already took weeks to get her to sprout. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by maryjaneclouds, -
- 13 replies
Hi, I have been lurking here for a while, and today I come to you for help, please? This is my first ever grow and I have learned what little I know online, so be gentle, I am trying! My plant was started back in late May from a seed and is showing some strange yellowing on her leaves the last few days, at first I thought I was imagining it, but it's definately getting worse. Pics attached, and I will try to give as much info as possible. Thank you so much for looking! Indoor/Outdoor:Indoor, in a tent Growing Medium: soil (organic potting mix) Growing Style: ? Watering/Feeding Frequency: I have been overwatering, I found out recently, every 2-3 days. I am now cut…
Last reply by Flubbed grower, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys got two pineapple express auto there are 30 days from seed In Coco/perlite. Using canna coco A/B, Rhizo and Cannazym at the moment. Going to start using crystalic as well today and probably PK 13/14. Under a 400w HPS and temps are between 22 and 30. Anyway I have what I think Nitrogen Toxicity in one plant and I have dull yellow leaves on the other. Which is bizzare because I'm feeding them the exact same. Only other thing I can think off is that maybe one plant is getting more light that the other? Could explain why one is higher in nitrogen? But honestly not entirely sure. The leaves on the yellower plant are also quite droopy. Thoughts? Faint leaf's N…
Last reply by The Jackel, -
- 5 replies
So after making every mistake that one could possibly make (pretty sure did;nt miss one) Just wanna double check on this one Sos about to flip and thought check on ppm build-up Holy mother of god batman, it was bout 3000 ppm Checked every pot and they all similar even though PH was all 6.6 Is there a preferred ppm level to flush to before flipping? Medium is canna terra pro Grow Research nutes with Drive, Nitrozyme, Oztonic, Cal-mag and seasol ( ferk no wonder it was 3000) Got it down to 650-700 ppms Will this be ok to start flowering? Peace, harmony and all good shit to helpful folks
Last reply by pedro de pacas, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys, Just a general question about nutrient deficiencies. I am into day 39 from seed on a pineapple express auto. The big fan leaves seem to be showing some sort of defiency (well at least it looks that way to my amateur eye, could be something else). Brown spots and purple stems. The actual bud sites look good IMO. I know as the plant flowers it sucks nutes from existing leaves. but I guess my general question is do I worry about defiencies on the fan leaves in flower? Here are some photos Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Darthvapor24, -
- 5 replies
Growing media: canna coco light: 400 watt hps light distanace is 1.2m no feed yet 8 days old niceguy seed indoor grow the thing i want to know is there is a little light color on the tip of the seedling, since i put it under the bigger light it is growing faster but the little light tip has not gone away at what stage do i feed it and would that be the problem?
Last reply by jason420,