Narcotic Cannabis Genetics/Strains
638 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I liked the sound of this one so much I just put an order into mjOZ. This will hopefully make up for my dissapointment in ordering from seedsdirect as I know my order will get there this time. Anyway I wondered if anyone has tried growning this plant yet? It's a G13/Hash Plant X Nevs Haze. The picture on their site was enough to sway my judgment. Also has anyone smoked this baby yet? cheerz wc
Last reply by Zell, -
- 3 replies
I've been looking at the forums and some people were talking about strains?? What does strain mean?? Anyone know?? Sorry if this question sounds stupid.
Last reply by pipeman, -
Good strains to grow indoors
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello everyone,Just wondering what are the best indoor strains people have grown i like the sounds of skunk#1 ak47 what do youse think?so many to choose from thanks and good luck 2 everyone
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 3 replies
Hi all Would like to hear anyone who has grown a SOG setup and the type of strains and the success or failures using those perticular type of strains produced in a "sea of green" grow. SWIM has only tried one type of strain in a small SOG setup, it was "Critial Mass" by Mr Nice. The setup consisted of a 1200X1200 flood and drain tray with a plastic top cover with holes cut out on top. The plants were 150mm apart in little net pots which were sitting in the holes made in the plastic cover. The clones were rooted in 35mm RW cubes in 7 days and then put in 75mm RW cubes and placed in net pots on tray. They were veged for about 7 days and turned over too 12 hours to…
Last reply by LOGGER_KING, -
- 21 replies
High all. I hope this post finds you with the force leading you strongly.... This is an open call to arms in assistance of a jedi. I am troubled, as my communion with the force, (my buds) has not been quite as strong as of late. This is probably because I've grown the same plants for the last 2 grows... I'm looking for a new strain, and I'm asking the members of ozstoners to help me. I'm open to all suggestions, but I'll deliniate the needs I have of the strain here before you go posting everything and sundry. Please don't just post something saying "x seedbank is the best, all their strains are better than anyone elses" I'd appreciate a clear suggestions givin…
Last reply by indooraussie, -
been looking thru seed catalogs & some strains are referred toas "columnar",does this mean that they basically grow without much branching & 1 big nugget on top?
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
just a quick thank u 2 the people who replied to my call 4 help i still havent had any luck re. clones or cuttings but have decided to go through one of the recommended seed banks and try my luck there.still,if anyone does come up with any spares,im still interested. stay hazy all and have a good one.
- 3 replies
hello fellow lovers of all things smokey and green.i would like to start by saying how impressed i am with this site.The many and varied tidbits of information can only help us all to improve the quality and yield of our chosen intrests ,and its high time [pardon the pun] that a proper site has been set up in oz. I have gained some really great stuff since joining ,but i am having some difficulty in tracking down clones or cuttings to get me off the ground.I am in the Canberra region and if anyone else is ,they know how dry and difficult it can be.So ANY help would be greatly appreciated.thanx to all ,stay hazy and enjoy life.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 3 replies
this plant of mine looks different from the others which are AK47/c99, i think this one is from an unknown indica strain, notice the rhubard like coloring of the stems as compared to my other plants which are green stems, which reminds me, i just feel like some stewed rhubarb and apple with custard have not had it in years, i might plant some out the back with me plants, what time of year does rhubard flourish? ::
Last reply by KerMit, -
- 6 replies
I have some clones about 4 days old in rockwool, one of them just started to fall and bend over. The rock wool felt quite damp so i didn't think it could be thirsty but i put a few sprays on the rock wool and pulled her out for a check. She shoot back up the next day! WEIRD i thought! They are in a dome aswell. Anyone have any answers for that? Also when cutting clones on the angle whats better skinning the first laryer of the plant at bottom or leaving it alone?
Last reply by italian_gardener, -
- 4 replies
I know the environment of my clones should be moist, but there is differing opinions on the clones being wet themselves! Some say dry some say almost dripping wet. ????? any info would be great! thanks your friendly neighborhood italian!!!!!!!!!
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Just some Happy New Year closeups
by Guest BudWaver-
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
- 3 replies
i recently got about 200 seeds from a mate which are said to be of good strain. i want to find the best mother, but dont have space for sexing 200 plants. Is there some sort of chemical i can soak them in to kill the males? Cheers
Last reply by Tom, -
- 0 replies
Heya growers Just about to get some clones from mj oz, just wondering what is recommended and why...... available is g13, gw shark, brz, orangeberry, blue goo and el nino... have checked out info on all and seems gws looks best. I want a good smoke with fairly high yield as it is personals from me and me mates and we tend to have lots of "idle" time between grows(slack arse stoners!) thanks Skanky
Last reply by skankmaster, -
- 4 replies
well, about 10 or so days ago i had my first crack at growing clones. i took 16 clones of c99(thanks for the strain id cannabis pro) i grew them in yates seed raising mix.(i screened the bigger bits of bark and shit out of it)in styrofome cups with about 6 holes punched in the bottom of them. in heinsight i should have bought one of those cloning chambers. i will next time around.would have made job a lot easier. i chose in the end to use 3,18 watt c.f's. they were the highest wattage i could get. would love to get my hands on one of those 48 watters that w.b has. ah well. price ya pay for living in the country. for the first week i kept platic cups over the top of each o…
Last reply by Wezz,