Cannabis Propagation
Cannabis hemp cultivation propagation information and discussions.
624 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Hey all! Well, I thought I'd fire off a question. My test grow is underway, and I'm sure I'll have lots of these little qs along the way, so thanks for your patience. At the moment I have 3 of 4 o haze x skunk #1 popped. They are now at day 10 from planting the seed (planting directly into soil with all of these). Stretched like crazy for the first five or six days but have settled and are happy as now. When I pot them up I'll bury a fair bit of the stem. Blowing some air on them for strength. Now, the problem: I planted some DNA Genetics Pure Afghan seeds on Sunday. Three of four have popped - but I'm noticing issues here with a very hard seed case that the seedlin…
Last reply by gothash, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Hi all Good reading in here but im still a little confused . Im attempting to convert an old reptile box into an area where i could bring future cuttings and seeds alive. At the min i have a box which is 3-1.5-1.9 ft small but space is an issue. I have 3 computer fans which im sourcing some correct power suppplys for them at the mo i cut a charger for an old phone but it wasnt strong enough` I also have a heat mat and an old fish tank light but its only 24w what kind of light wattage is needed for rooting clones? and germination ? i attempted seeds last week i got very nice root shoots and placed them in root riot cubes and in a sealed tuuperware tub with a…
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 9 replies
Hello everyone, unfortunately much to my horror my outdoor plants have started to flower, they were approximately two weeks into flower (last time I visited my plants) when I cut some clones. I have cut 40 clones and the are currently in rockwool (soaked in a weak nute solution) in a clone box sitting on a heat pad set at 35 deg. I have closed the vents on the clone box for the first 48 hours to get the humdity up but I am yet to mist the p clones, probably gonna do that tomorrow ..... Any pointers to help my babies root faster, really don't want to loose this strain!!!
Last reply by darryl d, -
- 7 replies
So i put 5 seeds in a cup full of water and 1 sunk.....dead seed or what?
Last reply by Livo, -
Gday all, With regards to cloning. I wish to produce my own clones, however I dont have a separate veging and flowering room. Assuming that Ive taken cuttings two weeks into flowering and they do start taking root, how long can i leave them before I must plant them into the pots for the whole process to begin again? Any answers will be greatly appreciated. Cheers
Last reply by Afgan, -
- 8 replies
I have had some clones in rockwool for about 2 days now and yesterday I noticed that a lot of the clones had yellow leaves and that the rockwool cubes were quite light. I am not sure what I have done wrong as I soaked the rockwool cubes in a weak veg nute solution prior to putting the clones in them and the clones are sitting on top of a heat mat in a humidity box. I previous had the heat mat set to 35 deg but I though this was too hot, maybe this is the reason for the light cubes???.... I have now switched the temp down to 30 deg.... Hope this is okay?? I am not sure if I should re wet the cubes ?? .... I have also been misting the cubes once daily, I am not sure if I…
Last reply by raven6, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
What i'm thinking is, is it possible to grow a cannabis plant inside, with the right electrical lighting, airrated and secure location, and instead of a hydroponic system to just water it normally (with the right nutrients etc) as you would a plant outside? I figured sure it wouldnt yield as much or as potent as a hydro grow, as it would be similar to an outdoor grow, but surely its possible?
Last reply by brick, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
I just got seeds from cannacopia.My 30 seeds i got from joey weed a while back,only 3 germinated.whats the most foolproof way to germinate?Ive always used the paper towel method with good results but after last time im nervous.does distilled water make a difference?Ive read people just sticking seeds in glass of water.
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
i took these clones abit to late about weeks into flower!! they seems to be keeping alive.. there about 3 weeks old now and im not sure if they will pull thru!! what do you you guys think?
Last reply by Reverend, -
- 0 replies
hey has any one tried useing accent sollution plant wax as a foliar spray on new clones or when transplanting plants i seen it on ebay at dicount hydroponics site they are allright to deal with, better than some of the online shops i have come across. also has anybody used a final rinse product added to water for flushing in the last week it says that it is a organic clearing solution giving the plants sugar boost i think i am a newbe. so can any one help it would be great as i know the best way is keep it simple . i use canna cocco nutrient, and canna additives i also use grotek monster bloom and bud fuel and bloosom blaster twice threw out the flower proce…
Last reply by aussiegrow, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
just wondering if any one has used the fleximix for cloning and rootit gel for plugs i got sum but i dont want to sacrifice any clones if it is not a good product i use jiffy pots with a good result but some times new products come up and they are allright is this one can any one let me know cheers ....
Last reply by Reverend, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hello Everyone, I have just started to get heavily into taking clones, (with mixed results) so far I have had about a 60% success rate on rooting the clones. If possible I would like to change this into a 100% success rate and I was wondering if a heat mat for my clones would help. Right now I do my clones in a weak nutrient solution in rockwool under a cloning light for about two weeks until they start to show ample roots. What does everyone reckon? heating mats work?.....I have looked at the expensive ones with a thermostat but I am tossing up which one to buy???...any suggestions guys?
Last reply by squiggs, -
- 1 reply
G'day Everyone, Had my first attempt at cloning and successful thus far ( thanks to the bubble cloner tutorial ). All of them are at about the same stage with roots. Should I be transplanting them yet? or wait for more root growth? They will be going into a F&D with clay balls. As always, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
Hi Guys, I have 10 Sativas which are about 4 weeks from harvest and I was hoping to reveg them and then put them outdoors,...I was thinking of only taking the really good buds from the top 3/4 of the plants and then sticking them under 18 hours light for a few weeks on veg nutes before sticking them outside. what do you reckon?..any help would be great
Last reply by raven6, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hey Folks I,ve cracked some seeds in paper towel and then into rockwool cubes and they have sprouted in me little container. Now this is the stage im not so confident with,you know what the procedure is? I now got them under a twin 2ft fluro with gro lux bulbs. Just went under today I found a chato post that said "rockwool doesnt need to be watered every day,dunk the cube halfway into a bowl of tap water for 2 or 3 seconds,repeat the process in 2 days or so when the cube is almost dry again. So i'll try this and see what happens anybody else got a true and tried method id love to hear it. check…
Last reply by roy, -