Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 5 replies
I'm new at this, need to know what i need besides a good Location and seeds. like when to start growing plus anyone that know steath out in the bush like camndo/camouflage ideas would be good to know i look forward to what everyone has to say thanks guys
Last reply by dabsfortheride, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
I was somewhat disappointed with my yields last year and consequently determined to start seedlings earlier and get them in the ground earlier this season. We generally get very cold nights well into October and are not safe from frost until mid October here. Last year my SSS Super Deluxe seedlings emerged 22 November. This year I had them up by 3 October - about 6 weeks earlier.Last year the plant wasn't put in the ground until end of December. This year the plant was in the ground by end of November. The results speak for themselves. Whilst not everything is the same [hole size, medium, watering], I consider the time of sowing to be the major factor in the diff…
Last reply by Faith, -
- 18 replies
Grow-vember: Very impressed with how cold tolerant this one is - first time i've had a plant that didn't stop growing altogether when nights are real cold (like 10 and below). And very vigorous too! Fingers crossed she's a girl
Last reply by choofy, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
I have two starters, one has 7 leaves and the other has 5 wider leaves. Does this mean anything? Has it got to do with the sex? Never had a fat 5 leafer before.
Last reply by RickShawRyder, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, I have a bit of a problem with my girls growing in the NSW bush. Actually its a major problem really. I am having insect attack on the ladies that I have never seen before, and I've been doing this since ummm, forever, 40 odd years.. There are dark brown robust beetle looking things eating the bark on my ladies. They are not in plague proportions, just a bug here and a bug there.. Of course I pick em off and squash them. But I can't be there every day, and they are so savage they will destroy a largish plant in a day. They are only eating the bark, nothing else, where they have been, the stem is void of bark for a few inches, effectively ringbarking each stem in …
Last reply by merl1n, -
- 6 replies
Hello Guys and Gals, Got a question i'm hoping someone can help me with. Ive got 2 plants growing and i've noticed some spots appearing on the leaves. Some of the seem discoloured whilst another plant has 3 black spots? Really strange. I'm guessing the yellow looking spots are from insects (Ive seen a few green fly's hanging around my baby so that could be the issue. But the black ones are a complete mystery. Any advice would be appreciated.
Last reply by Sixty-Eight, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
What are the rules for outdoor? I heard its a bit defferent determening when an outdoor plant is 'ready', I was under the impression that a microscopic examination of the trichs until they are armber 'enough' was the rule of thumb. Cheers
Last reply by iTiC, -
- 6 replies
I just found this great site, and thought I'd share it. If you scroll down and click the link "full months Sun" it shows a nice graph with detailed day light hours. www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/australia/melbourne
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 4 replies
Going to start a couple of autos in late October to be finished by January. I got some feminised photo seeds as freebies, one of which is a Chocolope which is known to be a tall Sativa. If I start this in January will it have enough veg time to be worthwhile but stay small?
Last reply by ozzyoutdoors, -
- 1 reply
Curious to know if anyone on the forum has used purely mushroom compost to grow or transplant into. If so what results did you have?
Last reply by I pacson i, -
- 19 replies
Might not acheive anything, but this is getting out of hand and I'm out of ideas, so I'm asking for help, advice, guidance or whatever. So far this outdoor season everything just wants to go into flower for me, but it's veg time and that's what I'm looking for. Fair enough, first lot were clones from mature mums that I put out a bit earlier than I should, and an already flowering seed plant that I put out mid August. But I now have seedlings that were put out mid September that didn't hit sexual maturity till early/mid October, and a revegged clone that I put out late October. The nights have been less than 12hrs since all of these have been put outside, and getting …
Last reply by Swamp403, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
I found this very interesting read on another forum and thought it was too good not to share. It in no way promotes any sites or anything of the sort. Just some great info for those out there, and personally i think its great to hear storys from these kinda people, without them wanting others to fund thier retirement in some exotic island. Enjoy. AustralianBushParadise.pdf AussieBushParadise2.pdf
Last reply by Biggdogg, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, Just wanted to get some advice from wiser heads than mine. I've got a few jack herers in the ground and they've been there about two months, despite being in a spot with good sunlight I've noticed that they have started to flower these last three weeks. I originally had them under lights on a 16 hour cycle and raised them to about a foot high before putting them in the ground. As I stated they've been in the ground for about two months, I'm hoping with the daylight increasing they will re-veg. I think the summer solstice is around the 22nd so I'm hopeful. However I was wondering what is the chance they will keep flowering and finish up instead of revegging? Any…
Last reply by raven6, -
Want to garden grow (Fremantle WA). There's a couple of grow shops around me so I'm off out this arvo to have a chat. Apologies if this is not the norm or a bit cheeky but coming from the UK green was everywhere and only a phone call away and here it's hit and miss (usually a massive miss!!) Thanks The content here within this cannabis community is for educational & entertainment purposes only. Any buying/selling or trading of illegal cannabis seeds, clones, flowers, resin or oil is strictly prohibited within this cannabis community.
Last reply by FLC, -
- 7 replies
Hey can someone please tell me what time this year outdoor plants are expected to go into flower, I know its when the light hours get closer towards 12/12 so im assuming end of febuary? I feel that is a bit late though and im wrong? Help appreciated
Last reply by sheep_dreamer,