Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey guys, as the title suggests, Im looking for steamed bone mean in australia. I had a look online an found fox farm has a version but they most dont send to australia and the one I found that does is charging $60 for a bag(im not sure but that sounds expensive). Im hoping theres some random aussie company someone can point me to!!Thanks in advance
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
Making seeds 1 2
by Cantgrow-
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hi all, Just realised one of my two little plants is male. It's going in the bin asap. What I wanted to know is.....can you pollinate an area on a plant?, or does it turn it all male? If so I'd like have some seeds for next grow, but not at the risk of losing the last plant ( hopefully female) left. If I could pollinate some buds that might help. Thanks
Last reply by growbabygrow, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi Guys, Im doing my first outside grown and I have 3 ladies in pots that look like they are starting to flower, they are about 8 weeks old. I have them in 30cm pots and nute with powerfeed every other day. Are these pot big enough? or should I repot into bigger pots? Cheers
Last reply by burner, -
quick noob question!!!...is it ok to mix nutrients in the same bucket whilst watering?...like powerfeed and liquid potash..or thrive and seasol?..or should i do them seperatly?..thanks in advance..
Last reply by growbabygrow, -
got what i needed to know....
Last reply by jords, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
hi all, first post on here. i have a few girls in pots really starting to flower. i have been using dutch masters pro watered down on every other water and growing in high quality potting mix. i really need some advice on when to switch from the grow nutrient to the flower..
Last reply by Groung, -
These are in Searles seed raising mix at the moment and destined to go in the ground somewhere. I'm really excited about these as I love pheno hunting and these could turn out anything. As you can see 4 out of the 6 are sativa dominant with the other 2 having more indica although I wouldn't yet go as far as saying indica dominant. I'm happy with that as I might get lucky and find something suitable for indoors with a nice sativa buzz. The 2 more indica phenos started off quite yellow and slow growing but they are starting to come good now. Naycha
Last reply by Smashd1again, -
15/16 grow 1 2
by wakenbaken-
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Hi all, Outdoor grow in 25l pot, used potting mix and aged cow manure with straw for mulch. Germinated in the pot and used a Coles cake container for mini greenhouse. Dug into the ground and had a cage with netting. Used powerfeed red and seasol for veg, potash and seasol for flower all half strength. Was a auto lemon haze from msnl, planted late Sept, dried by Christmas. Final weight 80g First auto and it was awesome. I live in Vic. Also did an ak47 auto at the same time good smoke but small yield, less than an o. If I get some response will post my girls that are still in the ground.
Last reply by wakenbaken, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hey, I'm new to this forum and just started reading all the info that has been given... (really awesome by the way).. Decided I would give growing a go a few months ago, until here I am today.., being a farmer, no idea what I am doing, but super excited my little darlings popped out the dirt.. Now reading all these post I realise there is so much more to it than sun and water.. and I may need some coaching along the way. So guys, any tips would be awesome and ill post photos as the munchkins grow. Yes, I named them.
Last reply by .Kitty, -
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
Just a quick snap of the Golden Tiger and Zamaldelica seedlings. Just have one of each and all going well I will take clones to keep as mothers and leave the plants to flower outside. Golden Tiger Zamaldelica
Last reply by Tinshed, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hi guys and girls Whose up for some canna porn ? If I get some replies I'll post some pics. 40 plants - sativa and indica
Last reply by Naycha, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Hello everyone out there, new forum poster here. Ive just started to get into outdoor cultivation and in my eagerness to run before I could walk, I planted in late August. Now after reading sage advice her on many forums I understand I should of waited until the September Equinox, but oh well these things happen. I do have some questions for experienced horticulturists out there. They are the following. Much thanks and praise in advance for replies : ) 1. I have planted 15 plants outside in one pot, they have all grown very strong. As I have said above, I planted late August. They would be about 40cm (around 15inch) now 1/1/15. I have sexed them and they are largely …
Last reply by billygoat, -
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
I have an outdoor grow going that was supposed to be 3-4 Auto's and a couple fo Photo periods. It turns out that I have been sold all the same seed by the look of it and none apart from an AK47 that I grew out are Auto's. As a result I now have 7 lage Photo period plants that I need to sex and cull before they really become a problem. So if I could ask those with far more expience than me to have a look at the pics and give me your opinion. Male, female or pic no good/don't know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I hope I have captured what is needed and you are able to help. My paranoia with having so many large plants outdoors, grows…
Last reply by max_headroom, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Hi to all within the community. This is my first post on the forum and I would appreciate any assistance you may offer. I had 4 plants in my tent that I thought I would give a head start to before putting them outside for the sun to take care of. I had the plants under a 600watt HPS set for 18 hours per day. I should have known better but as soon as I put my plants outside they went straight into flower and finished 8 to 9 weeks later because they were only getting natural sunlight for about 10 hours a day. I grew them from cuttings for approx. 10 weeks prior to putting them outside, they were approx. 1 metre tall and quite bushy. It was the middle of October …
Last reply by Sir PsychoHashy, -
What do you think? 1 2 3
by LEO 037-
- 420 Crew
- 29 replies
Hey guys, First time grower, got it as a gift just want people to give theyre opinion on my progress. My plant started its life as an indoor hydro alongside a larger plant that needed a different light cycle or something??? Now ive got it, its outdoor in the day/indoor at night away from bugs as i lost 3 to bugs 1-2 months ago. Anyway. It got really tall (around 10cm or more) so i re potted it half way down the stem in a bigger pot, i work long days so i didnt want it to snap in the wind . The 2 or maybe 4 lower leave cracked the sads so i pulled them off a couple of days ago. Now its looking like this. What do you think?? Any advice helps!
Last reply by LEO 037, -