Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
Stealth cameras 1 2 3
by twunit- 27 replies
Hi all, Don't know if this topic has been done, but i could find nothing on here re this subject..I have been ripped off in the bush a couple of times, big time, there has been little access to the girls other than through my own land..So i am looking at friends or neighbours..I recently came across those game trail cameras, [ i think the cops use em as well]..Anyway, they appear to be what i need to solve my problem..I'm after any help i can get to decide about the right one..Has anybody on here used them or had any experience with them..Other than being busted courtesy of them of course..I'm not stupid enough to put em near my patch, just near the access on to my land..…
Last reply by Sir PsychoHashy, -
- 16 replies
This is a old article from early 2000s but it still seems relevant although the tech has probably gotten better since then. WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT SPECTRAL SIGNATURES OF ILLEGAL CANNABIS CULTIVATION? http://predoc.org/docs/index-199474.html#2435749 Anyways, I have always thought that the outdoor infrared cameras were a bluff. Well it turns out it may not be bluff. It's not flir as flir is only useful at night, and not even Barry cooper of never get busted talks about the method. So basically my question is, is it for real or not? This article is the only piece of information I can find out about it... But surely an ex police officer wold of spilt the be…
Last reply by Nutter3, -
- 8 replies
hi guys, so I will be a first time grower this coming season in Perth, and I'm looking recommendations on strains, short strains (as I'll be growing out the back yard, and strains that I can harvest by mid December as I'll be away for 4 weeks over Christmas, any help is massively appreciated Cheers
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Gday all, I have found a few spots that are wet all year round and was after some methods of growing there, It would be great to not have to cart water so any help would be sweet. Cheers!!
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys need a help with a seedling. If I plant a auto flower outdoors. Would it survive the harsh weather change?
Last reply by QLDPOTHEAD, -
- 4 replies
Hi all. Some of you might remember me asking about the split seedling a few months ago. Anyway, she's been going gangbusters despite the late planting. Kills me to imagine how good she could've been if I'd planted at the right time of year. Anyhoo, I have a few questions re: harvesting and flushing. First, I'm a bit confused about the info I've read about hairs changing colour. I bought a jeweller's thing so I can inspect the trichomes, however when I read info about harvesting it seems to be referring to the larger hairs that grow through the buds. Should I be focussing on the colour of the trichomes to know when it's time to harvest? If someone can clear this up I'd …
Last reply by Sir PsychoHashy, -
- 5 replies
Found some really nice hydro of what I'm told is a strain called White Shark. When I got home I find its thrown a single seed! I've oogled the strain and the high certainly matched the reviews so Im confident its White Shark or at least something Skunk. Has that sour taste that I love from Skunk. Anyway Ive decided to keep it as a house plant and if its good clone it next year. I'll throw up some photos when it raises its teeth...At the moment the seed has germinated and its in a Peat capsule till it sprouts. Just need to figure out logistics of this now.
Last reply by Nutter3, -
- 31 replies
Hi Guys Hope all is well. This is my first grow. Currently have one sativa dominant & Indica dominant in flowering (outdoors) Im using Canna A+B, Cannazyme, & Bio Diesel (My hydro guy highly recommended this product as a cheaper alternative to Canna Boost) Has anybody used Bio Diesel before? If so, should I be running it when i flush? Canna Boost is used when flushing but this is a complete different product. My indica dominant (Im guessing) has been flowering since circa 22nd of December. Im starting to stress as I'm not vividly seeing the signs of ripeness other than the browning of hairs? Could you guys please have a look and determine how long they ha…
Last reply by qaza, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Hi all, I will post more pics later. For now enjoy this pic of a flower I took this morning.
Last reply by torrietree, -
- 420 Crew
- 87 replies
Howdy do fellow growers, Going to post pics and updates of my grow in this thread to keep it nice and ordered! Please feel free to comment or ask any questions. I've had my first minor setback already when a slug/snail beheaded my baby strawberry ice seedling and I had to sow my last strawberry ice seed. Lucky for me, it sprouted but it's way behind the rest of the pack as can be seen in the pic . Pots are colour coded for ID purposes Yellow= limoncello gaze Red= strawberry ice Green= Pineapple Express Blue= bianca(white wid x white queen x afg) Unmarked= Mangolicious Reginald
Last reply by Indica toker, -
2nd grow 2015/16 1 2 3 4 20
by growbabygrow-
- 420 Crew
- 198 replies
Last reply by reginald blumenfield, -
Hi all...i have all these tiny little white flies or insects the size of a pin head all over my plant!!! can anyone tell me how to get rid of them with a spray or something?...thanks in advance...
Last reply by mastertig, -
We have the owners of our house doing an inspection in 3 and a half weeks and it doesn't look like our harvest will be ready by then. So the backstory... we are in Melbourne and we have planted either a lemon haze or mango haze seed (got them mixed up and dont know which one it is) and it is our first time growing. Basically just stuck the seed straight into the garden patch and the plant is about 190cm tall and flowering. Where the buds will be we have lots of white hairs. It is flowering and the white hairs have started to change color, from white hairs to being white with brown tips. I read that either of those strains usually have a long flowering period. So the…
Last reply by .............................., -
- 0 replies
Hey guys I hope I'm posting this im the right area.. if not I'm sorry!! I Also realise this is the wrong season!! I actually took owner ship of these from someone who was in the process of relocating:) Firstly I'm new to growing outdoors soon hopping to grow indoors generally I'm here to ask on any tips to having a heathly nutritious plant and to boost bud growth.. also wanting to ask if there's any signs of heath / nutrition problems as well as any tell tale signs of sex.. I'm posting a few pictures up any and all tips / advice would be wonderful Thank you all Love and Care!!
Last reply by aussiegold, -
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
Hey all Had so much fun growing last year and learnt a lot (incl. from you guys) so I'm back for round two. In awesome news, the reason I grew my first plant was to make CBD oil for a family member who got cancer...1 Year later cancers gone! fuck yeah. Anyhoo here is a Shining Silver Haze (Skunk x Northern Light) plant going strong. A little concerned about drainage though. Organic soil mixed with home compost, Seasol & Powerfeed along with home made Earth Worm Tea, just switched to Potash today as she is two weeks into flowering. A bit late to the grow diary, but better late than never. Enjoy
Last reply by torrietree, -