Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
IM some where down south west Vic, when is the perfect time to start planting, or should the plants be a little bit astablished before they go out, and when should you harvest. Can some one help me please
Last reply by Dallas, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
i dont know if your aloud to talk about this on here so mods please delete it if so i was just wondering if any1 knows of any places around melbourne where i can put my plants to grow coz i cant keep them in my backyard too much longer coz my parents might find them any1 have any ideas or any1 know any good spots around melbourne that are safe for me and my 2 plants?
Last reply by boxerbill, -
My Grow 2006 1 2
by S4mm1ch- 12 replies
So after a failed attempt at growing last year i figured this year it would be different. I started with some bag seed. After geminating them i stuck the seedlings in small plastic cups. I had them growing at a friends house in a hot closet with not much airflow and in some shitty soil so that might be why most of them died off. After about 3-4 weeks i moved the surviving ones to bigger pots (8 inch). Most of the plants seem to be looking shittty but there is one plant that i really have faith in. About 2 weeks ago, about 2 1/2 months after starting the plant, i decided the person who was watching over my plants was not doing a very good job. I moved them outside to a nic…
Last reply by stonedstump, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hi guys just a little help with when to start growing in adelaide?
Last reply by Budman2012, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
hey guys, started off this years grow under the 400w 4 days ago, they have all now sprouted. i started them under 15/9 so i didnt have such a sudden decrease before i have to put them outdoors. how slowly should i reduce the light cycle to the same as ooutdoor before i put them out ? anyone reply asap, i fell behind schedule last year and i dont want it to happen again. ta
Last reply by allhailthebud, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
i'm starting a crop in what i hope will be a good spot.. bout 150km from the nearest town.. along a river its a little dry however the surrounding plants and reasonable green.. and i was planning on either a. putting 2-5 4x5m crops sites in surrounded by chicken wire. or b. just plant them out at about 5-10m intervals 10-50m from the river maybe 100-200 plants the one problem i see atm is that cows come down to drink. there seems to be a good amount of vegetation on the ground for them to eat.. just wondering if anyone has known them to 'attack' crops? the only thing about the fenced off areas is that they might be seen from the air more easily
Last reply by Budman2012, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hey guys, Ok i want to get ahead this year last year i was left with small plants when i came time to flower still cant complain. Ok i plan on making a shade structure to keep the frost off for the rest of August and germ the seeds now so they get a one month head start will the shade cloth keep the plants alive? has anyone else got any sugestions in regards to this besides a green house type set up as i wont be able to. Cheers
Last reply by boxerbill, -
Ok folks I thought that this 'girl' deserved a positon on here. It is a female Tai Satvia from seed ........ @ about 3 - 31/2 foot tall, strapped to a trellis, fed alot (daily drink) & some 'Dynamic lifter' + 'seasol'. She is in 25Lt Pot, some 'blood & bone'. I am featuring her on the fence to concentrate on the one plant in a dairy later. By strapping her to the fence I will know which one she is and where too. thinge were always going to get busy - ah well. ******************** ****************** Ah well making the most of my summer - May be I won't have to grow so many for a while. Alot of these will be gone except for 7 in 23 days time when …
Last reply by nitram, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
http://img44.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=...30011_517lo.JPG http://img23.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=...30012_448lo.JPG http://img44.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=...30013_414lo.JPG http://img104.imagevenue.com/img.php?image...30019_597lo.JPG http://img120.imagevenue.com/img.php?image...30019_591lo.JPG http://img133.imagevenue.com/img.php?image...30020_514lo.JPG http://img12.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=...30021_314lo.JPG http://img127.imagevenue.com/img.php?image...30025_373lo.JPG http://img153.imagevenue.com/img.php?image...30026_400lo.JPG I'd like someone to tell me the strain if possible, or at least give me an idea (indica, sativa). I was thinking indica, because …
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
turtle (my girl cat) got caught eating one of my buds on a lower branch. I scrammed it fast, but she likes to hang around them, sleep next to them.. is she getting high? is she on drugs??! should I put something around the three pots to deter her?
Last reply by Zaknefain, -
hey, can any one give me some tips plz? i have four plants they are about 8cm tall. they are about 3 weeks old.they are in the same pot.there outdoors.i live in south west vic so the weather is abit cold but they are gettin heaps of sun light.the soil is just pottin mix i found in the shed. i did put a bit of blood n bone with it dont know if thats good for it or not. there looking pretty good but yeah i realy want these to take off.the pot is only a small one but as the plants grow ill put them in the own pots and bigger ones .and how can i tell if they are female or male .is there any thing i can to to help these little fellas get a head start in live. this is my first …
Last reply by king of coke, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hello. I just started some seeds 2 days ago. Afghani Pure Breed. I built a box 5m x 3m(wooden) with a glass ceiling and glass reflective walls. during the day the plant in powered by the sun(and when its not many CF's come into place i.e when cloudy). The cf's is powered by a car battery(charged by solar) using a high watt 240 volt inverter. After 5pm at night the glass walls closed up(by me) and the CF's are shut off(if they are on).. At 5am they are put back on and the batteries are recharged by light. This is all outdoors and is in dense bushland(noone goes here, painted camoflague and coating in leaves/twigs etc). Cost me $600 though for car battery and inverter…
Last reply by boxerbill, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Im going to keep my plants outside all day long but at night im going to bring them in for the next week or so. Then im going to keep them outside for their 12on and then bring them in for their 12off. Will me moving them so much harm the plant? Im going to keep a complete grow diary so you all can watch these bad ass plants take the fuck off. Hellz Yeah
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Hi people, I want to show you this very nice Tai Satvia female to you all. I call her "Create Girl". I figure it is only a matter of weeks before she triggers into flower. How long. 4 - 8 weeks is my guess, so some time before April/March. She was sprouted from my 'seed bank'. A short history : The seed comes curticy of my Bro (M) who collected over 5000 seeds in Tailand 15yrs ago and has since propergated from seed ever since. He dose 1 crop a year (12 seeds) growing from from seed and seeding off 1 female with a male every couple of years. This particular seed came from unknown number of past grows my Bro has done. I can't recall the name of the vi…
Last reply by nitram, -
From Step 1 1 2 3
by t(- _ -t)-
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
Alright guys, I am extremely knew here, I've been smoking for a while and I am honestly tired of paying high prices for low grade weed. I am thinking about growing my own. My problems are: 1. Limited funds 2. No place (inside) 3. No idea how I need you guys to help me, from germination to harvest. Bare in mind that I am totally knew to all this so don't get too mad. This looks like an amazing community, I hope I can contribute.
Last reply by Budman2012, -