General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 8 replies
GDay ppls.. im just curious to know how many of you have done big tree grows.? ive done sum searching but cant seem to find any post on 0ne pound indoor tree grows an the systems they used to achive such yeilds....? ive seen and few systems like dripping recirculating systems, dwv and bio's.. but keen to see sum kitab grow rectangle box systems or sumthing simlair for the commerical crop out.. im intrested in doin sumthing simlar so any advice on systems that will yeild the shit.. when i throw the watts at it.. pls feel free to post.. im looking at using 5-6x600's hps battabong
Last reply by keepleft, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Gday fellow OZ stoners Just a quick Q&A... My 4 White Widows are showing there sex already.. but they are under 18/6 and feed full growth Nutes... Thay are about a month old and 10-12 inches tall, i have also tipped them acouple days ago... Is this normal with indoor plants or the WW strain??? show there sex so early... I usally grow outdoors... so any info would be wicked.. Cheers Dallas
Last reply by Dallas, -
- 5 replies
This stuff looks like the bees knees! where can you get it? Can anyone recommend any compressed blocks? I havent got a car so i need to be able to carry it in me backpack or order it online. thanks
Last reply by wildflower, -
- 6 replies
my recent observations of the use of PK is that is you use it late in flower and continuously it actually speeds up the ripening process. which is not necessarily a good thing i always used it from day 28 in flower until the end of flower at half strength. i have two strains, and when using PK in this manner one strain was always ready quicker at day 49 and the other was ready at day 56. well this time i used it as currently recommended by canna. i.e. at full strength (1.5ml per litre) at day 21 in flower for 1 week only. well its now day 42 and the strain that normally takes 49 days is showing no brown pistils at all. i mean NOT ONE. this is so not what normally hap…
Last reply by Dr Rockster, -
what nutes are people using in flower and when heres what i'm going to do on my next grow.. silica magic throughout whole grow Week 1 ozi magics monsta bud Week 2 rock juice Week 3 rock juice Week 4 pk 13/14 Week 5 ozi magics monsta bud Week 6 ozi magics ozi tonic Week 7 ozi magics ozi tonic any thoughts...
Last reply by keepleft, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
I looked at the "simple" wasn't. Not for me anyhows...I'm lookin' at making this real uncomplicated. Ok, so I'm gonna get the 400W Son T agro light...what that is, I don't know...just that it has the right kinda wattage for what I'm looking at, and the right price range. A small cupboard or wardrobe, I'll find. and make the neccessary alterations. Canna, whatever that is, I can get. (but need to know when to use it, and how) Pots for my plants, well...sure, I'm thinking large ones. As for what to grow them in, I could use suggestions there. Ventillation...don't really know what to do here. I'll be growing (Ive decided) only 2 plants at a time ini…
Last reply by Dr Rockster, -
stretch 1 2
by stonerweed-
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
hey guys ime just wondering if i have a fan blowing over my plants will it stop them from stretching as mutch thats all 4 now cheers
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Hi guys, below are some updated pics of my plant... if you remember i posted some questions not long ago about pot sizes and spider problems so thanks everyone for your help it's worked out really well. it's been flowering for about three weeks now - this is my first plant so i've been blown away about how many flower points there are... it's like, if theres any spare room she'll fill it with a bud (i've been telling her theres still some room in the back ) so hopefully within month or two i can harvest it with all info i've read on this site about harvest, curing and hash making, i have it saved in a grow folder. i would like to do it again but with a different …
Last reply by palmtrees, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
gday stoners i got a couple of clones of "magic bud" that we planted outside began flowering at the begining of october, they were put outside about 2 weeks before that. so they are about 4 weeks in to bud and doing real well, but the question is will they finish or are they gonna revert back to veg? the sun rises here at 5:18 and setting 6:42 (according to channel 10 news) i am in western australia by the way. so yeah i hope they finish i think if i do the a sign of it reveging ill just chop it down as i already got seedlings ready to take its place. my other option would be setting up a tempory light setup with my 400hps so what would happen if i saw it starting to gro…
Last reply by palmtrees, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hey everyone Just curious about the roots that hang under your pot and into the catchment container. The ends of these hang in the remaining nute solution, about 20 mm deep. Is it advisable to trim these periodicly of just leave them in there(whilst trying to keep them clear of drain hole)? I have read somewhere that the plants dont like wet feet... At this stage, there aren't large masses but I imagine it could pose a problem if left too long? I'm watering every 3 hrs for 30 min, the rest of the time the water benieth the plants(that the roots are hanging in) is still... Thanks for advice Cheers
Last reply by keepleft, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hey guys sorry for my crappy topic names heh.. since my last topic "HELP" they have come up quite well but have stretched a fair bit (because of my own incompitence*) the stems on both are about 6cm's.. are these useless now ? :s strains big bud x skunk white rhino thx guys..
Last reply by cray-zay-one, -
Hey peoples, just wondering if i could get some feed back on what additives people are using with there normal nutes during the growth stage 18/6, and what benefits they may have... Cheers..
Last reply by Closet Grower, -
fertilizers 1 2
by jake-
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
I water my plants every 2nd day with a capful of Nitrosol 'blood n bone' and a capful of searles 'fish n kelp' is this too much fertilizer? can they handle it
Last reply by jake, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
sup stoners well as u all no i started a new grow with nortern lights and i just wont to be prepared so... wot is the flowering time for nl and wot time should i harvest to get the best stone i mean the stone were you seriously cant be arsed to move a muscle i think its called couch lock and finally the taste...well from my experience of smoking weed it usually tastes like it smells its not all about the stone i like a good tasting weed . but the weed plant i grew that my dog snapped when i got all the bud off it it smeled so nice for a bit then it started smeeling like grass i left it to dry for about a week and it tasted like grass just the same as when it woz…
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Well what have you guys got ? I use a Fuji Fine Pix S3500,,but cant seem to get as good Pics as some of the ones in Canna Porn. Maybe I need to use a Tripod to stop the shaking
Last reply by wastedwilly, -