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Queeny,s first attempt at indoors

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My mate showed some interesting stuff today about how he clones and sexs, he put the clones straight to 12/12 after about 7 days they show there sex without having any roots at this stage, after about 14 days they have roots and he puts them on 24/7 for another 4/6 weeks then flowers , he has a pretty good setup going with a room to flower a massive veg tent ,a small tent to put his males in and 2 clone tents,I said you already have thousands of seeds marked in jars , his reply was that he still hadn't found what he was after ,known him for a long time ,he always had got gear and I never asked where he got it so for him to take me into the back of the barn was a big deal ,wish I knew about this b4 I might not have had so many f..kups,
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Wow Micmac he must think your a good bloke to take you and show you his set up,that's a big no no in my world,I tell no one nothin because I've been bitten before, make sure you don't let him down because having a good mentor is a wonderful thing and being able to share your interests with a trust worthy human is rare, very rare,an old bloke told me once you have no friends when your growing canna,he wasn't 100% right but he was 97% right lol, I've just got one question if he's taking clones shouldn't they already all be females because they came from a female mother ?


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Gq I've known him over 40 yrs , the clones are off seeds he has grown from his own stock of seeds to save time he sexs them tags them and puts them in the where wants them ,he sort of the mad professor continually breeding this with that , I thought he grew great white shark, but apparently it is white shark he just put the great in front of it ,and for good reason
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lol I like the sound off your mate,organized is the way to be,I understand what you were trying to explain to me, makes much more sense to me now lol its not you ,its me I'm a stoner and for that reason I'm always writing stuff down before I forget lol I've got a book I jot stuff down in just so I've got something to refer to later, dates,strains,different processes and experiments I've tryed,having some sort of organization it defiantly helps,well I think it does, I'd love to have a grow buddy again,sometimes I miss it,your lucky Micmac,I envy you lol


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Yes gq he certainly has given some ideas to the future grows ,I'll get this first run out of the way then spend my time trying to improve on that with these skunk seeds I got , think I might try his cloning method to sex and start a few lines of hybrids and see what I can get as well as keeping a few of each pure and see where they go
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Sounds like a good plan to me,I'm the same I've made heaps of mistakes with these indoors plants I even killed a couple of seedling's and I've never killed a mull plant ever not once ever never lol but I know where I went wrong and learnt my lesson for the next round hopefully lol bloody indoors


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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