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The remaining refugees should then be given a chance to fit into the Australian culture and their children should be brought up as Australian, not Middle Eastern or Asian. When in Rome…..

I think refugees & immigrants should be encouraged to keep the cultures, traditions and belief systems of their countries of origon. I don't want to live a country where people have to fit in with everyone else. What a nightmare.


As far as I'm concerned, the only thing you need to be an Australian is to be a resident of Australia.

I totally agree with you pipeman, Amsterdam has become a multicultural town since the 60's, in fact the original Dutch population is only 40% now, but it has a lot of advantages, for one, the exotic markets where we can get stuff from everywhere on earth.

BTW, I think ALL politicians and political party's are f*cked and corrupted one way or the other, everywhere on this planet. I don't support any of them too.

My opinion is that there should be no borders at all, we are all world citizens, all this "nationalistic idea's" and this protective attitude screw a lot up for us ordinairy people who just want a peacefull life for our families. Holland is one of the most crowded countries in the world with all kinds of nationalities living next to eachother and we have no problems. For me, when I look at Australia, I see a country with enough space to give people that are refugees a chance for a better life, from where I look at it anyway.

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yeah, a country where everyone fit in with each other would be terrible.


yes it would be whitecluster. For starters all pot growing/smoking criminals would be thrown out.


If you really believe everyone should be the same then why don't you ditch your grow and start to fit in????

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yeah, well thats not what I meant, basically, I don't mind if my next door neighbours are of any other origin, but all these imports tend to stick together and form their own little Lebanon's or Greece's, why can't they come and live next door to me, I have no predjudice against anything, any wogs, fags, or anything, is welcome in my home.

We are letting them into our great Country the least we could ask for is a bit of respect.

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I agree White_Cluster.When the immigrants come over here from there Country of origin they do tend to hang around people of there own race/colour/religion.All you have to do is look back to Sydney when all the Italians immigrated over here.They owned whole suburbs to themselves,but once they got over there fear of being in a new Country,then they started to diversify.


We just have to give them time,but i say now way to ANY people coming here by boat.If they want to come to Australia,then do so by the legal channels,and if they can't/will not do that,well then kick them out the next day like Madagascar(i think it is).If an illegal immigrant turns up there,within 48 hours there on a plane back.Why can't we do that?.

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Tom I also believe you need to look up the meaning of a refugee mate. Australia is not their nearest source of cover; they choose to come here mate. If they can afford to pay those prices to jump on a boat I am sure they can find refuge in a near by country until they can come here the legal way it’s not like they can’t afford it. Saying that their desperate may be true. But if their criminals or anything like that I don’t want them here. Epically with the way they treated out law enforcement as much as we may hate them they had no right to act like that when they got hear.


however true about the Italians sticking to themselves they were invited to migrate out here like the polish community was they did not jump queue .Even to this day allot of old school Pollack’s like my grandparents can not mix with other nationalities not because they don’t want to mostly because they don’t know how to as they don’t speak excellent English. As Surprising as that sounds they only speak Basic English witch stops them intermingling as they may say the wrong thing.

Edited by Cronic_la_jar_jar
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Australia is not their nearest source of cover; they choose to come here mate.

Australia is the most likely one to take them and the least likely to sink them and to be honest if you were in there shoes which country would you think the safest and best to bring up your children, the genuine ones are getting out of the frying pan and hoping to miss the fire and as a parent myself I know that I would find the money any way I could to get my kids to safety and ensure they stayed safe.


Any found to be undesirable should be removed from our shores, the same applies to those that cannot accept our culture.



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These people, who were judged worthy of special permission to stay and live in this country should allow their children to grow up as Australians, not force them to follow the culture of the country they have escaped from. One of the most valuable rights we have with our society is the right to have an opinion, it is part of our culture to voice that opinion. Many of the children of people that have been accepted as refugees are being denied the right to an opinion and the freedom that our way of life (culture) would allow them in their choices in matters such as marriage, religion and education.



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Tom, parents have the right to raise their kids whatever way they want, within reason. Many children are forced into the belief systems of their parents, whether they are multiple generation Australian or recent immigrants. Its not ideal, but thats life.


You say you want freedom for all then in the same breath want to chuck out people who's culture does not agree with your own. That to me is a contradiction.


And even if you believed what these kids were suffering was intolerable, I don't think you are helping them by sending them back with their closed minded parents. At least in Australia they have a chance to break free once they become adults, and their kids will have an even better chance....

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