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Greens Party Policies

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and what the fuck does it matter if chronic has tried heroin, I don't need to go and rape before I can say rape is wrong.

I've met heaps of junkies, and they are ALL scum, and they can admit this, Heroin makes people selfish, almost any heroin user will admit this, if they don't its cos they are too selfish.


I'd like to congratulate chronic on the mature way he conducted himself last post.

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Does anyone else want to try and enlighten this guy?  :(  I'm sick of trying to get him to open his eyes.  Please.... :(

A few of us have tried, but to no avail, a closed mind is an impossible thing to open from the outside, it has to come from within.


Every time you reply and try a rational explanation you get the standard Liberal party response of insults, put downs and lack of any real knowledge. Liberal supporters are by nature very conservative and are terrified of any new idea that they haven't come up with, and as their minds are in a closed loop they wouldn't know it if it bit the end of their noses. This has been proven over and again by their stubborn refusal to admit that prohibition is a total failure and all it is achieving is to line the pockets of criminals, thank goodness the Liberals are such a dismal failure in state parliament, the only reason they got in at the last federal election was their coalition with the Nationals, without that they would have lost.



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Ill say this now, I have never tried Herron and I never will. Ill admits I have tried a hard drug that being speed but the high wasn’t appealing to me. Like I said Luke Skywalker I do agree with in legalizing weed but in a free Cultivation policy so anybody at anytime can either consume it or grow it and I defiantly do not see the point of an amendment of other hard drug’s. I’ve seen a 17 year old girl a friend of my sisters not only destroy her life but catch HIV from sharing Herron needles and it was easy for her to get the stuff as her boyfriend is a hereon dealer and he is scum . As much as our whole family tried to help her she wasn’t willing to receive the help as she did not have to pay for the substance. My dear Luke I’ve lived reality more then you have I’ve seen the affect of these drugs and what they play on people lives. The only drugs I’ve not seen destroy family lives is cannabis depending on the individual of course. If I am not mistaken wouldn’t the street value of the substances go down if nobody is taking them? I'm all for not making it illegal offence but instead of including the use of drugs why not help them with their habit .So instead the government treating them like criminals how about giving them the help they need instead of encouraging it . Why I believe more Free "drug rehab centers" should be made available instead of making programs like needle exchange and hereon clinics available. Also having bigger and larger "Drug Awareness Programs” in schools all schools weather they be private or public system. I believe this system would be more affective then the intended greens drug amendment. I believe my eye's are more open then yours or toms as I am willing to except the facts & current situation and try to work with a solution that will truly benefit Australians.


And How about instead of legalizing it straight away you accept medical researches to study the long term use of these hard drugs and if its in the best interest of the public to tolerate it instead of assuming it for your own selfish cause .If proven to have a damaging effect to individuals health, then what are you going to say because think of this imagine the amount of tax dollars spent on “junkies” entering hospital every time they overdose believe that money is better spent elsewhere. Also instead of trying to make it legal for personal consumption you push the legalization of cannabis for medical use so the Australian public and medical researches can see the positive affects of cannabis has on certain problems like muscular, joint pains & arthritis problems .Also allow the production of cannabis to make paper instead of giving logging permits .That way they can see the positive affects of it before people & politicians condemning it. I intend on looking outside the square before I think of my own selfish needs in legalizing cannabis

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g'day; cronic, i believe you should go back thru all your previous posts and read them, seems each new post you make, you contradict another statement you have previously made.

1 post you say needle exchange does more harm than good, next you say that your 17 year old friend got hiv from dirty needle.....huh?


all drugs without exception should be regulated, no matter what your opinion on any given drug, ppl WILL use and/or abuse it.

if regulated, then at least your sons or daughters will take safer quality drug than they otherwise would have.

i do not think you would kick your own off-spring onto street and not try help them, or am i wrong?

ecstasy is extremely dangerous huh?......approximately 100million hits of ecstasy have been seized by law over last few years, that is about 5% of what never gets seized, there has been 1 death maybe 2 deaths in last 7 or 8 years from ecstasy use.seems safe to me.(compared to lots of pharmaceuticals).


point is......legalise and regulate supply and quality for those who WILL use, thereby reducing the chances that they will overdose and die. regulated price and availability will also reduce reason for abusers to break & enter.(even cannabis users Will, BREAK & ENTER to support their habit).


do you know which proffession is the highest user of drugs of addiction????

the Medical proffession!



why is heroin available on the black market????

read the newspaper, it claims 1kg of heroin equals $1million.

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i think you nead to read my post proberlly . I was simply stating despite these needle exchange programs . She still mannaged to get aids from sharing dirty needles "PROGRAMS NOT DOOING THEIR JOB ". Id wrather my future kids not be on drugs at all then have safer drugs to take and no i would not kick them out on the street because they will not be on them to beging with because hopefully the life i give them will be better then myn and they wont need to .


brake and entering is exactley why "FREE REHAB CENTERS" should be made avaliable . so it gets them clean give them a chance before prosercuting them as Criminals wich is what should be done but if they ingore the help given they should be treated as criminals . SIMPLE AS THAT

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The Greens do not want anyone to be addicted to any substance, they are just saying that 50 or so years of prohibition has not worked, the situation has become far worse than it was and while it remains a crime to use illicit drugs no addicts are going to seek medical help to get of the stuff due to fear of prosecution. Another problem is that it is also illegal to run proper clinical research and therefore impossible to educate the people of the true facts and facts are what are needed to competently fight all drugs of addiction.


I can assure you that Bob Brown is fervently opposed to what heroin is doing worldwide, he was a doctor before he entered politics. Under the Greens policy help for addicts and support for their families would be available from your local GP with the entire doctor - patient confidentiality in place, just like you can for nicotine and alcohol addictions.



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Well I must admit that sounds very reassuring but sorry mate due to the green's other policy's epically on illegal immigrants they don’t have my vote, even though it’s off the subject What’s the green's position on Public broadcasting TV & radio.



One thing witch I don’t agree with is Liberal's trying to privatize SBS & ABC. What’s the greens position on that even though it’s off the subject just out of curiosity?

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Under the Greens policy help for addicts and support for their families would be available from your local GP with the entire doctor - patient confidentiality in place, just like you can for nicotine and alcohol addictions.

I think you will find this is already the case, if not in law then in practice.


There are several members of my family in the medical profession, and I know for a fact that drug addicts do recieve help and support if they ask for it and are not reported to the police. Even if they are hospitalised with an OD. Well, in Qld anyway.

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They are against the privatisation of public services as this inevitably leads to their downgrading, you would find that the Greens will support increased funding of the ABC and SBS and they would also support them being given further independence and protection from reprisals for upsetting the government.


I am not a supporter of the Greens policy on illegal immigrants either, but I also disagree with the governments.



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That’s good to hear they support public broadcasting , My only beef with the refuge policy is these people that come on boats must of them are not real refugee's most of them pay up to 20 grand Australian to get on the boat to begin with and its their choice to come here not their nearest source of refuge . plus it pisses me off with all the people that try to come in this country the legal way and pay thousands of dollars on tests and get screwed while these jokers get a come in free card and the greens and labor government wont to allow these people in . I reckon you want to come into the country come in the legal way like most of us immigrants have. I also don’t like how they have the nerve to complain about the accommodation they receive I mean shit I remember my parents talking about when they got here from Poland and how they had to live in tents and the women and men were separated and they did not even have TV un grateful little shits they have got it allot easier then refugees before them. I also think if they don’t like it go home we did not ask them to come here. But hey that’s my 2 cents even though most of you will properly disagree with that
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