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Hydro nutes/additives expiry date?

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G'day all,


Been out of the game for a cpl years now however have started using my beloved equipment and tools again which had been neglected under the house for too long!


So I have heaps of left over nutes and additives from the last op and am a little scared of using it all again...


I've been using with no ill effects the remaining grow/flower A&B (all were nearly full bottles heh) so no problem there, however i'm worried about using the additives. I've got half a bottle of Microbial (root zone preventative) and ozi tonic/monsta bud aswell however I won't use them until I get some more opinions on 'how old is too old' for this sorta stuff?


Or should I just grab new stuff to be safe? it's been sitting in cool dark place for 2 years at the very most...


Tried searching the bottle, google and the company's websites however there is no expiry date so to speak.


Thanks all.

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