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Lobbyists to ambush Rudd with giant joint

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^^ of course!! thats why people watch shitty sitcoms instead of documentaries.. they finish work and want to switch off which is understandable.. i did say gently .. and joints ARE bad.. full of carcinogens etc.. that's the main fear i come across alot and my response is that smoking ANYTHING is bad and that there are other less harmful ways to self administer.. if we are pushing for a medicinal cause then joints aren't going to help it period. and the main and most detrimental health concerns i find associated with it are from smoking it which is fact so i think the joint, pipe and bong have to take one for the team for now and push vaporizers (if they are safe not 100%) or ingestion although i know ingestion takes time which needs to be taken into consideration for people in alot of pain... am i on the same page as you guys??
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^^ of course!! thats why people watch shitty sitcoms instead of documentaries.. they finish work and want to switch off which is understandable.. i did say gently .. and joints ARE bad.. full of carcinogens etc.. that's the main fear i come across alot and my response is that smoking ANYTHING is bad and that there are other less harmful ways to self administer.. if we are pushing for a medicinal cause then joints aren't going to help it period. and the main and most detrimental health concerns i find associated with it are from smoking it which is fact so i think the joint, pipe and bong have to take one for the team for now and push vaporizers (if they are safe not 100%) or ingestion although i know ingestion takes time which needs to be taken into consideration for people in alot of pain... am i on the same page as you guys??


oh god yeah, well at least you are on the same page as ME. although I think I may still be at the top while you're at the bottom :-P I just respect the joint as a symbol of our forefathers efforts :0) I prefer to eat personally and I am going to be purchasing a vaporizer.


Perhaps Rudd should have been confronted with a giant Hemp leaf!!! and we could have all worn hemp leaf costumes :rolleyes:

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Good thread, imo everyone has points that are right and there are points on both sides of the fence that I dont agree with....but ya get that.


Jabez, I admire your passion, the only thing is its not allways black and white with this stuff. What Im saying is not everyone can live their ideals all the time, like it or not we need to function in society and our communitys.


Ok...what the hell is he on about you say, well heres the best example I can think to give ya...


I dont have kids, im just an uncle to a few boys[1-3yo's]

Now obviously ive been around other kids over the years but since the boys have been around and since I quit drinking its something I noticed more I spose. What I mean is I would have and have had no problem drinking in front of children but have never and would never smoke/vape/chopup cannabis around kids.

For a few reasons of course, health reasons when I used to smoke but the reason that applies to the vape as well is the social aspect, I dont want those boys exposed to the stigma attached to cannabis, its not fair on them. Of course its not fair on me either but they come first every fuckin day of the week. Now Im in no way in the closet, anyone who has known me more than 5mins knows I like to choof and you dont need to know me long to know my views on it, but thats all my choice, some you can win over just by leading by example just by being a decent person and having mutual respect for each others views. Some of the more old fashioned types will respect a hard worker, the old boys who like to choke a longneck or 4 after a hard days are a tough nut to crack but its possible with sweat and dependability.


So all im saying is activism is great and needed,its just that mindset I outlined above isnt something your going to change overnight. If anything some misguided activism justs reinforces that mindset imo.


Well, my 2 bobs worth.



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I forgot to ask..


Is it possible that change needs to come from the top for this to work? As in it started from the top and trickled down, is it possible the only way to end it is the same way?


I understand there needs to be a fight from the ground up before the top will even want to change, I just dont think its possible with certain approaches to it. I loosely class them as the"peace and mungbeans" approach, it might have worked and helped to take the first step in the 60's but its had its time.


I dont have the answers by the way, im just asking the question, devils advocate bla bla bla...


Sadly, its probably going to take a bunch of celebs to get together and finish the job the hardworking activists have started. As much as I hate them and the whole celebrity culture the bastards might be good for something in the end :rolleyes:

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hey Rick Simptson is the red neck for you

he walks and talks like a tipical cristhian long neck choker on a short lead from the RSL

why dont you let him to front you group????????

he would be perfict for your crew


we are talking human rights here

i have a right to live right where ever i go


i have a right to protest where ever injustice go


i have a right to desent when ever rud comes within 100ks of Nimbin


now hear this

i will exersize there rights weather you like or not

if you think it can be done in a better way to touch more people

then i hafe love dat

now dowit

go sooooooooo

when ever rud comes within 100ks of you or your town

we will surport youz from behind the sceens if datz what you want

with whatever you need to get your group happining

stronger together

forward ever

free cannabis

free all the people

even the long neck chokers

free the world

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Look mate, I can hardly understand what your saying, try typing more than 2-3 words before hitting enter/return. Sorry to be so blunt but fair dinkum, give it a shot.


I get the feeling your having a crack at me with your redneck comment, well you have the wrong end of the stick.


Im not a redneck, I dont support rednecks....What I did say is there are some things rednecks will respond to and others that will just make them dig their heels in further. Im sure you have seen this in your experience.


My point was that I feel the need to hide my cannabis use from young kids and im open and honest with the adults in my life about it, but like I said thats my choice and I understand what comes with it. And for the record I think im doing the right thing, even if it goes against my ideals not to mention the hypocritical situation with alcohol.


Theres nothing worse than people who use children to further their cause, no matter how just that cause might be. Im talking about kids holding banners/wearing tshirts and marching for something they have no choice in and dont /cant understand.


If you cant handle a little criticism, from your own camp mind you, then you might be in the wrong game Radic. Snide remarks dont really fit your "rasta" contrived persona.

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