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Lobbyists to ambush Rudd with giant joint

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The first hurdle to overcome on the road to legalisation is 'productivity.'


The goverment wants us to produce (work).


The government is terrified a population of stoners would rather be high than producing.

That is why the so called drugs of dependence are illegal.




:D I wouldn't agree it's the first hurdle roc but it is defiantly a part of the reason. From my understanding the first laws ever passed against the use of cannabis was in Egypt where they banned smoking hash because sfa was getting done anymore ;)


Peace MongyMan

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Drugs where mad illegal in US because of racism and that's written in history, they then went and intimidated or offered financial support to other counties to follow suit.


And today it's illegal because there making way too much money off it, ever heard of the American prison industrial complex; it's a guaranteed growth industry, because of non violent drug uses, which make up over 50% of the US prison population, or better known as slave labor camps.

Edited by jabez
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The reason it became Illegal, and will likely remain Illegal is because the majority of the worlds population considers it to have a greater negative effect on society than a positive one... be it for whatever reason.


Whichever way you fight it.... goodluck.


You have as much chance of convincing the population it should be legalised, as they have of convincing you passionate stoners that its harmful for you.


Why are laws created in the first place? Serious question.

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The reason it became Illegal, and will likely remain Illegal is because the majority of the worlds population considers it to have a greater negative effect on society than a positive one... be it for whatever reason.



:D Well said Wrangler. It really doesn't get any simpler than that imo. That is what we have to try and change. And whether people like it or not, the only way to do that is that same way any group does, with smart PR. The first step of which is to be taken seriously.


You have as much chance of convincing the population it should be legalized, as they have of convincing you passionate stoners that its harmful for you.


Do you really believe that Wrangler? I agree that it's not going to happen over night, but we have facts and the truth on our side to back us. All the gov. has, is distorted 1/2 truths and blatant lies and fear mongering to back them. How can we not win eventually?


Peace MongyMan

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Do you really believe that Wrangler? I agree that it's not going to happen over night, but we have facts and the truth on our side to back us. All the gov. has, is distorted 1/2 truths and blatant lies and fear mongering to back them. How can we not win eventually?


Peace MongyMan


I really don't want to... but Its tough to expect any better this day and age. The world has gone to shit over the past 100 odd years, and it only seems to becoming worse and more controlled as we potter along. Soon we'll have to ask permission to take a shit its becoming that bad, new laws and regulations are introduced everyday.


The biggest problem i forsee though really, which is highlighted in just about every law reform thread i've ever read, even this one.... is people fighting for a common cause can't even agree with each other, what hope do we have of convincing a shitload of people it should be legalised, if we can't even convince ourselves the best way to go about it.... it just goes around and around in circles.


I read that HEMP embassy thread you linked in its entirety just before... what a joke. And I believe the Majority of Australia looks at Nimbin as an absolute joke. Not a serious law reform movement/organisation.

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