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Swing has been trying a couple of nutrient additives and has had very good results



Product one:- Budlink soluable silica -- In one work "brilliant".This product is the bomb to make really healthy, diease resistant and thick steamed plant. Its for use in vege and flore stage. You can really see the differance.


Product two:-Kabloom by General Hydroponics - wow was my first impression after using this product for a couple of weeks --- shits all over canna pk 13-14 --- On a comparsion of the two products Kabloom had 30% bigger and heavier buds than plants which had the Canna pk 13-14 additive.


Swing has now changed his nutrient/additive routine to the following and has found this to be best as far as his knowledge if concerned.





General hydroponics 3 part nutrient mix

Budlink Silica.




General hydroponics 3 part nutrient mix

Budlink Silica

Monstor bud (first half of flore)

Monstor Tonic (Second half of flore)

Kabloom (use for the last three weeks of flore)

Diamond Nector (Spray directly onto buds to double the frost)


Swing out

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Guest Urbanhog
Diamond Nector (Spray directly onto buds to double the frost)

I don't like the sound of this.....


Tell us bit more about this product? What's in this product?




Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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Theres a old saying :- you will never know unless you have a go!


Diamond necter is made by general hydroponics. The worlds best hydroponic nutrient company in the world.


Swing used to be a Canna man, but GH has a better product range. check out there webpage www.genhydro.com


or link to Diamond Nector




Basicly Diamond nector is quote:


Diamond Nectar is an exclusive Fulvic Acid extract from a combination of unique Leonardite sources providing the highest availability and diversity of these bioactive pant compounds. The General Hydroponics research team has assayed over 300 different Leonardite sources around the world to create a proprietary, pH balanced, fulvic acid with maximum agronomic benefits.

• Hundreds of University studies have proven Fulvic Acids enhance plant growth and yield.

• Improves uptake and utilization of nutrients and minerals by growing pants.

• Transports nutrients to all plant parts: roots, stems. foliage. flowers and fruit.

• Affords growers the benefits of natural organic in a liquid form.


Diamond Nectar can be applied to all cultivated plants including fruits, flowers. vegetables, trees, vines and ornamentals. Add to fertilizer mix for plants growing in soil, potting mixes, soilless rooting media and hydroponics.



Swing has found by spraying the buds directly while they are floreing will cause the frosty resign to double as prepared to not using it.

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Diamond necter is made by general hydroponics. The worlds best hydroponic  nutrient company in the world.

I tend to agree with you there, I've tried a lot of the well known brands but found that GH flora series 3 part formula gave me the healthiest plants although the buds were average size but I didnt use any additional growth hormones .


What ratios does "Swing" use in the veg and flower stages and what ppm after adding extra Mg ?

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Hi Sols


Well i must admit i did not know silica it was a carcinogen.


But just about every commerical hydroponic vegatable farmer in oz (and the world) are using it, so it carnt be to bad.


Heres a product sheet quote on it:-


Budlink by Team Hydroshop (09 Mar 2001)






BUDLINK is a highly soluble silicon based nutrient supplement, developed by a university research chemist who recommended the use of BUDLINK2, Budlink 2L Silicon - Additiveas a foliar spray, or by directly adding it to the feed (nutrient) solution for outstanding results and increased yields. Commercial growers all over the country are embracing silicon additives as a way of the future in terms of greater product yield and resistance to insect attack.

BUDLINK - How and Why? - questions answered by the Developer

Why can't silicon be included in the components of two-part nutrients to the level that it is in say BUDLINK?

For silica to remain in solution at high concentration, it requires high alkaline conditions (ie pH greater than 7). If a silica solution concentrate were added to the A or B parts of a two part nutrient solution, a precipitation reaction with nutrient elements would occur. Nutrient deficiency problems are likely to result from this. This is why BUDLINK provides the grower with a separate, easy to use silicon supplement also by keeping silicon separate, it allows the grower to apply silicon at any rate desired. This is an advantage especially when crop specific rates are required. Another advantage is that BUDLINK can be applied as a separate foliar application to help fight pests. BUDLINK should really be considered as part C of all existing two part nutrients.


In what way does BUDLINK assist in the efficient uptake of nutrients?

By adding increasing quantities of silica to the nutrient solution, there is a corresponding increase in uptake and deposition of silica in the plant tissue. It has been found that there is also a competitive uptake between silica and other elements such as Manganese and Iron, at the solution/root interface. This competition is beneficial since it prevents the build up of toxic levels of Manganese in plant tissue through uptake. It has also been reported that the silica may actually increase the tolerance to high Manganese concentrations or to an imbalance in Phosphorus and Zinc supply. Silica can be regarded as a facilitator of a more uniform or efficient uptake of nutrients.


How does it improve cell development?

Silica is readily deposited into the cell walls of plants during cell development and division. This produces a "silica-cellulose framework" which in turn strengthens cell walls. A little like adding mortar to brickwork. It has been demonstrated by way of scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis that once deposited into cell walls the silica cannot be remobilised by the plant. It is recommended that a continuous supply of BUDLINK be added to the nutrient solution thus allowing its incorporation into new growth from transplanting onward.


How does it stimulate plant immune system and resistance to pest attack?

Plants grown hydroponically have been found to be more prone to insect and bacterial attack than their soil grown counterparts. Research has shown that this is partly due to the lack of silicon in hydroponic nutrient formulations, normally present in soil (ca. 10ppm). Since the silica is deposited into the cell structure it provides a physical barrier against fungal attack. The use of BUDLINK has demonstrated a significant reduction in bacterial attack such as pythium and powdery mildew when applied to the nutrient solution or as a foliar spray. Silica accumulates around points of infection with a similar increase in plant produced anti-infection compounds thus improving protection. The improved cell integrity brought on by the deposition of silica into the cell structure also provides a barrier to insect attack. In trials on commercial crops it was found that insect numbers did not increase due to their inability to penetrate and feed from the plants. Once applications ceased all new growth was attacked. It should be noted that the Organic Growers groups approve the use of silica for disease and pest control.


How does it reduce moisture loss?

BUDLINK's active silica compound accumulates largely as hydrated silica (silica bound by water) most abundantly in walls of epidermal cells in root, stem and leaf cells. This binding relationship leads to improved growth resulting form a higher mechanical stability and strength in leaves and stems. This in turn also leads to an improved light interception and higher photosynthetic capacity. This gives rise to a more efficient utilisation of water and hence reduced moisture loss.


How do you account for the increase in weight and bulk?

As the concentration of silica in nutrient solutions is increased, there is a corresponding increase in the accumulation of silica in plant tissue. This improve photosynthetic capacity, cell development, water utilisation, nutrient uptake and disease resistance. These factors give rise to a healthier, more highly productive plant, which results in an increased production, weight and bulk per plant as demonstrated by research.


How do you apply it?


As a solution additive, BUDLINK must be diluted in fresh water before adding to the feed solution. Dilution rate is 5ml per 1 litre and the manufacturers recommending that if, for example, you need 10 litres feed solution, 50ml of BUDLINK should be diluted into 450mls of fresh water. This is then added to 9.5 litres of fresh nutrient solution, giving a total volume of 10 litres.


As a foliar spray, BUDLINK should be dissolved at a rate of 1ml per 2 litres of water. (According to the manufacturer, when used in this manner, the silicon acts as a physical barrier against airborne disease.)

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At the end of the day guys spraying a additive onto the plant or putting it into the nutrient tank still gets the same results -.


It is NOT a poison, (refering to diamond nector), and it really makes for a much more potent heads.


As long as u flush your plant with water before harvest, u wont have any problems with getting a harsh chemical taste.


But that is only Swings opinion, and everyone has a right to their own!


General Hydro has designed these products (and has spend millions of dollars and years testing) and they recommend spraying directly onto fruit/flowering tops. If it affected the quality of the final product, I very much dought they would be in bussiness very long.


Ps - It looks like a snow storm in your grow room when you spray it onto the heads!

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