Cannabis Grow Rooms
Information and discussions on grow room construction, lighting, ventilation and security
Hey guys just setting up my first tent, wanted some feedback on the setup. So I’ve mounted the carbon filter into the top corner running a 150mm in-line fan and have run the ducting into a void. Have gone with a viperspectra led im in two minds, I want to run a 400w hps but with the high temps atm have decided to go with the led. I’m running both the light and in-line fan on the same timer, so will power up with the light. I don’t see the point in running the fan without the light on. Took a plant from the garden and have chucked her in no idea what to expect, this will be day 1. Any feedback would be good cos I don’t really no wtf I’m doing. Posted fr…
Last reply by Defsnotacop, -
New grow tent 1 2
by empleh- 19 replies
First tent set up could anyone offer some advice please And I will be using atomic bomb fem seeds and I'm on very limited budget After all the dramas of past couple of years but here goes worth a shot So two options about 1m X 1m x1.8 high Any advice appreciated Thanks Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by thedrunk, -
Hi guys, I bought a qutum board led in aliexpress, 240w of 3500k with red leds. When the driver is at medium power, the quantum board led shines very brightly (the heat sink temperature is also very high). When I increase the power of the driver, the quantum board shuts down. I need to turn the power down, so it can come back on. Is this normal? Everyone you use quantum board, do you have this problem? I need to know if this is normal, or if it is a quantum board defect, or a driver defect. It's a bit urgent, because I'm in contact with the seller to find out what are my options. I bought this Quantum Board following the…
Last reply by thedrunk, -
- 48 replies
So I have a pretty big tent it's 2.8x2.0x1.2, I already purchased 2x 600w HP's but not overly keen on power consumption. I was going to divide the tent in the middle and use one side for clones and the other for growing. So what is a good quality led cob light for an area roughly 1.2x1.2x2.0 ? Also do you need to run C02 exhaust system when growing with led ? Cheers
Last reply by Porky 1982, -
- 8 replies
Just intereted to see if any grower are having any adverse effects from the lights. Eyestrain? Squinting? Eye pain or discomfort? Inflammation? Curious as im looking into trying to protect my eyes better this grow . Anyone use decent glasses they found work for the Led or Mh /Hps Cheers Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Billybob88, -
- 7 replies
Hey fellas I'm asking in regards to what did you choose for your choice of 'fresh air' and where have you chosen to exhaust the rest. Mainly cause I don't see anyone talk about venting to their roofs ? Curious as to why since we don't have attacks like America or anything
Last reply by thedrunk, -
- 22 replies
Has anyone had any experience using these newer cheap ebay burples? Claim to be 45w which sounds about right. Eg, @ $30 each, free post, could i fit out a 4 x 4 x 6.5ft tent with 4 or even 9 of these units and get a decent result (compared with 1 x 600w hps) in regards to flowering? They also come in a slightly smaller rectangular format for around $25. Both units claim to be fanless which is interesting. Have the usual distribution of led types (mainly red, blue, uv, infared and white). To give a square footprint in my tent, using 9 of these ($30 × 9 = $270) compared with shelling out $850+ for a quantum board setup, I wonder how they both compare yieldwise? Pos…
Last reply by thedrunk, -
- 5 replies
Hi, long time inactive member, its been a while since ive dusted off the old green thumb and things seem to have come leaps and bounds in the LED lighting world since I last cranked up a HPS light. These days I'm more interested in growing for fun rather than yield since I'm not much of a smoker these days. I have a cabinet which I have a large aquarium on top and will have a small coco grow underneath with some cannabis and some super hot chilli crosses of my own. Sort of a hybrid aquaponics coco drain to waste system, supplemented with additional nutrients It's primarily for display and vegging my plants for flowering outside but I'd like to keep a few in there for th…
Last reply by thedrunk, -
- 18 replies
Hi all, Can anyone recommend some good clip on fans for a 4 x 4ft tent? Mabye two 10 or 15cm units, etc? These are to blow across canopy only. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by micmac, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Does anyone have experience with these? Is the spread even over the grow area? Buying a light meter was the worst thing I ever did. Constantly checking and moving my plants...The canopy reading vary a fair bit with the batwing. Cheers, MLG Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by midlifegardner, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
So I've currently got a 400w dimmable hps with 2 autos under it. They are about 3 weeks into flower so past the stage of bending and spreading out much more. My grow area is fully open and not in a tent. Current canopy temp is about 28c with humidity about 70%. 3 fans to keep air moving. I have a light meter which shows OK coverage over the canopy with coverage on the edges a bit lower. Recently got a 600w hps with batwing reflector. Given my 2 plant grow with canopy size of about 1m x 60cm is it worth putting the 600w hps over the top for better penetration or am I wasting $ on electricity as my plant footprint is not so large? Cheers, MLG Posted from the OZ Stoners …
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 1 reply
Thanks for the feedback parti,yeah I'm two year in now x 3 grows and when i see a normal house light after working in the grow room all the other lights look kinda pinkish for a few minutes ,i was under no misconception that it wasn't causing some sort of of damage but time to grab these glases i thinks . Cheers Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by kyzah, -
- 23 replies
Hi All, Been a while since I been on, work has been flat out and having to kick my kids mother out of the house, I had to shut down while things calmed down. So I am gave all my old gear away, so I am starting again and I think it high time i move to LED. Mate of mine is still running one 600 watt in a tent and next to it, he is running 3 of these bar led in a tent. He said that his last 3 run the led has better quality and yield, helped him clean up just before xmas and he got 4 more bags off the LED then the 600 w in a cool tube. Mate pick 3 bars for $2300 approx and said they smashed his old black dog 400 and and almost the same power like 30 watt diff. Has …
Last reply by thedrunk, -
- 420 Crew
- 55 replies
Hi Guys, Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I’ll give it a go and see what happens. I am relatively new to growing and have been running an HLG QB288 V2 board in my 60 x 60cm tent with some success. I’ve now decided to upgrade my tent size, so I’m in need of more light power. Instead of buying a new light, I’m going to make a project out of it and build my own. I’m aiming for 300W of power (supplied to the LEDs) with a base of 3000k white and peaks at 450nm blue and 650nm red. Also, I’d like the light fixture to be modular, meaning that I can easily arrange them together for larger grow areas. So far I have put together a mechanical design of the…
Last reply by thedrunk, -
- 420 Crew
- 22 replies
In order for everyone in the house to keep on living I have to grow and it's been a while. Tech has changed. I need new ballasts. I'm expecting to go with 4 CMH315s in a continual harvest system in two 5 footx5 foot (2.322576 square meters) growing areas. I would save some money getting ballasts capable of running two lights per ballast, and so far the only option I've found for that which definitely uses Aussie power is the Lumatek 630 ballast. I'm not in love with the brand. Other suggestions to look into would be welcome. One Lumatek 630 is $400.00 AUD. One Lumatek 315 is $300 AUD. To do the same thing using 4 CMH315 ballasts would be another $600 for my grow space.
Last reply by ooodog, -