Cannabis Research
Stay abreast of cutting-edge cannabis research. Dive into studies, understand the science behind terpenes, CBD, and THC, and contribute to an informed dialogue.
493 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
Just wondering what the most you's have smoked in a day a little more then a half oz is the most ive smoked in a day
Last reply by Porky 1982, -
Cannabis & Alcohol do you mix them?
Last reply by Ras_gorrilla, -
Last reply by pedro de pacas,
How stoned are you when you log in? 1 2 3 4
by Guest billy bonger-
- 420 Crew
- 30 replies
I often wonder how stoned everyone is, there are times when i'm number 1 :: and times..see number 4 .Anyway feel free to post each time you log in if ya like . Billy-bonger
Last reply by Allblue, -
The evidence is in. Did Schapelle knowingly smuggle in the cannabis? Or was it planted by someone else? You be the judge. :scratchin
Last reply by Dank1, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 28 replies
Just wondering what age group is the largest here.
Last reply by pedro de pacas, -
Just wondering if many people here do this or not. From what I can see, (and thats only from reading) its a bit frowned upon in America, Amsterdam etc as it messes with the taste. I could see how it would, but personally I'd be coughing my guts up for ages afterwards if I didnt put about 25-30% tobacco with my smoke (I only smoke bongs). How about you guys. If ya do, how much do you use? P.S. sorry if this is a dupe thread.
Last reply by Lenore, -
This site is intended for adults only. But for this group of adults, what age did you start to smoke on at least a semi-regular basis?
Last reply by Lenore, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Thought i would put up a poll to see what kind of interest there is in holding a auction for the first ever handmade OSA coin. Might even throw in some gold to All proceeds will be donated to RedKite on behalf of OSA. I spent months in and out of the royal children's hospital here in Melbourne with my daughter a few years back while she had treatment for nephrotic syndrome and seeing these kids suffering from cancer and their family's going through so much pain realy hit home and how lucky we are. Some family's cant afford to travel for treatment or they cant pay for rego or school fees bills,rent ect thats where RedKite comes in an…
Last reply by OldManDallas, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
I've seen the brochure for this at my local GP Had to go to get my script today so I thought I would enquire about access To my surprise my GP was more than happy to fill out the referral forms ,attach relevant information and fax it off immediately So now I wait to see what become a of it I'll record all my contacts and what takes place at each stage for those who r also looking to get into this Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by benn0, -
- 1 reply
Hi there people, I'm researching my options here, now if I fertilize an auto with the pollen of a photo, will I get viable auto seeds ? I don't want to waste my time if it won't work, and I have never seen regular seeds in auto's. So does anyone know for sure ? Thank you. Rampant.
Last reply by puggle6, - For r and d apparently
Last reply by pedro de pacas, -
- 15 replies
This one's for the ladies. Not sure how biased the article is so I'm open to hear of anyone elses findings?
Last reply by Antipanti, -
Hello, Have you ever had a mind-bending experience when high on cannabis (marijuana, weed, pot), or a “bad trip” where you went through anxiety, distress, and felt disconnected from reality? We are researchers at the University of Wollongong (NSW, Australia; School of Psychology) investigating the psychological factors (such as personality, motives, and mood) involved in shaping the subjective experiences people have when they use cannabis. We apologise if this message comes across as spam and hope it will not deter you from taking a moment to consider our research. We are seeking voluntary responses for our online study, which may be accessed along with more det…
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 42 replies
Just curious what has influenced people over the years, and how those influences have changed... I personally started smoking partly out of boredom and partly because of opportunity, but mostly because my parents did, along with a large portion of the adults in our close friends and family.
Last reply by Ryder,