Cannabis Hemp News
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- 9 replies
Cancer-causing cannabis plants - live ones - growing -cause cancer ? WTF ! This ABSURD byline to the equally ridiculous headline is perhaps the worst "Reefer Madness Hysteria" since 1938 and the actual original Reefer Madness-the Movie . I am BEYOND disgusted,the Telegraph refuses to allow critical comment on this BS - I feel VERY frustrated,they cannot be allowed to get away with such OUTRAGEOUS LIES . click image for article nb. look at the "related links" that's a low dog act association see the TEENAGERS terrorized by cowardly uniformed thugs - the THEFT
Last reply by nugget, -
Wetherill Park police have charged a 48-year-old Vietnamese man after raiding a hydroponic cannabis home in Smithfield today at 7am. They confiscated 264 cannabis plants with a street value of $300,000, along with drug equipment including lamps, chemicals, containers and extractor fans. The man was charged with cultivate cannabis, divert electricity and operate drug premises. He was refused bail to appear at Bankstown Local Court this afternoon. Picture by Helen Nezdropa Author: Fairfield Champion Date: May 25, 2007 Source: Copyright: © 2006. Fairfield Champion
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
The largest known marijuana plant grown in the Territory has been seized by police. The tree, 2.5m high and 2.5m wide, was found in a hydroponic set-up in a locked bedroom of a home at Anula in Darwin. Drug Squad Superintendent Kris Evans said the tree was so big it took up an entire room. The plant had been specially pruned and ``terraced'' along a series of wires to maximise its growth potential. Supt Evans said while it was common to come across marijuana plants strung up so they did not snap under their own weight, he had never come across such a plant before. Supt Evans said he had heard of the technique being used in southern states. But he would no…
Last reply by sunnycoaststoner, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Just had word that stacks of ppl around my area have been stopped and swabbed in a bit of a crack down Around 40 ppl charged as a result of the swabs (rumour number yet to find anyone charged its a small town thus hard to ask around) Has anyone got any more info on this and/or the test they are using and the detection time frame involved
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
Do you use, sell and/or grow Cannabis? You are invited to take part in a confidential survey run by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of NSW in March 2007. We are interested in finding out more information on the cannabis used in Australia. Is cannabis stronger now than in the past? Is anything added into the cannabis that you smoke or grow? Participation is completely anonymous and confidential. No identifying information is collected. To participate, visit the NDARC web site and follow the links:
Last reply by Indycar, -
Stoner cow 1 2
by BentBuddha-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
- 1.6k views Polish woman caught growing marijuana for cow WARSAW (Reuters) - A Polish woman who grew marijuana to calm the nerves of her cow has been charged with cultivating a narcotic by police in the western town of Lobez. The cow had been "skittish and unruly" -- once breaking a person's arm -- until someone suggested mixing cannabis in with its feed, the woman told police. "The cow became as calm as a lamb," the 55-year-old woman said, according to the PAP news agency. The woman's plants, grown from seeds she bought at a market, reached nearly three metres (yards) tall and were extremely potent, police said. Marijuana p…
Last reply by Jaymo, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Day One: I arrive as a homeless, broke backpacker. I'm asked if I was referred by Centrelink. Ushered through to a rear courtyard where seven or eight tenants are milling around. Some are friendly, others guarded. I'm quizzed about my background. All goes well. Within 15 minutes, I'm offered a bong and told I can buy marijuana in deals starting from $10. The caretaker, Ned, provides a guided tour. There are 30 rooms spread across three floors and only four communal bathrooms. My room, number 1, costs $140 a week and sits feet from the front door. I'm amazed to discover my electricity runs through an extension cord travelling 25 metres down a corridor to a plug socket …
Last reply by pipeman, -
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BRADLEY MURDOCH, the man who killed British backpacker Peter Falconio, was one and police fear there are many more like him. Murdoch was a drug runner who would drive across the country with large amounts of cannabis hidden in his 1999 Toyota Landcruiser four-wheel-drive's large, spare fuel tank. He was usually high on amphetamines during the regular 3000-kilometre trips from Broome to Sedan in South Australia. He would take with him two guns, a .357 Colt Dirty Harry revolver and a James Bond-style black Beretta pistol, with him for protection. Police are concerned drug runners like Murdoch, who shot Falconio and assaulted and deprived his girlfriend Joanne Lees …
Last reply by jabez, -
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The primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, THC, may be detectable at low levels in the sweat of daily cannabis users for up to four weeks after they cease using the drug, according to clinical trial data published in the journal Forensic Science International. Investigators at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) assessed the sensitivity of sweat patch technology in 11 daily cannabis users. All of the subjects tested positive for THC during their first week of abstinence, three tested positive for two weeks, and one subject continued to test positive for four weeks after ceasing his use of cannabis. By contrast, subjects administered daily do…
Last reply by cannazine, -
- 420 Crew
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Smokeless zoned A SMOKELESS, nontoxic way to inhale cannabis has been invented by doctors at the University of California, San Francisco. Their vaporising device heats cannabis resin to about 190C, just short of the point of combustion but hot enough to produce fumes of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the active cannabis ingredient. Tests on 18 volunteers found that the method “gives patients the same effects, but without the toxic products in smoke”. Health-conscious hippies need not cheer, though: it’s aimed solely at patients with chronic pain. Author: John Naish Date: May 19, 2007 Source: The Times - C…
Last reply by cannazine, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
SOUTH Australian police have found more than 1,000 bags of cannabis in a car they stopped for a routine traffic check, after they were alerted by the smell. The 61-year-old driver from the Mintabie opal fields was arrested and charged with unlawful possession and possessing a controlled substance for sale. The car was pulled over by a Marla police patrol earlier this week about 15km south of the town on the Stuart Highway. "Police could smell cannabis coming from the car and a search allegedly found 12 bags in the boot each containing 100 smaller bags of cannabis,'' a police spokesman said. About $3,000 in cash was also seized. The man was granted police bail to…
Last reply by sunnycoaststoner, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Cannabis smokers are unwittingly funding Islamist extremists linked to terror attacks in Spain, Morocco and Algeria, according to a joint investigation by the Spanish and French secret services. The finding will be seized on both by campaigners for a harsher clampdown on cannabis and by those who argue that legalization is the only way to end a petty dealing trend that is dragging growing numbers of teenagers into crime. The investigation by the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia and the Renseignements Generaux was launched after Spanish police found that the Islamists behind the March 2004 bombings in Madrid bought their explosives from former miners in return for blocks …
Last reply by Pa-uul, -
- 3 replies
Hemp use facilitates schizophrenia This story will get the legal hemp movement spitting hemp chips , I might email it around the "hemp traps" to rev them up and to get them to re-think there position of distancing themselves from the MMJ and Cannabis Law Reform Movements -the RATS ...Jess BERLIN 02-May-07 STUDIES show that regularly smoking hashish or marijuana doubles the risk of developing schizophrenia, said Prof Peter Falkai of the Berlin-based German Society of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology (DGPPN). Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive substance in hemp, is said to be responsible for the psychotic effect of cannabis. Adolescents ca…
Last reply by Nooby, -
- 6 replies
Ban bongs!No its a smokescreen to protect the tobacco industry. Check out this article-click on the image for the original , in case it "disappears" accidently of course . article
Last reply by wildflower, -
- 2 replies
More drivers test for drugs than drink-so say the police ALMOST three times as many NSW drivers have tested positive to illegal drugs as those caught with alcohol in their systems, a new police random drug testing unit has found. Of the 1600 drivers stopped and given a swab test by the unit since it was established in January, one in 46 were discovered to have taken illegal drugs. In some areas, one in eight long haul truck drivers tested were caught using illegal drugs, chiefly amphetamines. By comparison, random breath testing catches one driver in 130 for driving over their alcohol limit.(.... ah-ha over the limit but how many drivers have alcohol in their …
Last reply by Jess Stone,