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Online Cannabis Contamination & Potency Survey

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Just reading WANTDACHRONIC's post about the days his old folks bought bags for 20 bux, for what he said was "about an ounce". i like that "about an ounce".

We used to measure gear with fingers, not scales.


You'd mention you picked up a bag the other day, first question would be "o yeah? how many fingers?" Man things were more relaxed and freindly when it wasn't so hyped. Someone would ask "was it a full ounce?", and the answer would be "yeah mate, it was a full 4 figer bag". :thumbsup: I wonder how we ought to have worked out if the baggy itself was in those 4 fingers? :rolleyes:


A "stick" was a full bud, cut from the plant and trimmed up somewhat, warpped in glad war and sold as a whole articcle, hence -"stick". "sticks" were 3-5 bux for a bud say 6 inches ong, and the price went up from there, depending if you choose a crown for a stick or a lowed bud or wahtever.

When people started to wrap them in foil, things didn't change much, but then one day I bought one and it wasn'ta w whole bud, it was a number of smaller buds!! :scratchin: I suppose that's when it all started to become manicured and graded in a sense. Rather than bags being trimmed and cleaned (which of course was going on), dope began to become graded simply on the buying of full buds wrapped in glad wrap. You could see it as a glance, but still no weighing took place.


A bloke I used to buy from when I was about 16 or 17 had an old fridge, with a series of trays. He'd pull out one tray, and the buds would all be roughly the same size, that would be the 5 dollar tray. then the next tray wopuld come out, and that woul dbe the 8 dollar tray, one noght he had buds that he wasnted 80 bx for! Man they had me mesmorised .. i couldn't afford one of course. Hell a full weeek's pay for me then was about 80 bux.




ANyway pipeman, I reckon you misunderstand the reluctance


we whinge and whinge about the government's bullshit propaganda on cannabis and that it doesn't reflect the reality, then a medical researcher takes the trouble to make us aware of a survey he is involved in an we tell him to fuck off?


I know a lot of you have anger to vent, but make sure you're venting it at the right people. This guy is just involved in the research, its not his fault if his findings are ignored or twisted. We should be helping him and giving him the ammo he needs. Or, have you all given up? Delete all the cannabis news/politics forums then. Members here aren't interested in fighting for law reform they just want a big bitching session


You admit yourslef, no matter what great intentions one might have, the people with the power to spread the findings manipulate things as they please; so perhaps the best approach is to refuse participation to deny the people the opportunity to claim a large survey source to make their point?

Not to mention, lots of people in research themseleves (for professional and plain personal reasons) are keen to prove grass is destorying our brains. And then, not to mention (and I know this is far fetched), but it wouldn't be beyond the cops to create a mirror site. I was having to click twice to the same "log off" question when I accesed by bank accunt online for a while. When I got hold of St. george bank, they told me I was in a mirror site, actually doing my banking alright, but also sending info straight onto someone else. Thankfully being poor makes it not worth the bastard's risk at attacking me. But I couldn't have told the two sites apart.


But that's not the point even (although I know the cops do go to a lot of trouble from time to time for ops), my point is I don't see anger being vented (although I can ony speak for myself), it's just that for 30 years now I've had "this" encouraged person after "that" encouraged person telling me pot was going to make a breakthrough, just give it a couple more years...

In that time more than enough well researched well documented papers have been available to the governements to use for their guidance, and every royal commsion I can think of lists marijauan law reform as either the highest priority, or close to it.

Still, it continues to be demonised with every slightest bit of "evidence" they can scab up aganist it.


I'm personally under the impresssion all (or near all at very least) surveys are made with a point to make before we ever see it (as opposed to attempting to discover a point), and are simply clever ways to gather people who would be normaly be opposed to a said finding to appear onside with what they set to "prove".

Surveys are just made for such a thing. Does that make sense?

I mean surveys are often a cleaver tool used to get people who seem to know what they're talking about, make points they would normally never agree to..Not saying thsi one is like that, but again, an unknown person, a subject more frequently abused than not, and begins with the questions do you use, sell or grow" grass..man if that doesn't raise a concern, waht would?


When waiting for an xray once I was confronted with a survey that no matter how one answered, the result showed, even the people who could afford it the least wanted to see better clinics that would ultimately cost more each visit.


you're right fraz. its all a ruse to trick us into helping create more anti cannabis propaganda. I mean it would be impossible for the government to conduct any more anti cannabis studies without the help of oz stoners wouldn't it?, so they cleverly sent a researcher here to trick us into helping them. Man, its so clear now. Thanks for opening my eyes up to the "real world" frazzle


Well, if the governement could (for arguements sake) get people from Australia's leading marijauan web site to admit concerns for what might be in pot, you'd have to admit they would have a great propaganda tool. But forget the gov itself aside for a moment, there are doctors out there who would kill to prove grass is sending us all batty, and again, getting the users themselves to admit this would be a gold mine.


But ultimately, speaking for myself, a person comes along, and in their first post ever, asks for people to contribute personal information on "do you sell or grow dope?" is this something that should by all accounts make a person warry? I've probably passed a few oppotuntiies up over thirty years of smoking, but I've dodged some busts too by being awake to possible danger.. Rememeber, this is a crime, and we are criminals, if you think the cops aren't actively looking for us you've become comaplacent.

I don't want to spark any concern about cops on the site, they can't get at ya as far as I can understand, the site's well protected. All that can bring you undione is your own admissions.


Being cynical about the prospects of police having an interest in a web site where people speak candidily about their drug use, to the tune of how many thousand members?

I tell ya what, if the cops didn't make an effort to find out if the site was a front for selling grass etc, then they would not be doing their job.


So the upshot is, I don't accuse the survey as being made by the cops, but only that it's not so stupid for a person to consider it might be. Not to mention that with many surveys, the best response is to not answer, there-by denying it the numbers of participants which would vindicate it as large enough base to be accurate.


You may well be right, and the gov might well not give a flying root what goes on at ozstoners, but that goes both ways, they aren't going to reverse their corrupt attitudes becaue ozstoners set them right either.


I speak only for myself,




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Buggered if I can get the edit feature to work for me..


Pipeman, I'm not saying your wrong, and I don't mean to aggrevate you, it probably is a bloke who is trying to get good info for work (although to be honest I don't believe so; see if you can get a book called "children overboard" to see how the public service under the Howard regime has been politicised, and demands complete support for all gov policy, or be sacked. So the good old indepandant public service that always ballanced gov extremes has be flushed away mate. it's all partizan, it's all there to support gov policy)).


I just don't think it unreasonable to be warry, and these are the things that concern me, weighed up against the potential for any gain, indeed, maybe even shooting ourselves in the foot with participating.




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we whinge and whinge about the government's bullshit propaganda on cannabis and that it doesn't reflect the reality, then a medical researcher takes the trouble to make us aware of a survey he is involved in an we tell him to fuck off?


I know a lot of you have anger to vent, but make sure you're venting it at the right people. This guy is just involved in the research, its not his fault if his findings are ignored or twisted. We should be helping him and giving him the ammo he needs. Or, have you all given up? Delete all the cannabis news/politics forums then. Members here aren't interested in fighting for law reform they just want a big bitching session. :thumbsup:


Mate I'll bet 50 he's trying to prove that Hydro is somehow more powerful and dangerous but making out as if it's a harmless survey.

Yes I do have a lot of anger to vent. I'll retract the Get Fucked if you like and say THIS SURVEY WILL PROVE NOTHING.

I've worked underground pipe, smoked ciggas up until 7 years ago, sucked LOTS of asbestos down my lungs crawling through buildings, power stations, gas plants etc etc. What are they going to say? hmmm this guy has emphasemia, probably caused by the Silica he added to his leaf? :rolleyes:

These guys have the mental health figures to show that shizophrenia is not rising from decades of cannabis use.

If they read a bit more they might also see that Britain has double the cannabis use of The Netherlands so here's a tip for them that I have 'correlated' from my 'research' IF YOUR SERIOUS ABOUT CUTTING CANNABIS USE DECRIMINALISE IT!

This is my answer to his request for information, bad luck if it doesn't fit in any box :scratchin:

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The very first and only time i ever bought pot was a stick... a few small crappy buds wrapped in alfoil.

not long after that i met my boyfriend who is a grower... and hell i ain't lookin back... in fact I'm learning so much from being here and it's really opened my eyes to the true cannabis culture.

You may not believe me on this... but I've even been able to have a discussion with my Mum about using Marijuana (she was always completely against any sort of drug) and be able to raise points and opinions that I've picked up over the last few months... and I've been able to open her mind on many topics, some of which are..


use of marijuana for medical reasons

the fact that even growing your own pot means for one you know exactly what you're getting, and two you don't have to dance with dealers

the idea that decriminalizaton of marijuana would reduce the need for people to source dealers, thus also the possibility of branching out into manufactured and imo more harmful drugs.


Maybe I'm just lucky this time that I have understanding parents... or maybe the fact that I feel confident enough in what I'm saying and can back up my points in a discussion... none of which I would have the capacity to do had I not joined this site and met so many people, all with different opinions and valid points to make of their own.


I'm hoping that one day we'll be able to spread the word... and the critics out there maybe try researching a broader range of opinions and not just the ones that are against it.


All it takes is to change at least one person's mind... I suppose we just have to find the right mind.


Anyway that's me done for the moment.


Peace :scratchin:


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Interesting thought Pebbles, just how many times in history has a single person changed a whole world opinion or millions of minds at least on a subject?

Yet that one person learned from someone, that person might have spread the word to only one other person in their whole life, and he/she ran with it and changed the world.


That first person probably looked down on themselves for not being charismatic enough to do anything big, but sparking off a fire takes just one match, just got to light the right spot huh.


If you get my meaning.




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hey bufo no disrespect meant towards you of course my reply was aimed at no one specifically. I have only had very minor confrontations with police so can only imagine how you and others feel who have really been done over.


things will probably not change, but I honestly believe these researchers have genuine intentions. they admit openly they are basically ignorant on this issue and are searching for real facts. so lets give them some. If they are ignored so be it. but its certainly better than doing nothing don't you think? :scratchin:

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Damn it pipeman stop making sense. :scratchin: You are dragging me to the negotiating table.

If this guy would like to come back in here and explain to us exactly what he is trying to achieve and how he is trying to 'help' us, well maybe I'll reconsider. If he thinks I will happily hand over more info that could potentially hurt me again he is deluding himself and definately skewing his results.

It's up to him, I don't need anyone's approval of my habit anymore.

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This dude won't be back. He/she has no interest in helping anyone but his/herself finish their thesis.


Bufo you may well be right but i've just discovered that the NSW Greens base their Drugs and Harm minimisation policy on work done by NDARC who appear to be running this survey. I found this out by following a link of Jess' to a Daily Telegraph blog (which i cant bloody find now). I can understand everyones reluctance about giving any more ammunition to the war on freedom but can it get much worse?


Healthy paranoia is also a good thing. It's kept me out of trouble a long time. I honestly am not having a go at anyone. This is just one little survey after all. We're living in bad times atm but anythings possible in politics.


Whether or not your a Greens voter you should check out their drugs policy coz its a bit more balanced than most.





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freddie, with these questions from the original post. Once the survey concludes, i'm strugglin' to find how any positives can lean our way. I dunno if you remember but when Thai Stick (Buddha) was most prevalent from the mid 70's to early 90's. The governments of the time were using the excuse that things like opium and horse tranquilizer was used to lace the buds. Naturally there's no scientific evidence to back this up. But they did use that subject to their best ability and flogged the hell out of it to spook the sheeples.


Do you use, sell and/or grow Cannabis?


We are interested in finding out more information on the cannabis used in Australia. Is cannabis stronger now than in the past? Is anything added into the cannabis that you smoke or grow?


So with the type of questions put forward. All i can see happening is history repeating itself. Hopefully i'm proven wrong. But as i stated before, until things change for better for all mankind. They can go root their boot.



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