Movie Reviews
Found a trippy movie or a chill-out film? Discuss, review, and get recommendations for those perfect stoner movie nights.
153 topics in this forum
doctor who 1 2
by expansion- 10 replies
Have any of you been watching Doctor Who? The Cybermen were on tonight. Man they used to sacre the living shit out of me when I was young. E
Last reply by Kali Mist, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
i just rented this last night its pretty good... It isn't anything like the anime, but its good flick...
Last reply by Innocent criminal, -
- 0 replies
Mr and I hired a coupla o'nighter's this eve. One of them is called The Hive. As must haves go, I'm not going to be breaking my neck to buy it but it was well worth the hire. The special effects aren't the most spectacular but still pretty reasonable. IMDb indicates that it was made for tellie really. The title is a little miss leading. It is about flesh eating ants after all. But if ya watch it, you'll understand why. I loved the little twist at the end, when of course, the humans win... Go figure! Not a regrettable hire n watch at all. Over all, probably a 7 of 10. ~Rose.
Last reply by Rose Gardener, -
- 5 replies
Last reply by sunnycoaststoner, -
by pitbull311- 1 reply
awesome flick whilst wasted...
Last reply by tiztiz, -
- 420 Crew
- 34 replies
Hunter S Thomson, mmm lets see, not your adverage jounalist by no meens...this guy is clearly off tap. R.I.P. Hunter.... sadly committing suicide last year by pointing a hand gun at his head..but not b4 he he played a cameo in this movie....try and spot him... Brilliantly played by Johnny Depp ( is there any one this guy cant impersonate), this movie goes back to 70's where Hunter and his Lawyer visit Las Vegas to cover the infamous MINT 400 desert race..well ya dont see much racing but a shit load of chaotic drug taking... the same day I watched this movie I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, with Johnny Depp....clearly the best character actor I have eve…
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Not realy a reveiw as such.. but im just wondering if any one has seen it, and what they thaught of it if they have. I saw it last night and i have very mixed opinions.. Tell me what u all thaught. ::M1557::
Last reply by sushant100, -
I found this show on some awards show, thought id download a episode cause it won an award, now i know why its frikken hilarious. Check it out. I got the full first season on .avi files if people are after it we might be able to do something about burning dvd's for people
Last reply by sushant100, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
I just saw "Harold and Kumar go the White Castle" and it's taken me a real long time to get along to doing it. It's also a bit hard to blame the more amotivational aspects of smaoking weed when it comes to seeing stoner movies. I think what it was that whenever I discussed hiring Harold and Kumar with my friends we were put off by the corporate sponsorship of the White Castle burger chains, and just saw it as corporations fucking up yet another thing that we love. Well after seeing it, I think that it rocks, is piss funny and follows what could be argued is a stoner tradition of using corporate sponsorship to meet it's own ends. Well I was wondering if other people have …
Last reply by sushant100, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
This is one of them movies you can watch a second time to find out what you missed the first time whilst you where busy laughing You must see it once whilst really bent as its defiantly one of those if your in the mood for stupid you will love things!!! and some quotes i found that explain it better then i could
Last reply by Mulcontent, -
Grandma's Boy 1 2
by Mugwort- 15 replies
The other thread is getting a bit long in the tooth... Haven't seen Grandma's Boy mentioned yet, if you're a gamer and a stoner, it's a must-watch situation. Released by Happy Gilmore, but no adam sandler in sight, maybe he didn't wanna be associated with this flick
Last reply by Tyrantz, -
- 0 replies
Hey just thought I'd share with you that you can watch any episode of south park for free at
Last reply by Caliban, -
- 5 replies
- 4k views Part 2 Part 1 Part 3 part 4 Part 5 THIS is the best growing guide i've seen
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 0 replies
Behind the Mask if you like horror movies with characters such as freddy crugar, michael myers and the etc. watch it
Last reply by Peaceful, -
Any one seen I Deal? Is pretty good english comedy about a pot dealer who sells to the whole of is town, including the law. Sure its on the interweb if your interested ill post some links.
Last reply by humphrey b flaubert,