Guerrilla Growing
239 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hi all, I'm hooked on this site, awesome reads and a laugh too... So I have a question... If I have a foto sativa dominant clone under 18/6 lights to the desired height, can this be put outside to flower without reverting to veg in the following daytime scenarios- A/ Daylight hours getting shorter coming into winter and dark hours <12 B/ Daylight hours getting longer but dark still <12 C/ Daylight hours getting longer but dark hours now more than 12hrs. I would imagine- A/ would work, perhaps shadecloth for a week to get use to sun. B/ No idea... Anyone tried? C/ Dunno.... Perhaps you can start the flower under lights untill it passes the no return s…
Last reply by bushrangerbob, -
Victorian Grow 1 2 3 4 20
by Herpetology-
- 420 Crew
- 198 replies
Hi Guys, I am thinking of beginning a guerrilla grow in the state/national park about 20km from my house. I bought some maps of the local forest and have picked out 10 promising locations, that are at least 200m off the tracks they are also at least 100m to 200m to the local river that flows though these parts. Going to scout out these locations on Saturday. I have just have some questions I have learnt well from the posts I have read so far in this post. My questions are as follows: 1. Is it to late to start ordering seeds, germinating and planting as it is early November? 2. People recommend I use a basic compost mixed in with some aerated soil for the plant to …
Last reply by Herpetology, -
Considering have no contacts but it seems seeds are easy enough to get ive decided to get my own supply going. Have a east/west facing balcony some 15 stories high. I just want to pot, feed and forget till its time to pull and dry. Any tips on doing this inner city? I do not have neighbours that can see anything but worry about smell and size. Yes, talk freeking nooooob here. Considering its SA i'm surprised it's resulted in this but I have the room and the time A thought, converting a big eski or two?
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 3 replies
this is one of the plants I pictured in the forum 'Dr Livingstone I Presume'. now it's about 250mm or 10 inches. just transplanted but looks to have settled in ok.
Last reply by MrMurray, -
- 3 replies
Sup All New here hoping there are some south Aussie growers here. My question is with the extreme weather we have been having it seems to affect a grow, this time last year I had plants a lot healther and stronger then this years grow. We are still having cold nights down to 7/8 deg. Last week I ordered some White Widow Feminized Seeds they should arrive within the next 3 weeks or so, will it be to late for a grow with them, keeping in mind it is predicted for a long hot summer we have had a shit load of rain in the last 3/4 months best rains for years.
Last reply by Nutter3, -
- 13 replies
Hi guys, where I'm looking to plant is in a paddock and there's only a few big trees around it and what not and from the sky it would be quite open... If I got something like this to go over my grow (like a roof) would it still let enough light through and also disguise it enough? Cheers Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by sunseeker, -
- 9 replies
quick question , how old should the plants be before they are taken out bush? whats your preferences ?
Last reply by Kooriblackpython, -
- 2 replies
from plants that popped up beside my verandah first rain after last autumn's cleaning and trimming. not so resinous but excellent result for little work. can't remember the varieties. could be this could be that.
Last reply by slicker1, -
- 11 replies
Hi all, I had grand plans this year... In january I ordered over 25 femisised seeds, in hope to use some of the lantana surrounded 4-5 acres free....eventually, after hopeful cloning ...??? It took till JULY to be finally refunded, and I NEED to take advantage like NOW/asap, of a spare surrounded paddock I have access too atm. I have horses , and dogs as a 'reason' to be in said paddock near me. Idea was to put established seedlings in areas that were suitable. Sadly, I spent over $200- a LOT of $ for me, and I've been scared to order since. I once ordered from Bonza....never arrived and that time I was silly and stupidly didnt have registered poat. So....PL…
Last reply by Daggy1, -
- 3 replies
how do some people hide there plants while growing outdoors? either in there backyard or the out bush.
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 4 replies
My buddy just bought a drone so he can scope out the best grow spots in the area. He jokingly said to me that come harvest time he was going 'ripping crops'. I think (hope) he was joking anyway. Karma bites dudes like this hard, but it did get me thinking. We put in all the effort, the long days, the watering, feeding, monitoring and all the risk, what's stopping someone (or police) employing this crazy cheap technology and having one days risk and all the reward? This boggles my mind as nothing will be truly hidden. The laws relating to drones have recently been relaxed too, making it very appealing for people to purchase one. I'm not too sure about going o…
Last reply by Indycar, -
In or out? 1 2
by guesty86- 12 replies
Hey stoners. The growing season is nearly up n running so its time to get my fingers dirty. Im going back to guerilla this year so iv prob left this a little too late, though i think i mgt still scrape it in in terms of preparing holes and soil. Im not sure on what im going to do though. Its damn near basically sand haha but not quite if you know what i mean. Theres plants growing here ofcourse, but mainly shrubs and little trees and the like. Not too many over 7 ft which is perfect in my eyes as itl give plants pretty much a full days sun. My question is.. Sld i dig say 50lt holes and fill with my own soil? Sld i use 50lt black smart pots above ground? Sld i dig the 50l…
Last reply by Indycar, -
Stealth cameras 1 2 3
by twunit- 27 replies
Hi all, Don't know if this topic has been done, but i could find nothing on here re this subject..I have been ripped off in the bush a couple of times, big time, there has been little access to the girls other than through my own land..So i am looking at friends or neighbours..I recently came across those game trail cameras, [ i think the cops use em as well]..Anyway, they appear to be what i need to solve my problem..I'm after any help i can get to decide about the right one..Has anybody on here used them or had any experience with them..Other than being busted courtesy of them of course..I'm not stupid enough to put em near my patch, just near the access on to my land..…
Last reply by Sir PsychoHashy, -
- 16 replies
This is a old article from early 2000s but it still seems relevant although the tech has probably gotten better since then. WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT SPECTRAL SIGNATURES OF ILLEGAL CANNABIS CULTIVATION? Anyways, I have always thought that the outdoor infrared cameras were a bluff. Well it turns out it may not be bluff. It's not flir as flir is only useful at night, and not even Barry cooper of never get busted talks about the method. So basically my question is, is it for real or not? This article is the only piece of information I can find out about it... But surely an ex police officer wold of spilt the be…
Last reply by Nutter3, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Gday all, I have found a few spots that are wet all year round and was after some methods of growing there, It would be great to not have to cart water so any help would be sweet. Cheers!!
Last reply by Frazz, -