The HEMP Party
75 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
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- 968 views A New Socially Progressive Coalition EmergesThe Australian Sex Party and the Marijuana (HEMP) Party have reached an historic agreement to win seats at the coming federal election. The parties will share joint tickets in a number of states in an effort to win the last two Senate seats in each jurisdiction. Under the new Senate voting rules the last two seats in many states are an unknown quantity. Details of the new coalition will be announced at the Sex/Marijuana (HEMP) Party Queensland Senate launch, this Sunday in Brisbane. The new coalition will appeal strongly to voters with its s…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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Voting is different this federal election.The Parliament has recently passed changes to the voting method for electing Senators in your state or territory. The changes will apply at the 2016 federal election. Clear instructions will be included on the Senate ballot paper advising you how to record your vote on the ballot paper. What you need to knowTo vote for Senators in your state or territory at the 2016 federal election, you must fill in your ballot paper in the order of your choice. You can do this by voting either above the line or below the line. Voting above the lineIf you vote above…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
In Australia, there are a couple of million voters who use Cannabis on a regular basis. There are a whole lot more who would benefit economically when Cannabis is a tradable commodity in agriculture and energy. The budget for health and law enforcement will be reduced with the repeal of prohibition. Green’s Leader, Senator Richard Di Natale wants to continue Cannabis prohibition.His party “do not support the legalisation of currently illegal drugs”. “Ironically, medicinal Cannabis is still an illegal drug. The Narcotic Drugs Act doesn’t do anything about the distribution, supply, prescription of …
Last reply by FullCircle, -
- 420 Crew
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- 1.1k views Dear Malcolm, why do the police get the last say in Australia on drug policy?Are they the drug experts? Don’t they have a conflict of interest seeing as half their work and a lot of their funding is fighting the drug war? It’s never been harder for a Cannabis user to mind their own business with new policing methods exposing us daily to persecution, and Cannabis is still in the same basket with all the other illegal drugs. Yet pot is so different. It’s simply a dried herb, unadulterated, while all the rest are processed and most of them chemicals. Cannabis is uniquely fa…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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Who really believes these politicians when they sincerely declare what they’re doing to allow the use of Cannabis for medical purposes? Who believed NSW Premier Bob Carr in the early 2000’s when he said,”It’s a Government’s duty to ensure medical Cannabis etc etc”? Or the more recent NSW and ACT Medical Cannabis Inquiries and their cross party committees who unanimously concurred medical Cannabis should be allowed? Or the Greens inspired Regulator of Medical Cannabis Bill which all agreed was a half hearted plan with no chance of ever getting up? Of course nothing came of the Inquiries and promises, the same situation has been repeated in other Sates and Territories. Now …
Last reply by Jona, -
- 420 Crew
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HEMP TO PROTEST SALIVA COPS ON MONDAY SEPT 28 LISMORE COURT HOUSEThe road to hell is paved with good intentions, says Nimbin’s HEMP Embassy, and trebling roadside drug testing as the main weapon in the NSW governments war on ice is just that. “Enough is enough and we invite everyone to join our protest outside Lismore Court House next Monday with some suggested ways of improving driver impairment testing because the current system is scarcely about that at all,”says Michael Balderstone, Embassy President. “Long term Cannabis users who have been driving safely for years are staying at home for fear of losing their licence,”he says. “Cannabis users across the state have bee…
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
- 1.6k views death from cancer of a young man in his mid-20s is inescapably tragic. Dan Haslam discovered, like thousands before him, that using Cannabis was a way to control the by-products of his conventional cancer treatments including nausea, severe vomiting, weight loss, pain AND mental distress. The loss of a 3 children in that same week to seizure activity is no less tragic – especially when these deaths could have been prevented by the stroke of a pen on a statute. Hundreds of parents who have children with severe intractable epilepsy and who know about Cannabis, are staggered by the results they see a…
Last reply by lookinggoodguys, -
- 420 Crew
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- 980 views The Medical Cannabis Users Association (MCUA) members across Australia retaliated in a backlash of vilification against police operations yesterday over their destruction of Cannabis discovered in annual search and destroy missions carried out in the Northern Rivers last week. One terminally ill MCUA member reported being hung-up on by police when they phoned the Lismore LAC yesterday to express their dismay. The LAC face book thread was drenched with the peoples’ disgust with the whole operation – expressing deep anger and concern at the blatant waste of tax payers money as much as the sen…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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- 643 views Letter to the Editor, Jakarta Post. It’s hard for me to comprehend how beautiful ancient Asian cultures who have lived harmoniously with the Earth for centuries, got sucked into this shameful and unholy American led “war on drugs”. It’s actually a war on any drugs not owned by Big Pharma and of course that includes natures best pain relieving plants….. the Opium Poppy, the Cannabis and Coca plants. Now look at the illegal trade in heroin, pot and coke? Ask any doctor, opium is the best painkiller on Earth. But Big Pharma wants control of pain relief because that’s the most profitable business aroun…
Last reply by MediKat, -
- 420 Crew
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- 752 views Police concerns continue to impose the ban on the consumption of hemp seed foods. Food Standards of Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) have repeatedly approved an application to allow consumption of Australian grown hemp seed. Australian Health Ministers (the FORUM) met in New Zealand last week and again voted to reject the FSANZ Approval Notice. On this occasion though, reasons for objections were gathered from unsubstantiated comments made by Police to State Government submissions. FSANZ have repeatedly approved applications to allow consumption of Australian grown hemp seed. NSW licensed …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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- 624 views Michael Balderstone, President of the Federal HEMP Party, believes Medical Cannabis is looming as an unforeseen issue in the Queensland election, after a small band of supporters took to the streets of Brisbane yesterday with a public opinion survey. These supporters – families, patients and carers – are sick of watching loved ones suffer with chronic and terminal illness; and children deal with the horrific side effects of conventional treatments, when medical research globally is saying Cannabis can help give them a better quality of life. “We saw a huge response to our survey. The people came …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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- 603 views Help End Marijuana Prohibition HEMP Party representatives have met with Palmer United Senator Dio Wang seeking support for industrial and medical cannabis use. HEMP Secretary Graham Askey said ” Senator Wang has taken the time to listen and acknowledge some of the issues surrounding the need for Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Federal Minister for Health Peter Dutton to step in”. Several Australian States have recently acknowledged medical cannabis, it’s acceptance by the community and a need for further research. HEMP Party spokesperson Andrew Kavasilas said, “I’m very pleased the Palmer United Pa…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
- 924 views LIBERALS MOVE ON MEDICAL CANNABIS MUCH APPRECIATED BY HEMP EMBASSY “We are very pleased to hear about MP Warren Entsch’s plans to make a move on medical Cannabis. It has become increasingly embarrassing for us at the HEMP Embassy in Nimbin telling people it’s all illegal and unless they can afford a trip to America they have to visit the blackmarket to get their medicine”, said HEMP President Michael Balderstone. “The horse has long bolted, the word is out there all over the internet especially. People are getting results from Cannabis they were not able to get from Pharmaceuticals. People dying f…
Last reply by Faith, -
- 420 Crew
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- 1k views The Victorian Branch of Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party is making a late run in an attempt to get the issue of Cannabis law reform on the ballot paper for this year’s state election. ‘We just need a few more Victorians to join the HEMP Party so that we have the required 500+ members to register and I expect to lodge our application with the Electoral Commissioner by the end of the month.’ said Mr Ilias Bafas from HEMP Victoria. Its a Boom Industry & we need a New Industry in Victoria… I foresee the ‘Victoria’ we love our ‘Garden State’ becoming the largest Medical …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
- 1.4k views Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty. Ltd. Hi all, It is extremely disappointing that the NSW Police have chosen this path. As the Police have now decided to follow through and I have been charged with 1 of…
Last reply by Faith, -