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- 5 replies
- 3.2k views This is a great book, I've had it a fair while now, number 2 is almost out now, so I figure I'll get in a review before it does come out. The Cannabible is not a book on growing pot, it is a book of photography of (mostly cured) buds, there is a little bit of growing advice here and there, but most of it is crap, I doubt Jason King has grown a plant in his life, but that doesn't matter, He is an excellent photographer and if you like drooling over budshots then no book is better than this one. You might think that you can see good enough buds on the internet, but thats not true, thats like comparing good holiday snaps …
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 8 replies
I just watched this movie last night on video.You may have heard about it.It`s all about America`s obssession with guns and centres around the shooting massacre at an American high school in `99.The 2 students who did the killing called themselves `The Trench Coat Mafia`, I think. I was stoned when I first watched it and I just couldn`t take it all in so I watched it again while I was straight.I enjoyed it the 2nd time as well.It`s hilariously funny as well as quite informative and at times, moving. I`m not going to spoil it for you by telling you the specifics but.... well, have you ever heard the saying ` Only in America`? Well, that about sums it up - and let…
I love em. especially the old, corny, spaghetti westerns. Its hard to think of a more entertaining genre for me. I got "For a Few Dollars More" in the DVD player right now. Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef. A few all time classic scenes, like when Lee Van Cleef strikes a match on the hunchback in the saloon. And the final showdown at the end has to be the best ever. A simple "draw" showdown it was not. You have to watch it a few times to appreciate fully. For a corny over the top spaghetti Western there is a lot going on. Other classic westerns: For A Fistful of Dollars They call me Trinity Trinity is Still my name Silverado Hombre The Good the Bad, and the…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 5 replies
If you get stoned and like to laugh.......FREDDIE GOT FINGERED is the movie for you.....its sick I admit.....but its hilarious at the same time. How about wes Cravens THEY...had nightmares??? It scared the shit outta me..Off my guts and didnt wanna go to bed after watching that movie ....anyone seen em...what do you think?
- 4 replies
hey all if you have not witnessed detroit rock city than i cant believe you have lived, it is the greatest stoner move, only further amplified by being completeley of youre nuts while watching it :: anyway if you havent seen it, hire it out, and if you have seen it, you should hire it out! :: enjoy
Last reply by Resein-Dog, -
- 11 replies
Anyone that's seen this classic knows it's worth as evidence of the farce that is the drug law war. Presently (Sun. August 24th. 03) there are 5 copies of this on DVD on Ebay for sale. There's also a copy of "Accupulco Gold" which was a great movie too. Kinda home made doco of how to smuggle weed into California from mexico I think frommemory. There were other things too, like trying to get high on wild hemp from Kentuky and so forth. I have nothing to do with the sale of these movies, I just came across them while searching EBay for leatherwork tools. Anyone know where I can lay my hands on some? Movies here cheers rob
Last reply by twentythree, -
- 4 replies
high, Well i saw cheechs and chongs 'next movie', and I hated it, thought it was crap. Of course I was baked at the time, I get very picky when i smoke herb, but yeh, anyone else seen it, think its shit or good? C'mon argue with me here...I'm bored, but on the plus side I getting a gram in about an hour
Last reply by Gruntus, -
13 Ghosts...
by Jim- 6 replies
around a month ago a group of mates and i got absolutely plastered to beyond obvlion, and we hired out 13 ghosts... a good thing, but bad mistake. this movie tripped the absolute fuck out of me with the transparency of the ghosts, the scaryness of charlie manson, the gore...just the image of ghosts! anyhow...the trip was one of the best ive had (other than the time i was doing kung fu in the middle of the street because i thought a giant squid was inside a house and its tenticles were coming out the front door and the windows trying to get me...fortunately i won that battle. the whole time i had a birds-eye view of the situation...CRAZZYYYY)... anyway, the 13 ghosts trip …
- 0 replies
Hey to all my fellow stoners again Just thought id let you guys know about this guy i found on that dose stoner comedy sketch comedy with sci fi his soo damm funny his star treck and star wars skits are helirouse as shit . for memory i think his site was but im not sure you guys might have to do a search on . He also takes the piss out of N.W.A (niggaz with attiutiude) with C.W.A chimpmuncks with attuituide where david savill ripped off the chipmunks and alvin and the boys want revenge his a riot of laughter . just though id let you guys know about it . he also dose alot of Star Wars Animation getting drunk and sto…
Last reply by Buda Imagery, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey Everybody Some Movies you gotta check out * Cheech And Chong - Up In Smoke * Cheech And Chong - Next movie * Cheech And Chong - Live In Amstradam * Half Baked (produced by cheech & Chong) * How High (produced by Danny Divito /Black Comedy) * Big Lowboslkie * Yellow Submarine * Secerent Agent 420 You guys should get a kick out of these
Last reply by Buda Imagery, -
- 1 reply
Watched another good movie last night....GHOST SHIP....reminded me alot of an old horror I had seen...EVENT HORIZON.....if ya like blood and gore and havent seen EH I'll tell ya now you've missed out on one hell of a scary movie....its a MUST SEE in my book.. stoke it....toke it....pass it......(to me)
Last reply by charlotte, -
- 1 reply
G'day... I just been at two days!!!!! I can't stop watching MarijuanaMan spinning out over all those "dandy" buds... Heaps of other groovy shit there too....good bubble hash making demonstrations... I didn't know what day it was after watching some of those shows...KEWL!!
Last reply by Gruntus, -
by DrGreen- 13 replies
I have everything they have ever done on video,they are the BOMB!
Last reply by Cronic_la_jar_jar, -
- 37 replies
- Super Troopers (first 10-15 minutes is fucking hilarious) - Ali G Indahouse - Dude, Where's My Car? - How High - Cheech & Chong's 'Up In Smoke' - Half Baked - Me, Myself & Irene As u can see these are all comedies, but nothing's better than laughing your ass off when your stoned
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
- 2 replies
Peter Jackson the Kiwi director...( now famous for multi-million dollar blockbusters ).....did 'Bad Taste' in reviewer described the movie as a : "really gross, bad taste, low budget ,stupid bloody, mighty goofy, monkey assed, alien invasion movie.." ! It says it all...real cheep....shlocky....funny as..... if you are ripped and like an icky cringee gor fest... one of the main protagonists in it spends most of the movie with a belt tied around his head to stop a flap in his skull falling off and allowing his brains to fall out.....which happens sometimes and seagulls eat some of it..... they dont make em like these old classics anymore... …