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My favourite *sToNeR* movies.....

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Oh! Oh!


*insert 2 buckets here*


Yes, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is an excellent movie. The book is apprently better, but I haven't read it yet.


I also enjoy the directing works of Darren Aronofsky, responsible for 2 of my all time favourite movies:


Requiem for a Dream and Pi.


More serious watching, but enjoyable none the less... :)

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Guest bacchus

All time best movie to toke to would have to be "Hercules Returns" starring David Argue, Bruce Spence and Mary Coustas. For those of you who haven't seen it here is how the spiel goes.....

"Three film entrepreneurs open an old cinema with a classic B grade film, "Hercules". On opening night they discover the film isn't just crappy- it's in Italian with no subtitiles! Facing the worst flop in cinematic history, they do the only thing possible:dub the voices and the sound effects themselves. There in the projection booth, life in Ancient Greece is transformed into a new, hip and happening place called Climidia. Hercules is a pumped up cabaret singer with a tighter tunic than Tom Jones; Labia is the town chariot looking for a roll on the marble, Testiculi is the biggest thing on two ----, Machismo likes to enter the Coliesum up the back passage and Samson looks like a condom full of walnuts!"

Very very funny.....go out and get it.

"Cleopatra and the Casino of Gold" is a bit of a hoot as well for those that love their vintage blaxploitation films.

None of these films have references to MJ, but if you pay her a visit before viewing you will not be disappointed! :o

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