Your ultimate chill zone for all things entertainment in the cannabis community. Dive into fun games, binge-worthy TV discussions, movie nights, and enlightening book chats. Fuel your passions and share your high recommendations.
- 4 replies
the whole lord of the rings trilogy is a grat selection of books to read, but any stoner would rather go see the awesome movies instead
Hi gys, just saw the new Tim Burton film Big Fish. It was quite good, the usual surreal Burton stuff, but the really funny thing was the giant. I don't know if any of you know the English rugby union captain Martin johnson, but the ugly giant in the movie is a dead fucking ringer for him! Anyway, the film's worth checking out.
Last reply by italian_gardener, -
Worst Ever Movies? 1 2 3
by Maynard- 21 replies
I recently watched Chicken Park, anyone seen poor bastards... It has to be one of the worst films I have ever sat through....maybe then Meet the Feebles...and then some of my mum's favourites;) What do you think? Cheers
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 6 replies
my top five: 1. fight club 2. american beauty 3. he died with a felafel in his hand 4. full metal jacket (i've never seen this while stoned but i think i would be good) 5. magnolia - i fell asleep in the bit before the frogs but it was still pretty cool. it's really long tho i don't recommed clockwork orange when you're too ripped, it's too stressful :mellow: it was for me anyway
Last reply by Rottweilerpunk, -
Sex Drugs And Knuckledusters.
by Guest- 4 replies
by Max Dunk This was one of the funniest books I've ever read. From a very gritty opening paragraph in which an injection is stuffed up leaving a broken needle it lightens considerably but is still full on. It centers around Perth night club bouncers all on steroids who get into all sorts of shit. From a fight at the Mr Australia contest with blokes the size of dinosaurs to crazed bikies. At one point our heroe a bloke named Jason steals his Bull Terrier Max back from a dog fighting ring. He and Max are trying to outpace the entire gang of knife wielding leather jacketed bikies and reach his mates panel van in time to escape. He knows he isn't running fast enough becaus…
Project Orion
by Guest- 0 replies
True Life is Stranger than Fiction. Imagine a spaceship 135 feet in diameter, and 10 stories tall. Imagine it weighing 4000 tons. Bet that doesn't sound too impressive. If this were a normal chemical rocket, only about 10 tons of this would make it into space. Now just imagine for a moment that there was a way to allow over 3500 tons of this ship to make it to orbit. This is possible, if a ship were to launch nuclear bombs as fuel. This is known as Project Orion George Dyson's new book is the source for information on Project Orion. Unless you are willing to undergo extensive primary research, a total of 6000 pages worth, or you have connections among the staff of th…
- 0 replies
I thoght I would start a 'single favourite fantasy book' thread as I got overwhelmed by the huge lists some people post. 1) Radix A.Atanasio
Last reply by expansion, -
how about some books 1 2
by Guest pilk-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
I dont know its just an idea maybe we could review some books that dont have to do with cannabis...........nah
- 0 replies
I'm not really sure if this sort of writing ( sort of documentary in a novel form) interests anyone, but I recently read it and thought it was quite worth it. Those of you in Perth, maybe other states too would possibly have seen John Button on the News last year and his winning of a court case. He was wrongfully jailed for the hit and run of his girlfriend, and spent some time in jail for it. This was mainly down to (suprise suprise) a couple of corrupt policemen. Anyway....I went to a couple of talks that Estelle did, and one with John Button and the amount of background that Blackburn searched through etc. If anyone is interested go and look for the book. You will read…
Last reply by Maynard, -
- 0 replies
This is a book which gives detailed methods of making oil and hash through solvent extractions. It starts off with a basic reflux apparatus that most people could do in their kitchen utilising a few different pots, collander, plastic bag, and ice set up on the stove. This should yield a better quality oil than the standard iso oil methods you see posted around the net. It also goes into isomerisation, which apparently converts cannibinoids to THC and also produces more of the higher rotating isomers of THC. Which is meant give a much stronger high. Appart from various purification procedures such as fractional distillation it also contains instructions to make T…
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 4 replies
ckeckem out, you'll thank me! :mellow:
Last reply by twentythree, -
- 9 replies
just watched TBL over the weekend. I hadn't seen it for ages. Man there are some classic lines in that film.
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 3 replies
If you can find a movie called The Mind's Eye it will blow your mind. There are crazy computer animations from around 1994 put to insanely strange music and there are things like moving versions of M C Escher drawings, it's crazy
Last reply by wolf, -
- 5 replies
Final destination is a cool flik man..some excellent death sequences. .. I like that shit. Regards Kash
Last reply by BlackBeauty, -
How about those trucky movies?
by Guest Wilderbud- 9 replies
I was bred on trucker movies but forget a lot of them although I can never forget Convoy. Whats some trucker movies that you like? Actually I like car and bike movies too so bring them on too. Eat The Peach is a cool Aussie or Kiwi movie about some guys who turn their backyard into a motorbike trickshow [homemade wheel of death]. I love Christine - the movie about a car that was posessed. I also love Repo Man - which was about a mad repo man. Anyone who says Mad Max has to be slapped because its the best car movie ever made. Holy hash oil Im mad on autos!
Last reply by BlackBeauty,