Paraphernalia Q&A
Navigate your choices in cannabis accessories. Post inquiries and get clarity on products ranging from vaporizers to more intricate apparatus.
496 topics in this forum
- 31 replies
Hey guys i didnt know where to put this topic, but my question is my boss is going to be drug testing us sometime soon was ment to happen 2 weeks ago now but hasnt and i had a smoke last night not much and my tolerance is very low as i smoke only occasionally i took a drug test and it come up negative but i was wondering how accurate those piss tests are if anyone knows?
Last reply by Carbcon, -
- 7 replies
Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by DrGonzo, -
- 2 replies
Looking for any feedback people might have on log style vapes. I came across this post that suggested they might give the closest thing to a bong hit without combusting so I'm a little intrigued as the hit is probably what made it hardest for me to make the change from combusting to vaping. IMO, I can't ask for anything more. It does, everything I ask of it and more. My ultimate goal, was reaching that "bong load" experience. One of the things I miss, from my stoner years, is snapping a bowl. Glass back then (80s), was out of the question. Too expe…
Last reply by DrGonzo, -
- 2 replies
Hi Folks, Just curious to know what people like to vapourise with their greenage? I like to vape the green on it's own and i also like to blend it with damiana and chamomile. If find the damiana has a nice sweet taste and enhances the green and the chamomile smooths it all out. Does anyone have a good blend to share?
Last reply by burgurs, -
Vaping vs bonging 1 2 3 4 11
by bearassed1-
- 420 Crew
- 107 replies
Hi All have just recently started vaping and still head back to the bong( 20 yrs of habit hard to break) I have 2 vaps a Magic flight portable battery operated box which is my favourite and just brought a vapostar which just goes in the stem of a bong not as good as the box but i still keep going back to the bong Neither have temp regulation as both are portable. Any tips or hints or suggestions on vapoursing. tks
Last reply by mlbblitz, -
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
I've just moved to Australia for a year of Uni. I'm living in N. Wollongong and was wondering if anyone could recommend a shop to buy a glass bong from. (I'm not a fan of online buying... but will if I have to). Also can I buy papers anywhere that cigarettes are sold? I don't mind travelling to Sydney if need be to purchase, please let me know if there are any good shops in Wollongong or Sydney that I should check out. Also - I was just wondering if anyone can update me on the market here. I'm from Canada and I usually buy half an ounze (14 grams) at a time ($80-100 CDN) or a full (28g) for ($160-$180). What's the weight scale used here and what are decent prices lik…
Last reply by Purplepiff, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hey everyone I need your advice I want to buy a bong I only want a cheap one less than a 100 bucks Do those tar catchers work? I saw this one on ozbongs ? What would you recommend for someone who aint ever bonged on? Peace
Last reply by The_Walrus, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
Hey, has anyone made a rosin press? Any ideas etc photos would be nice to know what works besides the hair straightner methods..
Last reply by pedro de pacas, -
- Admin
- 0 replies
Check out the great range of #high quality #vapourisers from @AussieVapez. They have a fantastic range of #liquid, #resin, #wax & #flower #herb vapourisers available to the Australian cannabis culture with service that goes above and beyond. #Special offer to OZ Stoners members only. Use #Discount code: OZSTONER420 Get in fast as only 10 available. #healthyliving #medicinalherbs #vapor #vaporiser #specialoffer #australiancannabiscommunity #cannabiscommunity #420 #710 #ozstoners #cannabisaustralia
Last reply by Oz, -
- 420 Crew
- 38 replies
I've actually never used a grinder before but I was recently told it was a good idea. With that in mind, I'm wondering if you can bring a weed grinder on a plane as long as there's no weed residue in it? I'm assuming there'd be no problem but I'm just curious if I bring a grinder with me when I fly back to Melbourne from Los Angeles.
Last reply by GreenRazzberry, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
I just heard about reclaim for the first time today and was wondering what methods have worked best for you for collecting your reclaim? I saw a video involving coconut oil that sparked my interest.
Last reply by GreenRazzberry, -
- 3 replies
Me and my mate found ourselves with a lot of green but no billy to smoke it with as I dropped mine a few days ago, so we headed to the local adult entertainment store that has been there for ever and bought an agung ice bong for $80. I wasn't really intending to spend that much but it's the only place in town So the question is, did I get ripped of?
Last reply by TommyBoy101, -
- 1 reply
Hello my fello Stoners I installed the app and posted upon this forum because I believe that I would be able to extract useful information . Blunts . . . I want to know more , I am new so any information would be greatly appreciated [emoji120] Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by merl1n, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Fair nobleman of this community - I sincerely need advice.. SHORT STORY: I'm looking for ideas on what I can replace tobacco with in regards to spinning out my chop LONG STORY: I started smoking cannabis again about 5 months ago, 3 of which I was smoking bush in nice big joints and had no problem. Then I switched over to hydro and started to mix the two, then onto just the hydro/spinning with tobacco, then onto the bongs and hey presto, now one too many and a thousands never enough.. oh and I lost the fitness and no longer train martial arts. so I've been really trying to switch to a vaporisor, but honestly - it doesn't replace smoking for me, so I've concluded it's …
Last reply by Harry Bootlace, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
hey hey guys n gals Thinking of buying a herbal vaporizer for myself for xmas any suggestions??? Dont really want a handheld... much prefer a decent a stationary unit. Without breaking the bank if possible...
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -