In The Garden
85 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
So I'm renting a house and it had this really annoying bamboo plant. Along the back fence it keep putting runners out along the lawn and rats would hide in there. So I got sick of it got the real estate to fix the problem. So they sprayed it and that's it, it died quickly but its looking ugly as and bamboo leaves falling off. So I told my wife I'm gonna make a veggie garden. So I looked on gumtree for bricks, sleepers or something I could use. So I got around 200+ bricks from around the corner for free, I was quiet lucky as when I picked them upthey said they had a lot of people calling and enquiring about it. But I got them home in the back of my little astina hatchbac…
Last reply by burner, -
Do any of u guys get into growing chillies ? In particular stinking hot ones like ghost chillies and Trinidad scorpions , habenero varieties etc
Last reply by Bentato, -
A few to start Peace MongyMan
Last reply by Matanuska Thunder, -
- 0 replies
Hey all, I know this is hugely off topic? Wondering if there is any fellow Aussies here with any experience with Syrian Rue ? I was thinking it'd make for a fun addition to my garden, though getting seeds into WA seems impossible from what I've seen around the net? I guess WA has a few quirks haha! Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
Last reply by Bonquisha Fullcone, -
Kensington Pride more mangoes Scented clematis grown from a cutting in a 15" pot climbing lilly peeking through the clematis
Last reply by skeletor, -
Around this neck of the woods Kookaburra is top of the food chain. There a couple of raptors up in the " High Places " but they never seem to come down, No other foe is any match for that big old beak of Kookaburra, so around these parts he is very regal. I have never researched Kookaburra, no need to. Everything I learn from Kookaburra is relational and from observation. For the past seven years I have coincided my early morning walks with Kookaburra's call as he declares ownership of his families turf. I have counted at least six resounding colonies in my immediate earshot, a truly magnificent manifestation of Natures wonders. Very long calls. About five years ago I…
Last reply by El Kabong, -
Tobacco Plants 1 2
by pot.head- 19 replies
Hey, Just curious if anyone here grows tobacco. Am looking at ordering some virgina gold #1 but just want to see if there were any recommended plants from you guys before ordering. Cheers pot head
Last reply by VOSTOK, -
Seems that I see snakes where ever I go up here so Ive started this thread to help us all identify all the different type of snakes in Australia. If your planning on walking through the bush take your camera because your more than likely to come across a few yourself. Post them here! I came across two this morning both within meters of each other on the way to my patch. Anyone know what they are?
Last reply by -RiverRat-, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
G'day all, been having abit of a fiddle with dwc and a grosse lisse, ( want to learn abit more before i go all out with my meds) transplanted one of my grossee lisse from soil to the DWC about 4 days ago now, some nice new root growth is starting to poke through, and i've been monitoring the temps with a wireless monitor I've noticed when i take my dwc bucket out in the sun, literally in about 10mins the whole plant will droop and not look happy, so i move her back under the pergola and same again in about 10mins, it's back to looking pretty ok?, the temp in the water does rise when it's in the sun but i try to combat that with a couple of 250ml pop top botles place…
Last reply by havik_racing, -
- 8 replies
Last reply by Allotropy, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
just took a few pics outside today for the Mrs, and I thought I might share a few.. been working on a veg patch for a month or 2 .. well I'm the labourer.. started preparing ground with mushroom compost , grass clippings, straw and anything else good I could find.. just garlic and a tomato plant late april. now a month odd later.. need some help from Mrs to remember whats growing,but I give it a go.. potatoes,garlic,ginger,tomatoes,sweet potatoes,mixed chinese veg, carrots, asparagus,beens,broad beans collies,silver beet, spinnach, spring onions, brown onions, red onions,peanuts,pumpkins,parsley, sure there is a few more, anyhow thats a start for a…
Last reply by El Kabong, -
The Pot Plant 1 2
by Reverend-
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
I remember reading a while ago someone asking about a plant the smells similar to the real deal. The name is "Scaevola Crassifolia" if from Bunnings it comes in the name of "Scaevola Aussie Spirit".
Last reply by Ob-long, -
- 4 replies
hello peeps i would just love to start growing a Khat plant could anybody help me out as how to obtain some seeds plants or cuttings anything to get this khat growing
Last reply by Ob-long, -
Phreaks Garden 1 2
by phreakah-
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Hey just thought I'd throw up a few pics, a bit of an assortment of plants. They are all in the BBQ area and the hops should grow up the speaker wire (from dick smith - about 25 bucks for 100m). There is a blueberry, mulberry, raspberry, orange tree, and 2 strawberry guavas. The plants in the small pots are acacia maidenii, the tall grass is phalaris aquatica. There are some dragonfruit cuttings also. There are pistachios there, not sure if the tops of the plants are in the photo. Notice the khat, brugmansia (formerly known as datura), and echinopsis cacti (san pedro, peruvian, bridgesii, etc) somewhere there. Cheers
Last reply by Allotropy, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys i wont be able to grow weed for god knows how long(got my seed order busted and dont have any other adress to send to ) anyways since i allready had the tent set up and ready to go it would be a shame to take it down without atleast having a go at this hydro stuff so i decided to grow tomatoes in DWC germinated 6 seeds all 6 have sprouted and have first set of leaves should i put them in DWC now or wait for the second set of leaves and should i start them on weak nutes? also wanted to know if all i learned about growing weed applies to tomatoes like ph levels light times do they need to be fliped to 12/12 or do i keep them on 18/6 all the time? had other questio…
Last reply by Nymphetamine,