Pests and Diseases
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
537 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hey everyone, can anyone out there help us with this one.I have two large plants going to mush, it started with the bottom leaves going yellow, then dead patches appearing which then advanced to destroying the whole leaves.The leaf itself is soft and leather, with the leaf stem being the last thing to die.This ends with the whole branch becoming soft and and dying.Now i,ve given them the usually treatment of peroxide and "pythoff plus" but with little effect.Can anyone else suggest anything else?
Last reply by u can call me herb, -
- 6 replies
hey all was ova mates place when he asked me to take a look at his plants for they (the tops of the leaves had white freckles or tiny spots and when you turn the leaf ova it has very small white bugs or eggs(dont have mgklass to look properly)he was told 3 weeks b4 that they were spider mites but this isnt so there isnt anywebbing what could they b????????anyone???its almost like they have dust on the leaves but it aint...also they r 5 weeks in 12/12 any ghelp appreciated thnx
Last reply by Gruntus, -
- 4 replies
I was contemplating whether or not those electronic ultasonic pest control devises work on grow room pests? Regards Kash
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, I want to know if anyone can help me identify these little buggers which are slowly hurting my plants. These bugs are really small, less than 1mm, and are white. They are not grubs, they walk and can jump. I have been finding them in the water which sits in the lower pots of my system which they seem happy to swim around in. I grow in a top watering system in coco. 1 pot sits in another which has a drain hose attached to it. The drain runs outside, so maybe they are coming from there. If I do not keep on top of these bugs with scarid fly drench, they work there way up to the top of the pots and can be seen walking around the top of the root system. I don't want …
Last reply by Tom, -
- 4 replies
Dunno if anyone else has this problem but I always get ants nestin in my plants. For years now I have had a returning colony of ants in my grow shed. They nest in the actual pots themselves. I grow in 19 inch pots using recycled nutes. The ants are actually nesting in the rocks in my pots. Great to watch at flush times as they start carrying millions of eggs up the branches. They also nest in the insulating polystyrene blocks I use to keep the nute 'brains' off the concrete floor. I have to replace these regularly as they are burrowed into by the ants & used as nestin chambers. It gets so bad that last grow I had shit loads of ants that had gotten stuck to the resin g…
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 4 replies
My 2nd outdoor (dunny) crop is proceeding well but, just like last year, I find little white spots on my leaves (I think perhaps something very small on the undeside eating throo'). I grow pyrethrum in the room and occasionally spray with a tea made from this but to little avail. I have heard that ladybugs can do a fine job of removing insect pests - does anyone know where to buy or how to attract ladybugs ?
Last reply by wassily, -
- 13 replies
hey guys, recently got some clones off a mate, before this my garden has been totally pest free, but now I have noticed tiny little yellowish bugs on the underside of the leaves... I asked him about them and he said that they had been in his grow for a couple of seasons and didnt do any damage, but I still dont like the idea of any pests at all on my plants... should I use pyrethium spray or something or will they be ok....?
Last reply by Tom, -
- 0 replies
Hi 1 an all, So i'm 2 weeks into flowering (OH MY GOD!!!! IT'S A GIRL (grown from seed, only 1 of six to survive being dropped, left in a cupboard for 2 weeks, repotted god knows how many times, dropped again (fell out of pot repotted), stuck in a backpack for a couple days, and it's girl!!!) and all was going well until I saw these little black bugs (they could fly, and had a body that was sorta split into 2 bits, both the same size, could flex in most directions from the middle). I decided i didn't like these bugs very much (found them sittin on the new flowers) and sprayed them with Pryethum spray. Unfortunately i was stoned whilst all this went on, and after the i…
Last reply by Cypress, -
sick clones 1 2
by dj_fader- 13 replies
hey ozstoners, i got a few clones from SPC about a week ago and after they got a bit of a root system happening i put them in my system on half nutes and they have started to go a bit yellow and wilt a little what have i done wrong my system waters 15 minutes every hour, the temp in my set up would rarely go over 30degrees, the nutes im using are canna and i have a 400w light on 18 hours a day i thought that when the leafs go pale to yellow it meens they dont have enough nutes... a couple of the leafs have gone cruchy and i have also spotted a couple of new bits of growth but very little what can i do?? thanks for any help!
Last reply by dj_fader, -
Help...I've been sabotaged!
by Guest bacchus- 7 replies
Hey everyone...after a generous donation of some very nice seeds, I lovingly germinated them and potted them resulting in some very healthy looking seedlings in very quick time... There were doing so well, I was so happy....but then aarghhh!!!!! My partner, deciding to be involved in the process replaced the plastic covers (bottles) sometime last night and when asked informed me that the air had been let out this morning (to prevent rot and waterlogging), but lo' and behold I have just been to check them and the covers were still on.... :angry: Now with a bit of airng the leaves have yellowed and drooped and I fear that there is no hope.... Please, someone tell me I'm wr…
- 5 replies
I have 4 struggling seedlings with leaves turning to a light yellow colour. The plants also have stunted growth. I have no idea what is wrong.
Last reply by Green Finned Demon, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, Not really a problem or pest but I have 2 questions on 2 previous grows outdoors that untill now I have had no-one pot minded to share with. 1. A plant that was grown, (instead of having 2 leaves per junction) started from seed with 2, then 3, 4 and then continued with 5 leaves per junction and consequently had 5 sets of branches from each node up the main growing stem. The finnished buds were thicker but unfortunately lack of experience meant that smokability was not A+. I have read some stuff on polyploidy in plants and research suggests initial leaf deformation (in mj)but nothing like I experienced. Any ideas? 2. Another previous grow involved a seemingl…
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 4 replies
I found some little insects that look like small silverfish but black in colour. When I touch them, they curl up into a little ball and look like a large MJ seed. I found one munching on a germinated seed that was trying to get to the surface.
Last reply by Ferre, -
Curling Leafs
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 7 replies
Sup ppls.. basicly ive got my hands on sum clones an ive thrown them into the floodNdran and they dont seem to lapping up the nutes like they should there displaying curled leafs on the top.. can any1 help...? plus.. i just also repotted sum plants that ive growned from seed.. and one had dryed out.. heaps.. its it lost..? or can i trim back the dried leaves and make the plant healthy again... much respect Ele:
Last reply by OldmanMozz, -
- 0 replies
Well sorry growers out there, but do to new arrangments that i have made i will not be able to give out this report untill after i have discuss it with me new employers. sorry if this puts any one out, but i think you get by just fine with out it. ETA march 2003(end of the season)
Last reply by 4:20,