Pests and Diseases
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
537 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
We've been having a little war with the little bastards of late. Neem oil cuts the population down, but they breed back up in no time. I've been looking in to natural options. There's your Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis. The beneficial bacteria found in products like Gnat Off and Gnatrol. It seems that Bti is no longer available to the general public in Australia. I have found several mentions by different councils that use it for mosquito control, and I was informed that it stopped being stocked on Australian shelves about 2 years ago. I do not know what import/quarantine laws are involved if one was to buy it for overseas. Then we have Steinernema feltiae, a ben…
Last reply by ehle_fan, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hi all, just looking to get some advice from some experienced stoners / growers. I have a little bit of green moss growing on the surface of the coco in one of my 1.5 ltr seedling pots (100% coco grow), should I be looking at removing this or is it something that is harmless or maybe even beneficial to the grow medium? Cheers in advance Zen Budda
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 8 replies
After harvest I spotted these buggers all over the stems, I already suspected I had them as I'd spotted the ants that farm them earlier in the grow. Every grow I've ever done outdoors has suffered from Scale Aphids and now they're a hassle for my indoor grow. As far as I'm aware these are very difficult to remove, Ive been through the previous threads and found a few answers and was wondering if anyone had a definitive way of removing these buggers. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by ehle_fan, -
- 9 replies
I live in an area where autumn is usually very dry. This year is proving to be an exception. We have now had 2 nights and 2 days of non stop drizzle/rain although only about 120mm in total. Tomorrow is supposed to be clearing and mostly cloudy and we should finally see the sun on Saturday. Temps mid teens to low 20s. My remaining plants are within 0 - 3 weeks of harvest [i harvested 2 the day before this rain]. Is mold likely to occur under these conditions? I have been periodically shaking the branches to remove some of the water but I broke a branch this afternoon, so that's not ideal. Should I wait until plants dry out again before harvest or is it ok…
Last reply by crow, -
- 12 replies
Hi, I have tiny little flying insects in my tent, there aren't heaps of them but Im worried that if I leave it there will be after a while. I assume they are midge's but could be wrong. I have put up some sticky traps but they haven't been effective as yet. Any idea of what I should try? Preferably something available off the shelf at a hydro shop. Thanks!
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 11 replies
Hi, I am a first time grower with this lovely outdoor plant. Some of the large fan leaves are turning yellow and brown, and some of the smaller leaves have small white spots on them. The plant is 5 weeks in to flower. I have had a quick look and can't see any webs to indicate spider mites? Any suggestions on what could be causing this and how to treat this far in to flower? I did see a tiny cream insect on the underside of the small leaf photographed. What is best if it goes too far, do you pull the plant early or try and treat? Any help is greatly appreciated. I would be so sad to see my lady die prematurely!
Last reply by MrTrimbole, -
- 0 replies
Hi Forum. First Post unfortunately its because I’m having some troubles and not to show you how awesome my plants looking . I started noticing some spots on my plant about 5 weeks ago and little black things on the underside of the leaves. Which i had associated to Thrips in the past. Plant is getting worse rapidly, there is new leaves eaten every morning sometimes slim like snail slim and more and more spots on the leaves with undersides covered with little black and white things. What ive tried over 5 weeks is, first two weeks used Pyrethrum spray with no affect. Then a couple weeks trying soapy water to no avail. Last week i tried a product called eco Naturalure which …
Last reply by daone36, -
- 1 reply
I had to leave my plants for 11 days and during my absence one plant has succumbed to white fly. I have no experience so don't know whether it is a severe infestation or not. It is SSS Super Deluxe in the soil in the ground. She is probably 3 - 4 weeks into flower. I thoroughly watered plant before I left in the hopes of getting it through my absence where the temps were consistently 30 to 35 during the day 10 to 15 at night. From searching this forum I understand that the yellow sticky traps can be used to control the adult flies. I found another post suggesting Multicrop Eco Pest Oil. Given I'm not terribly partial to the idea of smoking white fly poo, does …
Last reply by MediKat, -
- 0 replies
Hey Stoners, Thought i would start another topic can not see one here for this sso here we go. Everyone hates bugs in there garden Right?. Well hate no longer my green growing friends because your friendly neighborhood cannabis protector is here. Im talking about Beneficial bugs for your grow room still not convinced well let me. I started my first grow (indoor) awhile back after i got sick i had never before seen a spidermite and i certainly was not aware of there insatiable appetite for cannabis (chlorophyll at least) and there ability to bring even the hardiest crops to its quivering knees. A bit far fetched ? The cannabis plant has many predat…
Last reply by Leeroyrips, -
- 6 replies
G'Day all What is the best way to get rid of black scale insects on my plants. I have tried "eco-oil" which is supposed to get rid of them but they have increased in number. My plants are all grown outdoors. Cheers Greybeard
Last reply by defluxtor, -
Best advice for removing gnats? I got a new seedling in the grow box so I am a bit worried about harsh pesticides. Any advice on removing them. Cheers
Last reply by Lenore, -
- 0 replies
Gday, You may have seen an earlier post about a pineapple chunk I have that was growing weird. I half gave up on it and put it outside. The leaves kept growing pretty strangely but it seemed to be improving over time and it was starting to look more normal and quite healthy. In the past 3-4 days I noticed the new growth had a definite dirty pinkish streaks showing in it. I thought it was a good thing to start and that it was going to look all exotic but as it grew more I noticed it has tiny holes where the colour was and the colour was turning brown and dead like. Under close up, the cells of the leaves seem to be growing all messed up as well, instead of long r…
Last reply by jez1, -
Spider mites! 1 2
by Musashin-
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Hi guys, I appear to have some unwanted guests in my grow box. I'm assuming they're spider mites because they're basically everywhere and breeding quickly, I also have fine web around the branches. I've done some research on the best way to deal with these but can't seem to find any solid information (every place suggests something different). How do you guys deal with spider mites? I'm still in vegetation, was hoping to go flower in the next week or two. I hear they're a real bitch to get rid of, I am hoping they don't eat my whole grow.
Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
Has anyone ever come across small white worms in their germinating seeds? Thats what I'm finding in mine when I squeeze them open. Some seeds smell really off. Can anyone help with this?
Last reply by SativaLover, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
My baby is 5days old and something wrong with it:(This is my first time growing cannabis i need your help guys
Last reply by fpok, -