Cannabis Law and Politics
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Have you seen there policys? truly sickening. I even went on the forum and they had threads about killing gay people, because the bible told them so
Last reply by Alistero, -
with the election coming up i would really like to know who is supporting weed and plans to atleast make it a bit easier for all us smokers out there? i sure as hell know US ass kissin johnny bush howard has no intention of ever helping the australian public with weed + even if he says that he will, he has lied to the australian public that much who would be dumb enough to believe a word that fucker says ??? not me and i will never vote for him or a party who wants some bullshit artist like johnny bush howard as the leader of this country.... so far im undecided about my decision, but latham has my vote as he has pissed johnny off something awefull + has admitted …
Last reply by Pickle, -
Hey guys. complete Newbie here. My mate shared round some special cookies and got me hooked. Thought i would try baking for myself. I'm about to go shopping for ingredients and am just wondering how much you should pay for 5oz of leaf/tip. im a bit suspicious of the guy cuz he knos im new at this and might charge me for my ignorance. any advice or prices welcome. ps. i love this site. you people are dudes
Last reply by INDICAtive, -
- 3 replies
Hey, I was just wondering if it's legal to purchase bongs, or even less incriminating stuff such as conepieces, pipes, grinders etc online [from aus stores] - especially in NSW if you know. And if it is illegal to buy them what would happen if i did and they found it...would i get in trouble, or would they just smash it all up and not send it to me?. or send it to me smashed up. . im not so much scared of the government just that itll not be my credit card, and i dont want her in shit. yes, its ok she will know im using it. im sick of having to smoke through friends cigs. -thanks.... ... :sly
Last reply by INDICAtive, -
- 4 replies
Hi gentlemen... Drop by our website at and see what is new in Canada and around the World regarding Marijuana. I average 2-3 Interviews a week and have for over four years on the issue of Cananbis as medicine..... Check out my latest out this week... Love and stuff, Ali xx Or come and see us at our website for Present and Retired Law Enforcement/Corrections and help us fight the War on Drugs at Love to have you on board... :thumbsup See you here... :-D Love and a Squish, Alison Myrden Federal Medical Marijuana Exemptee in Canada We need YOU ! …
Last reply by F420, -
by Guest niall- 1 reply
(content by John Jiggens, author of Marijuana Australiana) As a founder of HEMP (Help End Marijuana Prohibition) and a former HEMP candidate, I am writing to explain why I have resigned from the HEMP party and why I am urging voters in NSW who support drug law reform to vote for John Kaye and the Greens and not HEMP in the coming Federal election. Many New South Wales voters no doubt giggled when they heard that the HEMP Party had stuffed up their voting ticket. What HEMP NSW are not admitting is how monumental their stuff-up is. The preference tickets issued by the NSW HEMP Party are out there in the outer-stratosphere of incompetence. They have nothing to do with …
Last reply by Pickle, -
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Did anyone see Meet the Press? Theres a bit discussing marijuana.. Full transcript here ...
Last reply by Alistero, -
- 1 reply
I'm from the UK and our government is absolutely under the thumb of G DUBYA and his stupid stance on cannabis is yours the same? :smoke
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Hey guys I was sent this and requested to post it up please have a read OPEN LETTER TO HEMP PARTY MEMBERS AND VOTERS We are writing to inform you that in the last minute frenzy of preference dealing we may have made a mistake in attempting to maximise our prospects in the NSW Senate Election. In the 2001 election we received over 35,000 votes so this time the phone didn't stop ringing from people who usually never want to talk to us and we tripped up in a moment of election fever! There is a possibility that our 'above the line' preferences may end up with a party which is not supportive of our aims. Since that chance exists we are asking you to vote for HEMP 'belo…
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 15 replies
Ok fellow Ozstoners I’ve really had the shits with these shit laws up here, not only in Queensland but the rest of the country. It’s 12.08am on a Thursday morning and has received a phone call from my niece Skye who face court yesterday in Inala Queensland for the possession of a cone and copped a $250.00 fine and got a conviction for it. So big Uncle Don’t Panic has had enough. Bloody Child Molesters get less up here. So now its time I started my shit, I call on All Ozstoners to email me, and supply me the reason as to why Mj should be legalized or at least decriminalized. Please none of this because I get high and love the feeling. What I need is the hard facts, …
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
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Premier Bob Carr indicated that NSW will allow the "compassionate use" of cannabis for patients who did not respond to conventional pain relief drugs, but stated it was not a move to legalise marijuana. A two-year trial would allow people with chronic pain to grow up to five marijuana plants without fear of prosecution. The Opposition Leader, Mrs Kerry Chikarovski, was concerned with the "much understated" side-effects of cannabis while the National Party Leader, Mr Souris, said Mr Carr was "off on his next drug liberalisation adventure". from
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
E-mail Reply I got from Mark Lathems website about Labor's drug policy. Hope this is useful
Last reply by Chev, -
- 1 reply
Johnny Marky Satanic Liberal Party Anonymous flame mail generator Keating insults The Official unOfficial John Howard Website
Last reply by Chev, -
- 3 replies
In recent months i have heard so many different things about the new laws in WA about marijuana. Everyone seems to have a different interpretation on the laws. I know that a fines and education system has been introduced, but what specifically does that mean. I know i still cant legally smoke weed, but what does it change if i get caught? -Peace
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 7 replies
:angry: they make me mad because there's no actual harm in that it helps out it keeps me goin and it's a good get together with friends and just fuckin toke damnit peace :angry:
Last reply by charbono,