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yes you can be fined but generaly those that are fined have been enrolled before I have never enrolled to vote because none of them are worth voting for, when things change my mind will aswell mabey but untill I see someone who is not just there spinning the shit their party followers want them to say to get votes I don't think any of them deserves my vote
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Labour had a write up in my local paper saying that they are planning to stomp out Illegal drugs inclu MJ.

That sucks :peace: I don't think either major parties have vastly different drug policies, so I will put Greens first, and Nationals last. Pauline hanson can have sex and travel for all I care lol The others can go somewhere in between, but I'll still probably put Labour over Liberal. Only coz I can't stand the libs ::P:

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i have not yet gained an australian citizen ship though i have been here since 1990, but i wish i had so i could NOT vote for jon howard. I have strong feelings on the environment , and australia's non involvement in the kyoto agreement. This would have only been my second to to vote had i got off my arse and got a citizenship, but i regret not getting it know. Also , are geen preferences going to labour, and is this because of labours environmental policy. I think are current government is too conservative, i feel this country is going backwards. actually it's probably the whole world thats going backwards!!



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you dont need to enrol...


fuck voting, waste of fuckin time... some faggot politician always gets in anyways...


Your mentality is why the "faggot politician" gets in.


I've always voted Liberal personally, this is because generally in Global Economics they kick ass with their policies, and having the career I do, for me that's a good thing.




I also believe that the Lib's run down our "local" issues, i.e. Education, Healthcare and the like. This generally happens when they are elected for successive terms and start to take their populace less seriously.


This Election, I'm going to vote Greens, with Democrats next on my list, I'm doing this to let the major parties know I'm not happy with either of them, we need to start being less conservative while our Economy is good, release the purse strings and start focusing on our Nation and how to build it further - i.e. We need to start the "Australian Empire", after the USA, has their turn, and China and India go, we should be fighting to be next in line. I believe this CAN happen, but only if Howard's Government are not re-elected this vote, currently the world is too focused on maintaining the Status Quo, things need to be shaken up.


Being a high income earner, I'm aware of the fact that if someone other than the Libs gets in for the next term, taxes and interest rates will probably rise, I don't mind taking the hit to pay for it, providing its used to better the condition of the Australian People... and not wasted on giving the baby-boomer generation a cushy retirement.


Just my 2c.


-- Eikel.

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If you want to buck the system or stick it to the man, instead of writing 'fuck you' why not just cast a vote for a party that supports legalisation/decriminalisation?


You can give the polititians you don't like a big slap in the face or you can let them laugh at you for wasting the only tiny bit of power you have.


Some protest, it will probably never be seen by anyone but some vote counter who will screw it up and throw it in the bin while counting votes for john howard.


Thanks for your support.

Edited by Medicineman
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i got to bloody vote bugga well get my name marked off, draw a big F@#k YoU on the huge sheet they want u to fill out and put it in the box on the way out, sounds like fun.  :peace:  lol  :hang:  :stretcher:


Why not vote Greens then? Don't just throw away your vote, you've come all that way to avoid a fine, just stick a "1" in the Greens' box and then you can walk out, it'll take one more second of your day, and it's for a good cause. Why not?

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